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Character Concepts


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Exquisite Dead Guy said:
I can see it now - a dwarf walks out of the mine, his face streaked with dirt as he turns to face the camera and says:
"I never wanted to do this job in the first place!
I... I wanted to be...


Sorry, couldn't resist! :lol:

Yes, I have been dealing with other funny things while developing the concept. Monty Python's Lumberjack song always pops in my mind.

A lot of Canadian Lumberjack stereotypes come to mind as well, and that brings SCTV beer dudes to mind (Bob & Doug).

The idea of a Mounted Goblin 'knight' sounds fun as well, although I imagine a Wolf/Worg rider myself... maybe a race specific PRC is in order for that one - I think Wizbangdustyboots was working on such.

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A centaur with Horseshoes of the Zephyr, no idea what class I'd want to tack onto that...

Janni weapon master (quarterstaff)

I'd love to revisit the halfling druid/master of many forms I did for a one shot adventure, that was a lot of paperwork but a lot of fun.

Warforged Psion (shaper)/astral construct focused Prc from Complete Psionic (can't remember the name) with a wand of mirror image.

As far as non-D&D characters I've been itching to play a telekinetic super hero and a duplicating-mimic super hero


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I've been itching to play a good swashbuckling character. It just sounds like it could be a fun time. But two things have kept me from it.

First, I really dont like any combination of classes. Several have some good things, but lots of junk, and none of them mesh well. Very frustrating.

The second problem is that none of our group who DMs ever runs a type of campaign where a swashbucker would really work. They're not well suited to dungeon crawls or taking on Hydras and other massive monsters.

Maybe one of thes days. I can dream right?


In a super's game:
A character who takes control of electonic devices. I tried to do this in champions, but it was one of the few ideas that were hard to pull off in that system. Mind control generally had problems for smart devices because there generally had huge resistances to mind control. And because the _effect_ varies (short it out, cause someone to stop flying, get the computer to give you information) Champions didn't handle it very well.

Ah well, one of my best ideas for a super character...



An elven fighter. Just an elven fighter, wearing good armor, with a longsword, longbow, and etc. who is just really good at what he does. Sometimes he says elvish-type things to the humans, emphasizing his different perspective on things.

I haven't played an elven fighter since 1993.


Staff member
A character who takes control of electonic devices. I tried to do this in champions, but it was one of the few ideas that were hard to pull off in that system. Mind control generally had problems for smart devices because there generally had huge resistances to mind control. And because the _effect_ varies (short it out, cause someone to stop flying, get the computer to give you information) Champions didn't handle it very well.

What version were you using?

I did the same basic thing as part of a PC's suite of powers in Hero 4Ed, no problemo. It DID require using some limitations, however.

Some of the things I used to get the power level high enough were putting it in an EC that was part of the guy's power armor (IIF) , and requiring programming/"hacking" skill rolls to see if the PC commanded the target properly. Heck, just making the mind control powers work only on artificial intelligences led to significant power boots at cut rates.


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I have a few character concepts that I'm interested in.

I want to play a Kobold Dragon Disciple. It would be extremely cute and friendly. It would like being scratched under the chin. It would have an adorable familiar.

If I ever play a Wizard, it will be a half orc that dresses like a stereotypical Barbarian(but without any armor) and carries around a club. No one would expect the hulking half orc to be skilled in the arcane arts.

I might want to try a Barbarian/Bard. Barbarian tribes can have oral traditions and songs. The Barbarian might decide to travel and learn more about the tribal legends. perhaps, tribal legends could be spread to beyond the tribe.

If I ever play in a Ravenloft campaign, then I will want to play a Caliban Bard. He would the the youngest son of a composer, and a fairly accomplished opera singer. Opera buffs would know of him as "The Caliban Castrato".

I would like to play a male drow, who escaped the Underdark because he started riots. He would a crusader for Masculine Equality. He would give long empassioned speeches on how males are oppressed. "Lack of a womb does not make me inferior!"

I want to play a Ninja and have it go into the Dread Pirate prestige class. That way it will be a Ninja-Pirate.


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Some good ideas in this thread.

I would love to play any character using the champion class by Rich Burlew. I think playing a superhero-type character in a fantasy setting would be quite a unique experience. About a year ago I had a concept in mind for a champion with a LN Mechanus-related avatar, but never had the chance to play it.

I want to play a Ninja and have it go into the Dread Pirate prestige class. That way it will be a Ninja-Pirate.

I actually had a changeling ninja/psychic warrior in my most recent campaign who was aiming for the dread pirate PRC (very strange but very cool character). Unfortunately, the player left after an out-of-game conflict with another player and I never saw it happen. What a story that would have made, though!


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A non-stealth, non-magic using diplomat type character.

When I was doing chargen for a recent game, I had this in mind and tried to tinker around with it. I was thinking Elven Rogue. Half of it was cool: I could call sneak attack something like "elven swordplay training". And a high Use Magic Device skill would translate to arcane study. However what I did not like is the reliance on tumbling/balancing/sneaking that come with rogues. Also the evasion ability. Those didn't fit my character concept, so I canned that character and ended up with a half-orc monk.


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I have always wanted to play a desert based Half-giant, Paladin of Freedom/Barbarian. He would wear leather armor, use a lance in mounted combat, and a falchion in melee, also would have a composite shortbow.

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