Character Submission Thread


First Post
LOL! So what happens when you throw a country boy, whose encounters thus far are limited to humans, and may be a sparse (half)elf or three, and throw him into The Dunn Wright Inn?

Edited to add: I'm picturing how tightly he must be gripping this mug. Is it metal or ceramic? With his strength, there may be a chance for him to actually do damage to the poor thing...
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
LOL! So what happens when you throw a country boy, whose encounters thus far are limited to humans, and may be a sparse (half)elf or three, and throw him into The Dunn Wright Inn?

Edited to add: I'm picturing how tightly he must be gripping this mug. Is it metal or ceramic? With his strength, there may be a chance for him to actually do damage to the poor thing...

probably tin or wood. is that
I just heard now?


First Post
If it's any consolation, Erin lived in a tower with a gnome her entire life. So pretty much everyone is new to her. And now merpeople! ^.^


Reviewing Kepli Stormborn

Mechanical Comments:
- There are no mechanical errors in this character.
- Her description infers she has skill in fishing as a rather industrial pursuit, but it is not reflected in the skills. Perhaps something to pick up at level 2.

Other Comments:
- She's a short Aasamar in the same way Tamarie is a short half elf.
- I liked the reskinning of Raven into Gull. It's a great, and often overlooked, way of making a character your own.

Everything is good here. STAMP! Kepli has her first APPROVAL of two.


Thanks, Aura.

The idea with the fishing is that though she was raised by fisherfolk and probably worked alongside them for a while she probably didn't do it long enough to really learn it as a profession before being apprenticed to a priest or oracle. As for the height, that was an artifact of the first iteration where she was an aasimar of halfling descent. The whole small-but-not-small thing was just a bit too bothersome so I changed it to an aasimar of the normal sort. I made a roll and edited her height so she's a bit closer to normal now.


No worries. I sometimes make non-mechanical comments as both food for thought and because the discussion can be interesting unto itself. If you prefer her taller, definitely go with that. I understand the whole iteration issue--character artifacts sometimes come from that. The thought process from the previous iteration was similar to what I was using with Tamarie: height based on descent.


Aszar Kzolp review

1) The value of your items comes to 98.5 gold. This should leave you 51 gold 5 silver instead of the total you have on your sheet. I notice you have a light horse but none of the gear necessary to ride a horse, such as saddle, bit & bridle, etc. I would recommend a saddle and you might need an exotic saddle.

2) The weight of your 5 spears is incorrect throwing off your carried weight. A spear weighs 6 lbs so five of them are a hefty 30 pounds of weight. That puts carried weight at 54 lbs. Unfortunately, carrying capacity isn't listed. That should be added.

3) The finances block just shows coins carried. I'm not sure if you copied the template from an older character or deleted part of it. The part that is missing helps judges when they do the character checking at level up.

General Comments:

4) I notice all your weapons are two-handed or ranged. I would recommend something like a dagger, just in case you get grappled.

5) Characters that rarely speak and keep to themselves are difficult for others to roleplay with as they don't often give other characters anything to react to. I would ask that you reconsider this, at least for those characters you adventure with.

Gold total and weight carried (#1 & 2) should be fixed. I couldn't do it as I was checking it because for some reason I am unable to edit template boxes from my work computer. Sorry. #3 would be helpful to be restored to the template base but isn't vital at this moment (it will have to be added at the end of your first adventure). The other things are suggestions/recommendations.

So, a couple of minor fixes. NOT YET APPROVED.

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