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characters for Black Sails over Freeport

Karl Green

First Post
Sorry all... after some thought I am going for LESS house rules. Just to make it simple Simple is good for me and you Anyway the stuff for NPC and treasure remains the same... AND I would not mind if spellcaster would multiclass so I will leave that stuff in there... Also I sort of like the Corruption/Taint rules from Oriental Adventure so I will still be using some of that... otherwise...ALSO I upped the d4 hit points to 3 points a level, just cause that is the nice thing to do

OK then Black Sails over Freeport Character Creation

Character Creation.

5th level.
32 points Attribute buying (remember the +1 stat at 4th level).
Hit Points – max at first level, then d4 =3; d6 =4, d8 =6, d10 =8, d12 =10 hit points each level after.
4000 gold pieces in starting funds (NOTE you will have 2d6 gold pieces to start the game; any funds you do not spend out of your starting wealth will be lost).
All classes and races from the PHB 3.5 are allowed. Classes from the Complete Warrior area also allowed. Prestige classes found in the DMG 3.5 and the CW are also allowed EXCEPT for Forgotten Realms specific ones (Red Wizards, Purple Knights and one or two others I can't remember right now). I might allow them with changes so ask first.
Multiclassing Spell-casters: I think I would prefer pure spellcasters (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer and Wizards) to take a level or two in some other non pure spellcasting class. This will limit the upper powered spells I think in a good way. BUT to help compensate a bit, the number of spells you can cast a day will be your total character level. This will not let you cast higher level spells, only additional spells (i.e. a 3rd level wizard/2nd level fighter would be able to cast four cantrips, three 1st level and two 2nd level spells). Wizards learn one additional spell each time they take a non-wizard level and sorcerers learn their spells at their total character level (but again can’t cast higher level spells until they reach they Sorcerers level needed). I will allow exceptions to this though… Elves can always be full level Wizards or Sorcerers (and the Elf’s preferred classes now should be Wizards and Sorcerer). And Humans can also have full levels in any of these classes, just because they are Humans.
Limit on magical items (mostly from limiting your starting wealth, but no more then a couple potions or scrolls people).
The gods worshipped in this world are those found in the Player’s Handbook. Freeport also has its patron god of Pirates and Privateers called Harrimast (CN; priest: any Chaotic; Spheres - Air, Travel, War, Water; Favored Weapon: Cutlass)
Alignment – any nonevil.

Magic is rare but potent

First NPC spellcaster are rare(r). I will be modifying most of the NPC listed as spellcasters to either non-spellcaster or maybe Adepts or maybe just lowering their level. Also for NPC spellcaster, metamagical and creations feats will either be disallowed or will be rare… in most cases. There are some magical items that I really do like (like the Figure Heads mounted onto ships that might give them some magical effects) that I will continue and might make cheaper only because they add favor.

The Player Characters; being the exceptional people that they are will still be able to take normal classes and can take any creation feat or metamagic feat. I would ask that you limit them somewhat to better fit the world but with a good reason I can accept most.

I will also reduce the amount of magic given out as treasure. The PCs must rely more on mundane equipment, or take the time to make their own magic items. Remember that I will look at CR ratings of monsters and will watch this close.

Lastly, evil spells and necromantic spells (save a few) cause taint, ala OA. If you have one of these spells and cast it I will start to let you know about what happens

Brief World Info
(note that I am big fan of the Warhammer world, so my world will have a bit of that feel, so any similarities are strictly intentional)

Freeport is situated around this world’s equator, on a chain of islands fairly far from any large land mass. Founded as a pirate haven almost 800 years ago, in the last two hundred years it has transformed itself to a hub of trading and commerce. The Old World is to the west, about 10 days away by sailing ship. It is homeland to Humans, Halflings, Dwarves, Wood Elves, Gnomes and all manner of Orc-Kind. There are a fairly large number of different independent nations here, with early renaissance, late-middle ages feel to them. Feudalism is dying, and merchants and traders, guilds and craftsmen are coming into their own. Cities have grown in importance, and travel and exploration is all the rage. South of these nations are the lands of the desert princes (many nations and city states). Great traders in silk and spices, they a proud and courteous people. It is said that farther west, perhaps another month or so of sailing is the land of Khaina, and exotic land of mystics said to be ruled by dragons and living gods. To the northwest, about 3 weeks sailing is a set of large islands (England/Ireland sized, but 4 or 5 total) with a strong Norsemen feel, called Northolt. They tend to raid throughout the seas in their dragonships. To the northeast about a two weeks away is a huge island called Tir na Quin, the elven sea-nation. The elves pry the seas in the eloquent ships that often have a bird or fish motif and are great traders and explorers. They island is off-limits to all non-elves (and dark elves) but they freely trade with anyone… just else where. Another two weeks farther northeast is Darnekk na Quin, a desolate land of rock and ice, home to the Dark Sidhe Quin, the Dark Elves. Totally evil to the bone and without mercy to all but their own race, the too pry the seas… but in black ships, looking for plunder, slaves and slaughter. To the east, about four weeks away is the newly discovered continent of Luseena. The lands here are mostly jungles and rainforests, filled with strange monsters and natural resources undreamed of by the old world.

The Cutlass is a curved sword with a hand guard added… it adds +2gp to the price of a sword and adds +½ lbs and +2 to resist disarm rolls (otherwise treat as normal).

Firearms have been introduced within the last 20 years to Freeport although they have not really caught on until the last 5 or 6 years. If anyone is interested and does not have the book, they require a Firearms Feat (allowing you to use all types of firearms), generally take 3 rounds to reload. They do fairly good damage, and only metal armor adds ½ its Armor Class protection against them (nonmetal armors offer no AC protection). I don’t not bring the book today so tomorrow I will post a few more facts about them.

I am pretty easy when it comes to how you want to post your character. However you feel comfortable doing BUT I have to be able to see all the information so be complete.

You can look at some free stuff for Freeport here...


Oh yea last but not least... I really like the ideas of Convent Items (from Midnight) or “leveling items”… basically an magical items that increases in power as you do… but that it unique to you and you along. How I think I am going to do this… choice an item (be it magical or not) that you wish to have this ability to infuses it with something of yourself. It could be a family heirloom, an ancestral weapon, etc. And give me a very brief description of what you think it should do and where it should grow. I will let you know what each one does and if with time, what additional powers it will have.

If you choice an item that is magical, it will have additional properties, and as you go up in levels it will gain additional abilities/magical effects. If you choice a non-magical item it will have magical properties and will also grow in power but maybe not as fast or in the same way as a magical one would BUT it will NOT generally show up as being magical. Certain higher level detects will be required to see that it is indeed magical.

The reason for this of course is that you don't just discard your family sword or sheild +1 as soon as you get a +2 item, etc.
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Karl Green

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More History and Facts on Freeport…

Basic Timeline of Freeport and some extra notes...

Basic Timeline
800 years ago: the future city of Freeport is founded on the island of A’Val.
370 years ago: the Golden Age of Piracy begins
200 years ago: Drac and Francisco (the two most powerful pirates in Freeport at the time) lead the “Great Raid” (huge pirate attacks against the mainland)
190 years ago: Civil War in Freeport; Drac betrays Captain Francisco and becomes the sole ruler of the city. He forms the Captains Council, a strictly advisory board of other pirate captains and important people in the city.
160 years ago: Drac dies and is succeeded by Captain Cromey.
128 years ago: Manipulated by Antonio Grossette, the Sea Lord Corliss increases the Captains Council to 12 members.
105 years ago: Marquetta becomes the fourth Sea Lord, and the first woman to hold the post.
104 years ago: Back Alley War begins as a power struggle between the Sea Lord and the Thieves Guild.
101 years ago: Sea Lord Marquetta wins the Back Ally War and the Thieves Guild is wiped out.
50 years ago: Marten Drac becomes the Sea Lord, nearly bankrupting Freeport; institute the Drac succession law (only someone who can prove that they are a descendent of Captain Drac can be the Sea Lord).
36 years ago: Anton Drac succeeds Marten and repairs much of the damage. Crucially he does not reply the succession law.
11 years ago: Anton Drac assassinated by unknown forces; Milton Drac becomes the Sea Lord of Freeport.
10 years ago: Construction begins on the Lighthouse of Drac (called Milton’s Folly by the city folk as it is extremely expensive and takes years to build).
this year: Lighthouse completed; Milton Drac goes insane and is killed along with three on the Captains Council; the succession crisis begins…

Equipment Price Note: the Spyglass cost 100gp

Firearm Basics: require Weapon Proficiency (firearms). It takes 3 rounds to reload any firearm. The feat Firearm Drill prereq DEX13, allows you to reduce the time it takes by one round; can be taken twice). Black power horns sell for 50gp for 2lbs. It takes one ounce of powered for all pistols, muskets and musketoons. Grenade Launchers require two ounces, and swivel guns require four ounces.
Dragon FP (500gp, dam 2d8, crit 20/x3, Rng 20ft, Wt 4lb, Type P) ammo shots (10) 3gp, 2 lbs
Privateer FP (400gp, dam 2d6, crit 20/x3, Rng 30ft, Wt 3lbs Type P) ammo shots (10) 3gp, 2 lbs
Stinger FP (100gp, dam 2d4, crit 20/x3. Rng 10ft, Wt 1lb, Type P) ammo shots (10) 2gp, 1 lb
Gorgon GG (500gp, dam 3d6, crit 20/x3, Rng 50ft, Wt 10lbs, Type P) ammo shots (10) 3gp, 2 lbs
Medusa GG* (750gp, dam 1d12, crit 20/x2, Rng Special, Wt. 8lbs, Type P) ammo shots (10) 6gp, 3 lbs
*sort of a shotgun, allowing it to hit multiple targets.
Harpy GG* (650gp, dam 2d6*, crit 20/x2, Rng 30ft, Wt 7lbs, Type P) ammo grenade (1) 25gp, 1 lb
*has splash and area effect for blast.
Titan GG* (1,500gp, dam 2d12, crit 20/x2, Rng special, Wt 25lbs, Type P) ammo shots (10) 15gp, 12 lbs
*limited area affect spray.

Accessories: Aiming Stock (4gp, adds +1 to attack roll), Spring-Loading Bayonet (5gp, acts as a short spear)
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First Post
I really wouldn't advise messing with spellcasting in such a huge scale, unless you know what you are doing. :)

Just compare Wizard and Sorcerer. Wizards have bonus feats, faster access to higher spells and can learn virtually any spell in existance. They get fewer spells per day, but if you add up the numbers (for a specialist Wizard), then you'll realize, that they don't get that much fewer spells per day than a Sorcerer, really.

Now, if you let Wizards cast all those spells spontaneously, like Sorcerers do, you make the Sorcerer class completely pointless.

If you add spontaneous casting to Clerics and Druids without SERIOUSLY limiting their spell selections, you make any other class completely pointless. ;)



First Post
Ok, Karl, I've got my first take on my character, Torren Blackquill. I am not quite sure on several things:

1) Torren is a wizard. I wasn't sure how many spells I should have in my book. I took a few more than the minimum. If you want me to cut them back let me know.

2) I have Craft(Alchemy) skills and want to own an Alchemists' lab. Is that OK? It's not on my sheet because I won't very well be travelling with it. Do I need to detail every single possession I have, even if I won't be carrying them? I have plenty of money left.

3) Along the same line, I want to be pretty well established in Freeport. I'd like to have a house or flat (or whatever) unless you say otherwise. How would I handle that with my starting wealth?

I can't get the stinking thing to post correctly. I'll keep working on it and get it to you tomorrow.

Karl Green

First Post
JimAde said:
Ok, Karl, I've got my first take on my character, Torren Blackquill. I am not quite sure on several things:

1) Torren is a wizard. I wasn't sure how many spells I should have in my book. I took a few more than the minimum. If you want me to cut them back let me know.

Generally if you are a 5th level Wizard you would have: all Cantrips (unless you are a specialist), five +INT mod 1st level spells, four 2nd level spells and two 3rd level spells. If you want to have a few additional ones that's cool but if you want a lot, you should purchase them as scrolls and I would assume they are ok then.

2) I have Craft(Alchemy) skills and want to own an Alchemists' lab. Is that OK? It's not on my sheet because I won't very well be travelling with it. Do I need to detail every single possession I have, even if I won't be carrying them? I have plenty of money left.

3) Along the same line, I want to be pretty well established in Freeport. I'd like to have a house or flat (or whatever) unless you say otherwise. How would I handle that with my starting wealth?

If you purchase the lab I will throw in a modest house for free, more then likely in the East District OR on the edge of Drac's End by the Freeport Institute (lots of scholars types there). You don't need to put down EVERYTHING you own; I will assume you have "stuff" at your home. Just so long as you have what you carry written out that's cool. Now if in the middle of the adventure you want to return home to grab your ten spyglasses I’m going to say no :) (BTW the spyglass is only 100gp in Freeport)

I can't get the stinking thing to post correctly. I'll keep working on it and get it to you tomorrow.

Cool whenever you can get it...


First Post
Karl Green said:
Generally if you are a 5th level Wizard you would have: all Cantrips (unless you are a specialist), five +INT mod 1st level spells, four 2nd level spells and two 3rd level spells. If you want to have a few additional ones that's cool but if you want a lot, you should purchase them as scrolls and I would assume they are ok then.
Actually, I'm including one level of rogue, so no third-level spells for me. Otherwise, I think this is exactly what I did, coincidentally.

Karl Green said:
If you purchase the lab I will throw in a modest house for free, more then likely in the East District OR on the edge of Drac's End by the Freeport Institute (lots of scholars types there). You don't need to put down EVERYTHING you own; I will assume you have "stuff" at your home. Just so long as you have what you carry written out that's cool. Now if in the middle of the adventure you want to return home to grab your ten spyglasses I’m going to say no :) (BTW the spyglass is only 100gp in Freeport)
I will list special at-home stuff (like the lab) separately, and make sure I don't spend all the 4,000 GP. I'll leave at least a few hundred un-spent to represent the house. I'd love it if the house was near the Institute! This guy is an adventurer/scholar type who likes to go out and find new knowledge. Sort of Indiana Jones meets Captain Blood.

Karl Green

First Post
JimAde said:
Actually, I'm including one level of rogue, so no third-level spells for me. Otherwise, I think this is exactly what I did, coincidentally.

I will list special at-home stuff (like the lab) separately, and make sure I don't spend all the 4,000 GP. I'll leave at least a few hundred un-spent to represent the house. I'd love it if the house was near the Institute! This guy is an adventurer/scholar type who likes to go out and find new knowledge. Sort of Indiana Jones meets Captain Blood.

Great!!! I look forward to seeing him.


First Post
Torren Blackquill

Medium-size Male Human
Rogue 1/Wizard(Transmuter) 4
Forbidden schools: Enchantment and Illusion

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Dice: (1d6)+(4d4)+10
Hit Points: 28
Initiative: +3
AC: 13

Attacks: Rapier +6 OR Dagger +6 OR Thrown Dagger +5 OR Touch/Ray +5
Damage: Rapier 1d6 OR Dagger 1d4

Special Qualities: +2 bonus to Spellcraft when learning Transmutation, Sneak Attack +1d6, Summon Familiar, Trapfinding

Saves Fortitude: +3, Reflex: +6, Will: +2

Str 10 (+0)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 8 (-1)
Cha 14 (+2)

Skills (Ranks)
Balance +7 (4)
Bluff +6 (4)
Climb +4 (4)
Concentration +7 (5)
Craft (Alchemy) +9 (6)
Decipher Script +7 (4)
Diplomacy +5 (3)
Hide +7 (4)
Jump +4 (4)
Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (2)
Knowledge (History) +5 (2)
Knowledge (Local) +5 (2)
Knowledge (Religion) +5 (2)
Move Silently +7 (4)
Profession (Sailor) +3 (4)
Spellcraft +9 (6)
Swim +4 (4)
Tumble +7 (4)
Use Rope +7 (4)

Alertness (From familiar)
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Combat Expertise
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Scribe Scroll
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Weapon Finesse

Filcher Handsign

Spells Known

Level 0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue

Level 1: Alarm, Animate Rope, Feather Fall, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Shocking Grasp, True Strike

Level 2: Cat's Grace, Protection from Arrows, Spider Climb, Web

Spells Prepared (available are in bold):

Level 0: Acid Splash, Light, Message*, Prestidigitation, Touch of Fatigue

Level 1: Animate Rope*, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp, True Strike

Level 2: Cat's Grace*, Protection from Arrows, Spider Climb, Web

*Specialist Wizard bonus spell


[font=Courier New]Cost	Weight	Item [/font]
[font=Courier New]----	------	------------------------------[/font]
[font=Courier New]640	 2 	 The Black Quill (Masterwork Rapier, Cold Iron)[/font]
[font=Courier New]8	 4	 4 Daggers[/font]
[font=Courier New]604	 1	 1 Dagger (Masterwork, Cold Iron)[/font]
[font=Courier New]50	 8	 Heavy Crossbow[/font]
[font=Courier New]5	 5	 49 Bolts[/font]
[font=Courier New]1	 1	 Bedroll (paid extra for comfort)[/font]
[font=Courier New]2	 2	 Backpack[/font]
[font=Courier New]100	 1	 Spyglass[/font]
[font=Courier New]250	 -	 4 vials of antitoxin[/font]
[font=Courier New]4	 2	 2 Sunrods[/font]
[font=Courier New]600	 -	 1 potion of Cure Moderate Wounds[/font]
[font=Courier New]50	 -	 50 Tindertwigs[/font]
[font=Courier New]5	 2	 Spell Components Pouch[/font]
[font=Courier New]15	 3	 Spell Book[/font]
[font=Courier New]4	 2	 4 Scroll cases[/font]
[font=Courier New]225	 -	 Scroll: Protection From Arrows (X3)[/font]
[font=Courier New][font=Courier New]13	 -	 Scroll: Alarm[/font]
[font=Courier New]		 33 lbs. normally carried by me while travelling[/font]
			Big leather bag (easily dropped)[/font]
[font=Courier New][font=Courier New]16	 8	 5 Sunrods[/font]
[font=Courier New]150	 5	 3 Thunderstones[/font]
[/font][font=Courier New]5	 5	 3 days' Travelling rations [/font]
[font=Courier New]					 (paid extra for good flavor)[/font]
[font=Courier New]75	 -	 Light riding horse[/font]
[font=Courier New]10	 25	 Saddle[/font]
[font=Courier New]4	 8	 Saddlebags[/font]
[font=Courier New]3	 12	 3 Travelling outfits[/font]
[font=Courier New]60	 12	 2 Fine outfits (courtier's)[/font]
[font=Courier New]6	 3	 6 Scroll Cases[/font]
[font=Courier New]7	 -	 Scroll: Detect magic[/font]
[font=Courier New]65	 -	 Scroll: Identify[/font]
[font=Courier New]		 --[/font]
[font=Courier New]		 78 lbs. normally carried by my horse or [/font]
[font=Courier New]				left on ship while travelling[/font]
[font=Courier New]Equipment and stuff at home[/font]
[font=Courier New]500 - Alchemist's Lab[/font]
[font=Courier New]500 Library (represents both my collection and writing/bookmaking materials)[/font]
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First Post
Curse the formatting! If you can't read my equipment list let me know. here's the bio:

In the duchy of Vezenia there lived two very different brothers. Borias and Dathan Blackquill. While Dathan was thoughtful, cautious and thorough, Borias was careless, reckless and charming. Dathan sought to expand the family's business through sound practice and smart investment, whil Borias took to a life on the high seas. He was a privateer (some would say pirate) and he sought fame, fortune and glory wherever he could find it. He was reputed to have defeated a Fey prince in a duel at sea. Not surprisingly, Borias vanished under mysterious circumstances, leaving to his brother all his worldly possessions, including his ship and his blade. Both were, perhaps inevitably, called The Black Quill.

Dathan put the sword on pegs in his study and forgot about it. But he put the ship to good use, making it the first of what would eventually be a three ship trading fleet. With this leg up he built his business into a minor Vezenian power. He married a highly respectable lady of the minor nobility and they had a son, Torren.

Torren, it seemed, took after his uncle more than his father. He had a gift for arcane studies and getting into trouble. He desperately wanted to see the world and learn its secrets, both arcane and otherwise. But his father intended for him to inherit the family business. Torren spent several dissolute years consorting with the wrong crowd and getting into minor trouble. Then one night the trouble turned serious. In a dockside tavern, one of Torren's friends got into a fight. The opponent pulled a dagger and Torren intervened, searing the man's face with acid*. Only as they fled did Torren learn the man he had scarred was the Duke's nephew. Realizing his danger, Torren gathered a few belongings, including his uncle's sword, and signed onto the first ship leaving Vezenia.

For the next several months he traveled east, seeing new places and people. Eventually he found his way to Freeport and was delighted with the place. It was both wide open and civilized, giving him the opportunity to continue his travels, and the resources to build on what he gathered.

That was five years ago. He has since set himself up as a sword/wizard/alchemist for hire and has bought a small home near the Freeport Institute. He has concentrated on building his library and ingratiating himself with the scholars there. His library, while it certainly pales in comparison to the Institute's, is his pride and joy. During one of his adventures, he crossed paths with a pompous green parrot. The two have been inseparable ever since**. Torren calls him Captain Drac.

Torren has exchanged several messages with his family, but doesn't know when, if ever, he'll be able to return there. For now he's content to stay in Freeport.

* This incident is based on two assumptions: The duke's nephew had few enough hit points that the Acid Splash was life-threatening, and that life-threatening acid burns leave scars even if magically healed.
**Torren's familiar. I just used the stats for a Raven, but I'd like him to be a parrot.

Karl Green

First Post
Looks good so far JimAde, but only did a quick pass over him. I will look closer later day... I will also put up somemore background about Freeport later to help set the "mood" :cool:

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