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Chicago Gameday XI a success! Share your war stories.

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It was a great time! A big thank you to all my players for making my preparation efforts worthwhile. Another thank you to Buzz and Curt for setting up the whole event. And, of course, a big thanks to all who donated food and prizes. I look forward to seeing you all again next time

Oh, by the way, has anyone seen my 4-sider? :D


Oh, let the BOOYAH flow...

Another fantasterrifical Gameday. :D

Sure, the rash of cancellations and drop-outs so late in the game was a bit disheartening. The upside was that remaining games had more seats filled, and poeple got to jump into events they'd wanted but had previously filled up. At the end of the day, thlamin mentioned to me that more attendees were still there gaming at 9pm than any Gameday previous. I think my HERO event was the first one finished at 9pm; though Reidzilla's may have ended sooner, but that didn't stop his table from staying to play Munchkin together. :)

Obviously, attendance doesn't necessarily affect fun. And, man, the rousing cheers and howls coming from FC's afternoon Serenity game!

I was also initally concerned about the lack of companies donating prizes. Once again, you Gamedayers came through. The spiff donations from AEG and Goodman were mightily augmented by Gamedayers donating swag. Honestly, these were some of the best prizes I've ever gone home with. Kudos!

My games rawked with great fervor. FC's Serenity event was tres kewl and really captured the feel of an episode of Firefly. Thanks to FC, Redwind, Painfully, Der Spot, and the mysterious Debbie. My DC:TAS game was a blast, and I even created a possible HERO convert in Trev! Thanks to moquif, Pbartender, ninjacat, and Trevalon.

Thanks of course to thalmin and the staff of Games Plus. Best... FLGS... EVER!

And thanks to our GMs and attendees. Wihtout you guys, Gameday would be nothing more than me standing around with a bunch of pens and name badges. Now we can start looking forward to Gameday XII in the fall.

BTW, Nikmal claims he can teach me how to paint minis :), so I'll state right now that, yes, I'll be in the seminar next time around. I think I even know what mini I'll bring!



First Post
Being one of the last minute canellations, I did feel bad BUT my kids and family come first. I really regret missing the Serenity game was really looking forward to that, glad to hear though that all went well and my absence gave someone else a chance...

Looking forward to the next one, by that time maybe I'll take up a baton and try and run something....

In the spirit of the moment...



William Ronald

I had a great time, and I would like to thank everyone that I gamed with -- both as a player and a GM

pogre said:
William Ronald explaining a point to thalmin. Probably right after vaporizing my poor halfling sorcerer with a maximized fireball from the BBEG. I won't forget this William ROnald! I will avenge Barenger the half-pint mage!

I forgot to mention something I left off the character sheet -- the hero point from the Arcana Unearthed rules that I granted characters. So, I did a reality re-edit -- and the half-pint mage saved. (We rerolled the save. He got off another spell after getting some serious healing and damaged the wizard with a well placed magic missile. (The wizard was captured after being grappled and stabbed. It is very hard for most wizards to get out of a grapple with an Unearthed Arcana Giant -- who is enlarged and had a bear's strength spell on him. Plus, having a few well placed sneak attacks placed on him.) Sorry for the confusion. I DMed on four hours of sleep, so my brain was falling apart at the end of the day. However, I thought the group had a good team spirit and got the job done. (I have had more roleplaying in other things I have written, but this was a dungeoncrawl.) Good use of party skill and abilities, even if GORAK learned that swimming in full plate is even harder than jumping in full plate. Also, I think a few of the players realized how dangerous an empowered fireball can be.

Thanks for taking the long drive to Games Plus, pogre. I look forward to having you at a gaming table again -- hopefully when I have more than four hours of sleep.

Ninjacat said:
William Ronald, you did a great job trying to keep the parties on course in both games, despite my giving you almost no idea what said course should be! (It's fun to watch the party squirm. Or flee in panic, as the case may be.) Excellent job!

Glad to have been of help. I tend to play very goal oriented characters, especially in short scenarios. As for the character sheet, don't worry.

Although we had several cancellations and some confusion, I think that the Gameday was a success. Thanks to buzz for his planning, thalmin and the great people at Games Plus for beign wonderful hosts, and all the players and GMs who made the Gameday another fun way to spend a day in the Chicago suburbs.
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William Ronald said:
I had a great time, and I would like to thank everyone that I gamed with -- both as a player and a GM

I forgot to mention something I left off the character sheet -- the hero point from the Arcana Unearthed rules that I granted characters. So, I did a reality re-edit -- and the half-pint mage saved. (We rerolled the save. He got off another spell after getting some serious healing and damaged the wizard with a well placed magic missile. (The wizard was captured after being grappled and stabbed. It is very hard for most wizards to get out of a grapple with an Unearthed Arcana Giant -- who is enlarged and had a bear's strength spell on him. Plus, having a few well placed sneak attacks placed on him.) Sorry for the confusion. I DMed on four hours of sleep, so my brain was falling apart at the end of the day. However, I thought the group had a good team spirit and got the job done. (I have had more roleplaying in other things I have written, but this was a dungeoncrawl.) Good use of party skill and abilities, even if GORAK learned that swimming in full plate is even harder than jumping in full plate. Also, I think a few of the players realized how dangerous an empowered fireball can be.

Thanks for taking the long drive to Games Plus, pogre. I look forward to having you at a gaming table again -- hopefully when I have more than four hours of sleep.

Oh no - no excuses! Into the BOOK OF GRUDGES with you William Ronald! :p

Actually, I was grateful as it was 9 PM and I had quite a drive ahead of me.



I forgot to mention. Please check out the yellow arrow and you will see an actual use for your VHS D&D movie - holding down a game mat. Yes, this was a prize, and yes, it was the last prize taken!


First Post
Maybe I am just dense- but where are the thumbnail pictures? I dont' see them.

It makes me happy that my D&D movie brought such joy.

When is the next Gamesday? November?

I am going to try and run some verison of Against the Giants (well the Hill Giants anyway) 3.5 version

Voidrunner's Codex

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