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Chicago Gameday XX was June 14th: AFTERMATH

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Thanks to all for another wonderful gameday!

Curt and the rest of the fine folks of Games Plus, thanks as always for hosting us, and thank you so VERY much for keeping that core book sale going for us!

All the players in my morning Feng Shui game, thanks for being awesomely creative during our fist and firefights and for putting up with a bunch of mooks that weren't nearly as creative as YOU guys were and for a plot that was pretty predictable. Apologies to every movie and other awesome GMs from whom I shamelessly stole ideas!

TB, you run a mean game of D&D--even if our group cheats. I think my life is complete now that we've had a sea battle with cannons loaded by a celestial monkey. Thanks for the awesome time, and thanks to my fellow players for lots of laughs!

To the afternoon Paranoia game, thanks for quite possibly the best diversion / addition to a game since Cat Crap Brownies: a pie in the face. I'll find a spot to throw up the video of the event that I took and post a link here or give it to buzz.

To everyone and anyone that I missed: THANK YOU! :)

To everyone else I had a chance to talk to, and everyone


JoeGKushner said:
Man Mark, you didn't waste any time there.

I stopped at home during the break. And now there are more pics from the second slot at that link, too!

Thanks to all! Had a blast revisiting Rome in Hinterwelt's great game. Good to see that most of the regulars were able to return and that a few new folks were there at the 20th EN Chicago Gameday, as well. Thanks to Joe and Suzi for making the long drive and joining us. Particular thanks to Buzz for his excellent organizational skills and to our great hosts Curt and the rest of the Games Plus crew! Bring on 21, our coming of age gameday! :D


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In the words of the late Chris Farley:


Another great gameday is in the books. Sad that it's over, but happy to have participated.

I got to play Paranoia!!! It was a computer-assigned-appropriate level of fun! Silly system...fun game. I just have one question left to ask...

"Hey, Collum...is that your father?"

(Never know until you try, right?)

Thanks for a great game, Vyvyan Basterd! I'll never look at splatbooks the same way again.

I was a little nervous about running my afternoon game after finished a 4E demo game EARLY last weekend. It seemed that my inability to finish on time returned for the gameday, though. Sorry to the store gang who stuck around while I wrapped up my game. It's hard to stop when the fun's still rolling.

Even if the group was a bunch of cheaters.

I'll probably have more to say, but my mind is frazzled.

Great gameday, everyone! Look forward to the next one.


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Wooooooo, GameDay!

As always, a great big thanks to Buzz for organizing and Curt for hosting us; your efforts are appreciated!

And a big thanks to Jason and my fellow Feng Shui players for the awesome morning game. There were so many really great lines I don't think I could pick just one, but Naz's "..and the Germans are scaring me" is definitely up there, hee. Thanks, gang, for a ton of laughs, and Jase, original creative thought is not necessary, just fun and entertainment, and your event provided both very much in full!! (C'mon, action movie cliches are cliches for a reason...they're fun!)

To my afternoon players, thanks so much for playing, and I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves even though your characters were quite deliberately kept in the dark at first (and more or less for most of the middle, too, actually. Heh.) You guys took care of Crowes' ghost, but the Demon is still out there...and he probably still wants revenge. In the meantime, though, someone is going to get a phonecall...

..See Ya Next Time! *g*
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Hey all, thanks for the amazing time. First time in the store, and now this is my first actual post (instead of just lurking) on these forums.

Special thanks to Jason and the other Feng Shui players for finding a place for me after I pretty much just wandered in off the street. Sorry I had to then be an even bigger douchebag and leave early, but I was "pushing my luck" with the girlfriend and her lunch plans.

I regret not having more time to actually shop, but I'm local and, now that I know where the store is, I'll have the chance to rectify that error.

Thanks again!


PS: Was "Steve" avenged?

Vyvyan Basterd

Thanks to Curt for hosting (and savin me from having to eat Chinese food with my hands :) ) and to Buzz for organizing.

I want to apologize to my morning Paranoia group for not bringing an actual pie to the game. But I am happy to report that no one at the table gained any actual rules-knowledge so we are all safe from treason for now.

Thanks to Ninjacat for another fun game of Supernatural. I think I remained in the dark because Paranoia rotted by brain. Actually it was probably the 63rd time TB asked if something or someone was Cullum dad. I think it was the gas orc's pie...after he had eaten it. :D


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fodigg said:
PS: Was "Steve" avenged?
Dieter says: "Ja! Mein gravity-enhancer wast effektiv in un-pimping die efil sorceror. Und now ist the time vee tanz to the majesty of Donnie und Marie!"

Reality: the session ended not much after you left due to the sorceror boss botching his roll. Ow!

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