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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VIII

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"Ashnar! I thought you were gone for longuer than that. No, I didn't go, but Somac did. There group was large enough like that, and what they have to do will benefit of some discretion, so no use to have a too large group. Anyway, with too many people, it's lower the profit, and I want to buy my shop very soon. It isn't with small money that I'll be able to do it. But please, take a sit, except if you're in an hurry."

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Knight Otu

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Ashnar sits down. "I could not know how long it would take. Fareye thought he had seen... my old mentor. That was something I needed to investigate. Turned out to be a man who looked very similar, but Fareye couldn't know that." He listens to Rinaldo's explanation why he did not join the adventure, and asks "Have you heard what it was about? I believe it was something about his sick daughter?"


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"The man is coming from a family that had capture and emprison a demon. That demon free itself lately, and decide to curse his daugther for vengeance, but where the demon was buried, was an object to help free the young girl from the curse. The man will attract the attention of the demon while Somac and his new friend will get that artefact. That's why discretion is better, it is better to stay away from a demon sight. It will be risky, but I am sure they will be ok. Anyway, Somac will have to tell me that story, and if he has gathered enough money, he would come to buy me something. I've never lost a customer in over 12 years of trading, it won't start now."
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Steve Jung

Charlarn of Phyrah: Male human cleric 3/ranger 1

Velmont said:
Rinaldo take a sip of his wine glass while he listen to Charlan. "Protector of the travelers. You could have follow Somac. Him and his group will be travelling a lot, as it seems. But it is good to see someone open minded and who want to learn more. Being a travelling merchant, I like to meet people like you, as the road are not always safe. But that should end soon. I am saving some money to buy a shop here. I've seen a nice stall not too far from here, and at the number of adventurer that visit joe's Inn, there is a nice business. I think I will start with only healing stuff. Scroll, potions and wands, as it is the main objects adventurer buy. Maybe if there is a market, I'll expand it. But first, I need a bit more money to buy my stall, and then some money to furnish my basic stock. And maybe I'll have to find an helper too..."
"The call of the road is too strong for me to settle down permanently. But I can help you with stocking your shop. While I was away from here I produced a few healing potions. Charlarn pulls from his belt pouch a vial with a silver falcon painted on the side. This one, for instance can mend wounds that would down most men.

Knight Otu said:
Seeing Rinaldo and Charlarn, he smiles and takes a seat at their table. "Charlarn, I am glad seeing you again. Do you have any news of Irene? Rinaldo, I see that you did not follow the man on his adventure?"
"Well met, Ashnar. Rinaldo was just telling me that you've gotten a new companion. Congratulations. As far as Irene, I have heard nothing since I left Monemvassia. but I have been in the wilds for a while. Have you any news?"


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Rinaldo finish his glass of wine.

"It is noted, Charlan. Presently, as I don't have my shop yet, it won't be usefull, but soon, I will appreciate such help. Just make sure to leave your mark on the item you create. Selling something found in a forgotten chest of some creature is one thing, selling prime items coming directly from the craftmen can have a lot better deal."


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Nezrak Duskstar, Grey Elf Wizard 2 (Almost 3rd level)

A Grey Elf clad in blue-white robes enters the in. "Hi Joe.", he greets Joe while tipping his wide-brimmed dark blue hat. "I'm Nezrak Duskstar, a wizard.", he continues to others in the Inn before taking a seat at one of the tables.


Assault on the Bandit Camp Adventure Hook

Joe returns Nezrak Duskstar's greeting as he continues to sort through his mail. After a moment, he comes around the bar to place a notice on the wall.

"Here now, this may interest some of you."

The notice reads as follows:

Wanted: Dead or Alive!
1,000 Gold Piece Reward

[A sketch follows, with little detail]

Whereas a group of Bandits has recently been defeated by a party of heroes lead by Sir Ishmael of the Wooden Sword;


Whereas said Bandits have been interrogated by the Road Wardens under authority of law;


Whereas said Bandits have revealed themselves to be probationary members of a larger organization of Highwaymen lead by the infamous Elathin Mirnot and revealed the location of a large camp of such criminals;

It is therefore ordered that a reward of 1,000 gold pieces shall be presented to any individual or group presenting the captured Elathin Mirnot to the office of the Road Wardens. In the event of Mirnot resisting arrest, proof of his demise by way of presenting his head shall suffice to claim the reward. This reward shall be in addition to the traditional spoils of battle obtained during the capture of Mirnot, and the Road Wardens shall hold harmless said group from aquiring any stolen items captured by Mirnot's organization.

Be hereby warned that the forces surounding Mirnot are formidable, and that a strike force of experienced adventurers would seem necessary to accomplish this task.

Following the above details are fairly detailed instructions for locating the bandit camp and claiming the reward. The camp is about a day's travel to the northeast.


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"Hey Sara! This seems right up our alley! The road wardens are a reputable organization. What say we get a group together." Iggy then blushes shyly. "Maybe you could ask that group over there." he whispers to Sara, pointed at Charlarn, Rinaldo and co.


First Post
Nezrak eyes the notice, and ponders whether he would count as an "experienced adventurer". Some bandits couldn't be worse than the batch of fiendish enemies he fought in the Island of Varras'zul, but there would probably be a lot more of them...

OOC: I suppose this is the adventure for high-level characters. Nezrak is 150 experience under 3rd level, but that probably doesn't help much if this is a short and bloody one. I'll let the 3+ level characters join first and see if there's still room.
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Knight Otu

First Post
"I am afraid I have no news on Irene, either. Though if Tor and Nurlan find something, I am sure Fareye could help as well."

Seeing Joe post up the note, Ashnar stands up and reads it. "I think this may be of interest to us, my friends."

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