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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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EternalSword said:
A robed young man walks in the door. He passes joe a heavy sack and turns to the patrons.

"Well, I'm no good at small talk, so I might as well cut to the offer. I'm Rilithorne's assistant, and we have a slight problem. We were supposed to get a delivery of some notes from a friend of his a week ago, and they haven't shown up. Rilithorne hasn't the time to go talk to the guy in person, and I'm needed to maintain the binding that keep the tower running. So, basicly we're paying good money for some people to to ride down to Grenton, pick up some notes, and bring them back. Of course, there is the slight issue of the guy on the other end of the run being a reckless conjuror, and the leftovers from the incident with the kobolds, but that's why were hiring adventurers instead of some guy with a horse. Any takers?"

He takes a seat near the bar.

Trouvere said:
He looks around as the young mage comes in. "Here, Rapture," he says. "Maybe a pleasant trip through the countryside is the thing for you. I would be pleased to accompany you. And - " he flips on a mischievous grin - "the job of errand boy sounds perfect for Galwynn!"

Rapture chuckles, "Indeed, perhaps that would be best."

"M'lord," she says, flagging down the assistant. "My friend here and I would gladly be willing to help you out." she says, indicating Keldar.

OOC: I realize I just got in an adventure and others are still waiting. I can hold off if there's not enough room, though two paladins of a different cloth and Keldar the *snicker* bard make an interesting combo. If it's a low level adventure at least.

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Solange said:
OOC: I realize I just got in an adventure and others are still waiting. I can hold off if there's not enough room, though two paladins of a different cloth and Keldar the *snicker* bard make an interesting combo. If it's a low level adventure at least.
OOC - yes, you're awful greedy :p but honestly, the Galwynn-Keldar-Rapture triple act is too good to give up if it can be arranged.


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Well, I can't help others just by sitting here, Sammy thinks to herself and finishes her milk. She raises her hand to attract a barmaid and when one of them notices it, Sammy whispers something to her. Gently escorted, Sammy approaches Rapture and Keldar. Once there, she thanks the maid and turns toward Rapture.

"I'm also sorry for my burst, she dips a small curtsy. I realised I let my emotions get the better of me but you left in such a hurry that I had no chance to apologise." Visibly troubled, Sammy bites her lip. "I know that chances favour that I'd be nothing more than a hindrance on your task, but would you nevertheless require a healer to accompany you?" Suddenly, the ardour and strength from before is gone from her expression and stance and Sammy's fragility is highlighted.

[sblock=OOC]*puppy eyes*[/sblock]


Solnath said:
Visibly troubled, Sammy bites her lip. "I know that chances favour that I'd be nothing more than a hindrance on your task, but would you nevertheless require a healer to accompany you?" Suddenly, the ardour and strength from before is gone from her expression and stance and Sammy's fragility is highlighted.
Keldar, aware that something has passed between the two women, keeps his eyes on Rapture. "I'd be pleased to have you along," says Keldar, "for my part. I am Keldar, Keldar Warbray, yes, the- " He stops short. "Just Keldar. But perhaps we should ask this mage's assistant if we are the... sorts of people he had in mind."


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Notes on the Aether

OOC: Looks like a good group. Good thing we've got a Rogue here, one is kind of needed. Any level 1/2 arcane casters in the RDI, You might want in on this.

Rilithorne's apprentice moves on over to the group. "This looks about right. Hehe, I know it's kind of a silly thing to hire someone for, but with the whole kobold mess, better safe than sorry. Oh, and I should mention ahead of time, Rilithorne pays by results. If nothing eventful happens and its just Thyrin being behind as usual, there's probably going to be less money than if it's some kind of magical catastrophe. Of course, with Thyrin, I'd say you've got at least 1 in three odds that something has gone wrong. Rilithorne's paying 200 gold apiece, plus extra depending on what's actually going on."

OOC Translation: Given the number of avoidable encounters in this, I have to be flexible with the money to not risk messing up the characters wealth.
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Rystil Arden

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(OOC: There's at least a level 4 Psion ;) Hmm, I figure Lasair won't get in any of these. And of course I can't put her in the big event adventures I'm running since I'm running them. I guess maybe I could join the one Rae is running, but I did sort of help him write pieces of it :lol: )


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Carefully turning her head to Keldar and regaining her composure remarkably fast she extends her hand to him as well. "A pleasure meeting you, I'm Samina Winters, though most people call me Sammy," smiling brightly, she adds. "And no, I'm not a priestess, I'm a healer."


First Post
OOC: Lasair is a little overleveled for this. A really good tactician might be able to solo the adventure at level 4. Otherwise, a psion would be pretty handy.


EternalSword said:
OOC: Looks like a good group. Good thing we've got a Rogue here, one is kind of needed. Any level 1/2 arcane casters in the RDI, You might want in on this.
OOC: We did the RDI roll call earlier today. There don't seem to be many low-level arcanists about at the moment. Besides my other two characters, which doesn't help. There's a katara sorcerer called Nirrassa. Animus, are you up for this?

Richard Rawen

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Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: Unfortunately, he doesn't want a level 4, so I've just been keeping Lasair quiet ;) Of course, now if you ask for money from Lasair, it's going to look to her like you were just regifting it :\)...
[sblock=OOC:Lasair]Bah, he just hasn't had time to leave, find out what the cost of his needs are, and return. The alternative is to take the gift with a high probability of being short or long... in the case of the later he'd feel he needed to return it, yet he's smart enough to recognize Lasair might be offended.
As to the rescue, he's given of his funds to what he sees as a worthwhile cause... if he's somehow short for his own needs, that will be taken care of in time. He won't see the problem so hopefully it isn't a real issue for Lasair :(

Richard doesn't want to leave until Rinya has a chance to freshen up and come back down... maybe he shouldn't have left herbs for her tub... Once she returns he will go shop while she is watching their interests at the bar. No offense, but he just doesn't know Lasair (or what she would want or not want to do) well enough to ask her ... not to mention he doesn't want to ask Lasair for Rinya...
In any case, Richard doesn't know what level 4 is, so he asks Lasair based on possible ability to help . . . which he does not believe himself to be much use, in this case.[/sblock]
Richard walks over to Sammy and, smiling, gently touches her arm as he speaks, "It appears you are in good company m'Lady, may our paths cross again and may the best of your past be the worst of your future." He nods to the interesting pair of Keldar and Rapture.

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