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City of the Spider Queen - The Adventure


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"I was thinking of some magical means to see in the dark or perhaps even magical light that can only be seen by us. I for one possess no such means, so before we run into the darkness with steel and spell flashing, we may want to plan a little." By Corellon, how can these people mistake cowardice for wisdom so plainly and still draw breath?

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Kemble's small brow furrows in thought. "From what I've heard of these things, they can see in the dark -- just like dwarves, right? Seems to me that whether we bring torches or magical night-vision whosie-whatsits, they'll be able to see us." The halfling shrugs and begins pacing around the room, looking for anything interesting -- or at least shiny.


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"A lit torch attracts much more attention then stealthily moving figures against the stone in a cavern." Flar looks at the armored dwarf. "On second thought, perhaps stealth won't be much of a concern for us..."


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As the dwarf insults him Chance begins to think, well at least this one is spirited and ready to bash some heads. It's just so difficult dealing with people who have such poor judgement though. I'd love to see him head off toward "the western edge of the dagger hills" without any clue of were these crypts are."

After listening to the discussion about light sources, he adds his opinion on the matter. I can't say I'm real fond of heading into the underdark with torches blazing, but we may not have a choice. As Lord Randal just said, they haven't had any trouble with drow here for hundreds of years, so I doubt he has anything on hand to help us. As the hafling pointed out though, even if we have to travel by torch, we still have blade and arrow to help us cut a path. Not necessarily the best option, but maybe the only one" He turns toward Randal with a hopeful but inexpectant look and says, "Of course if I'm wrong and you do have anything that might aid us, I'd be happy to have it. If not then all I need is a guide to take us to the crypts, or perhaps a map with their location marked."
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Cade Thorngage munches on the refreshments as he watches the show. While watching the others insult and then wink at each other was entertaining for a bit, it was quickly becoming tiresome. He groaned inwardly as he pictured the lot facing down some drow, shouting half-witted comments at them and then winking at each other some more.

Brushing the crumbs off his hands, the muscular little halfling ignores his future teammates, and walking past them, settles down in a chair next to Randal Morn. Gesturing for him to lean over, he says into his ear, in a very low voice,

"So, what of it Lord Morn? Will you offer any aid to help us take up this cause?"


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Day 1 - At Randal Morn's

Enjoying the friendly bantering, the Lord sits back with a slight smile on his face. When the talking somewhat subsides, he start speaking again. "First of all, I never intended for you to enter the Underdark. What I need right now, is to find out who these drow are, what they intent is, and make an end to the raiding. This should not, as far as I am aware of, include a journey to the Underdark. As for Chance here," The Lord looks sternly at the boisterous dwarf for while talking now. "I can assure you he is no coward. He faught bravely in my war, and was a great asset. Now, for some other issues. I have no weapons to aid you, neither do I have access to means for looking in the dark. However, I am willing to pay you six thousand gold pieces for supplies and what else you might need. I will also supply each of you with a mount for the trek to the crypts, if that is desired. What more...." He seems somewhat lost in his own mind for a few seconds before continuing. "Ah, yes. The local temlpe of Tyr is willing to heal you, if you need that. Tunfer the Stout, the priest, will be dealing with this issue."

"That should just about cover it, I assume. I will send for one of my rangers who tracked the drow to the crypts, he will lead you that way when you are ready."
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Cade nods grimly. "OK, you want us to ask them who they are and what they're doing before putting an end to them. Got it. About seeing in the dark, I'm guessing crypts are just as dark as the Underdark, so that will still be an issue. But 6,000 gp should help us there too."

Turning towards the others. "So, 1,000 gp each?"


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Pocketing his share of the money, Cade bows low to Randal Morn, saying "Thank you, I will do what I can."

Turning towards the others, he says "If any of the rest of you accept Lord Morn's mission, meet me here in an hour. That should be enough time to buy additional supplies, yes?"

Pulling his hood over his head, the halfling swaggers out of the room. Leaping on his worg, he looks back for a moment, wondering if they will all come, or if any of them will decline Randal's request. The worg surveys them also, its dark eyes glittering. Then without another word the two dash off into the distance.


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Gratefully accepting the money from Randal, and seeing Cade head off for supplies, Chance turns to the others “I guess we’ll meet back here in an hour then. I assume the guide you are providing will be here at that time,” he says to Randal. “The way these raids have been spaced, I think it would be best for us to travel to the crypt tonight, since the drow could strike again at any time. I’d hate to see more county folk killed by our delay.”

A few questions/comments…

What time of day is it now? I just kinda guessed that we could make it to the crypts if we start traveling ASAP, but if I’m wrong then maybe we should just stay the night and travel tomorrow.

About light:
1) Buying goggles of night is the only way I see to get permenant effective dark vision and they cost 12,000 gp.

2) I can cast the Darkvision spell on four people toward the beginning of each day, but it will only last for 10 hours.

3) I posted about this on the other thread, but I’m not sure anyone took note.
SRD said:
Light Generation: Fully 30% of magic weapons shed light equivalent to a light spell (bright light in a 20-foot radius, shadowy light in a 40-foot radius). These glowing weapons are quite obviously magical. Such a weapon can’t be concealed when drawn, nor can its light be shut off. Some of the specific weapons detailed below always or never glow, as defined in their descriptions.
As far as I can tell this applies to our weapons, so the whole discussion about not using torches is kinda moot if any of our weapons fall into that category.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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