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City of Tomorrow IC (DC/Blood of Heroes)

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OOC: Since he is new he would use it all. Probably heading up way to fast, since it is a speed thing and not distance, like I thought.
I was looking at the falling rules, I think I can survive a fall (hopefully to the rooftop) will just need to spend some HP probably to soak up some damage.


O/Gs & Blockade

Blockade crawls onto the rooftop to see the hacked security console with wires exposed and a thick metal door hanging open.

O/Gs rockets into the air a 200mph getting nowhere near the concave building's rooftop as it flies by. The building's roof becomes a tiny speck as his power takes him perhaps 2000 feet in the air.


Nearby over Metropolis Bubbles pushes her speed faster than she ever has before, leaving literally thousands of little energy spheres in her wake. She quickly overtakes the hovercraft and the missile hot on her heels collides with craft with dramatic results.

Unbelievably as the vehicle loses altitude and careens to the ground a hi-tech looking motorbike shoots out of the front of burning wreckage ridden by a costumed figure!

O/Gs needs a successful Fear check to be able to function.

Missile is enough to disable the vehicle. It had Hardened Defenses. The Pilot ejects the Superbike section opf the craft and makes a successful vehicle roll. The explosion was noticable from everyone.

Then actions for everyone.

"OMG!" Geneva shouts as she starts looking around. What's below us? She follows the wrecked vehicle to the ground when a motorbike and rider shoot out the cockpit area before the plane crashes. For a split second she is just relieved the pilot didn't die. But then she remembers what they were doing and she flies after them. She charges up her bubbles to try to stop the bike, firing her anti-kinetic bubbles at the bike.

OOC: Glue attack, trying to stop the bike.
OV/EV 10/10 [roll0] + [roll1]


"To fast! To fast! Whoaaaaaaaaa!" 0/Gs shouts as he flies by the buildings roof.

OOC: Need to start bring my book along to work.
I don't know the AV/EV for my fear roll. But here it is.
If he isn't to afraid to use his powers he will activate his force field,
hopefully I land on the roof or on top of the bike lol


Unfortunately Blockade's advice goes unheard of yelling at the figure traveling 200mph.
0/Gs is able to concentrate enough to get his force field up.
The gravity field encased hero hits STARlabs roof just as the hovercraft crashes into the street. KADOOM!!!!
The costumed Biker is barely able to keep ahead of the hovercraft as it tears a ditch into the asphalt The Rider expertly hit the brake and pivots on his front wheel, not only changing direction but dodging Bubble's attack.
OOC: Falling attack : 2D10 = [10, 5] = 15
14/14 falling attack vs 15/15 for 0/Gs. A roll of 15 nets 2 shifts for 7raps damage to body. 0/Gs may spend up to 5 HP (his Body) on Last Ditch Defense to absorb some of the damage.

Bubbles is going against the Biker's Vehicles skill (10) and misses.

Hoping no one was hurt by the crashing vehicle, Bubbles is impressed by the thief's driving. But she's in the air so this should be easy. She sends another stream of glue bubbles at the motorbike, missing again. Perhaps a different tactic is called for.

OOC: OV/EV 10/10 [roll0] + [roll1]
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Even with the gravity around him decreased 0/Gs lands hard.

"Oaf! Ow! Ugh!" He grunts as he rolls across the rooftop and is halted by an air vent. "That." He pants, and lays there a moment seeing stars. "Didn't go exactly how I drew it up."

OOC: Will spend the 5 HP, to soak up some of that.
Hero Points: 70
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Voidrunner's Codex

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