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CLOSED Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings


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OOC: If Jokad moves, Danth will not...Danth will move as necessary to flank the gecko. If Danth does not move, he will give flanking to Kael and Jovik on the unarmed commando as well.

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Round 3: The Throne Room

OOC: Jovik's post has not arrived, so I have to RP him. Initiative order for the round is: Ripnugget (21), Jokad (20), Commando (12), Gecko (9), Danth (9), Kael (8), Jovik (7), (init rolls for the big bad guys)

Ripnugget jumps up onto the seat of his throne, as if to add further height to his attacks.

"Even if you do get past me, SHE will kill you. You haven't a hope. Not a hope!" he cackles.

And then, to add injury to insult, he slices down hard upon Jokad, catching the warrior with his horsechopper and leaving a long bleeding line along his left arm and shoulder.

OOC: hit for 7hp damage

Ripnugget laughs!

Jokad spits back at him. The insult is crude, spoken in the Shoanti slang. Ripnugget looks confused, as if unsure whether the barbarian is trying to speak to him in common, only with some strange accent.

The perplexed look on Ripnugget's face is soon replaced with a wide grimace. Then his head lolls back on his neck. The swift response from Jokad has cut a three inch thick slice out of the goblin chief's neck. The head rolls back for a few frozen moments, before the goblin tumbles from the throne, his head hanging loose.


The unarmed commando doesn't see the death of his leader, but what he does see is the horsechopper blade from one of his downed companions lying on the floor off to the side. He takes a five foot move and bends to retrieve the weapon.

The Gecko turns to flee, but it is not fast enough. Jokad manages to turn his attack on Ripnugget into a following slice that cuts clean through the midsection of the turning Gecko. Warm entrails spill out onto the floor

OOC: This is your cleave - just splitting up the attack for narrative purposes


Danth, seeing the target of his fury suddenly cut down swings his body to the right, finding a crouching goblin reaching for a weapon just a few inches from him. He offers up a silent word to his goddess as his weapon connects cleanly with the commando. There is little left of the skull of the goblin when he is finished. Danth offers a silent thanks.


The room falls silent. Even the goblin baby in the corner falls still, as if sensing the death and danger around it. From distant the shouts of retreating goblins can be heard, but also the noise of yapping dogs. Goblin dogs perhaps?

The noises are distant yet, but definitely approaching. It appears that your cover has been blown, but given that you now stand in the throne room of the Chieftan of the goblin tribe that led the attack on Sandpoint, things do appear to be going quite well ... so far.
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"Well done, Jokad," says Danth, moving to inspect the barbarian's wounds. "Best sever the brute's head to take back with us, as it will no doubt lift the townfolk's spirits.

Who needs healing? How far down is everyone.

Also, Listen check 14 to attempt to detect which way the approaching dogs are coming from?


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Danth stops for a moment, cocks his head, and listens. The southern door is where most of the commotion is coming from. In fact, now that you think about it, you only saw one goblin dive for the northern door...


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"Best close and lock the southern doors," says Danth to Kael and Jovik. "Perhaps we can stall the reinforcements. Despite the death of the chieftain, I do not believe our work here is finished."


OOC: Sorry Hewligan, RL got very busy this past weekend.

Jovik nods. "I can try to jam the lock so no one can get through. If we need to I am sure Jokad can break his way through if we need to."

says Jovik kneeling by the door to go to work on the lock.


First Post
Rhun said:
"Well done, Jokad," says Danth, moving to inspect the barbarian's wounds. "Best sever the brute's head to take back with us, as it will no doubt lift the townfolk's spirits.

Jokad already has his sword raised before Danth even finishes his suggestion of taking Ripnugget's head. The blade falls with a wet smack and Jokad eagerly lunges for the grisly trophy.

Head in hand, he abruptly whirls and brushes past Danth headed for the southern doors. You can all now see the battle-lust is still upon him and by the crazed gleam in his eye you can tell he does not consider the fight over with.

Hewligan[sblock] Jokad plans to burst right through the southern doors right into the teeth of approaching reinforcements. Crazy and perhaps suicidal but, he is a barbarian right? Heh.

Anyway, it is not all lunacy. My hope is to scare the bejesus out of the regrouping goblins with a good intimidate check (hopefully with a healthy situational modifier - hint, hint). He is hoping to take out any that still want to fight and send the rest of the tribe fleeing for good.

Might work, might not? It will make one heck of story for Amryl if it does ;)

Intimidate = 16 + rage + king's head

OOC: Jokad is down 11 hp, not quite 1/2 but getting close.


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Danth swears under his breath as Jokad rushes past him in a rage, severed head of the goblin chief in hand. The cleric takes a deep breath, grips his morningstar firmly, and rushes after the crazy Shoanti.


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Jovik kneels by the southern door, looking to bolt the thing shut. Before he can even swing it shut, Jokad barrels past him into the corridor. The barbarian stands there for a second surveying the scene. The corridor is empty, but goblin voices and much barking is drawing closer. He notices Danth move to the side of him with a sigh.

Jokad moves to go forward when the first goblin appears at the end of the corridor. He is followed very quickly by three others, with three goblin dogs howling at their heels. Before they can move a step closer, Jokad thrusts his bloodied, dripping axe above his head with his right hand, thrusts Ripnugget's leaking skull forward with his left hand, and lets out the most ear splitting roar of rage that any of you have ever heard issue forth from a man before.

The goblins don't waste any time. They turn and flee as one, dropping their weapons as they go. The goblin dogs on the other hand, are too dumb, and too hungry to pass up on the chance to eat some human flesh. They yap and yelp their way forward.

The corridor is ten foot across, with three dogs charging towards you (15 foot away).

Goblins' failed roll

Goblin dogs' successful roll

Note: I am out on a business trip tomorrow, so no post until Friday from me. Clearly Danth and Jokad are blocking the others from melee, and only 2 dogs can attack at a time, one on each of you. The others can make it to a position behind Jokad and Danth within one round, or, in the case of Jovik who is already behind them, with a single 5' move.

Initiative and actions please. There is no rest for the wicked!

Voidrunner's Codex

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