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CoC D20 "Dunwich Return to the Forgotten Village"

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
OOC: Dallas, if possible I would rather shoot the guy that I just butted in the head with my gun, but if I have to roll a new attack roll for it I guess I'll take my pistol but as if we don't start taking some of the bad guys down are less combat originated people are going to be creamed

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First Post
Brother Shatterstone said:
OOC: Dallas, if possible I would rather shoot the guy that I just butted in the head with my gun, but if I have to roll a new attack roll for it I guess I'll take my pistol but as if we don't start taking some of the bad guys down are less combat originated people are going to be creamed

Shatter thats no problem, we can use the roll above....But it won't take place untill the next round of combat. I have had problems getting to the board today, will post sometime tonight.


First Post
March 2nd, 1933
Miskatonic University Library
Map Room
Arkham, Massachusetts

Jibril you rush in to aid Johann and attempt to remove the Knife from Sandra's grasp, unfortunately as you grab the knife welding hand Sandra twists her body underneath your hold easily breaking the grasp.

Nick and Paul you endure a massive blow as the third man plows into you, both of you make an attempt at maintaining your balance as you all collide into the wall outside of the door. The force of the sudden jolt is just too much and sends the both you falling to the floor. The monstrosity of a man easily maintains his balance and looks around to see who is next.

Patrick you quickly pull out brass knuckles, dashes across the room and bash Sandra in the back of the head. The woman momentarily buckles but maintains her footing.

The leader witnessing Patrick’s blow on Sandra yells, “How dare you strike a woman from behind.” As he leaps over a table and hits you with a massive blow from the cane.


Jibril 6 vs Sandra 13
Nick Dex roll 4/ DC 15
Paul Dex roll 7/ DC 15
Patrick attack 18 Dam 4
THI leader Attack 17 Dam 5

End of first combat round, will begin 2nd combat round with Jasper and Johann actions later today.
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First Post
OOC: Sorry - just trying to clear up a possibly non-existent point of confusion. Dallas, are you going to adjudicate the actions that have already been posted for Johann and Jasper in Round 2, or are they to repost those (or different) actions?

Just wasn't sure if everyone knew who was posting next (I didn't).



First Post
March 2nd, 1933
Miskatonic University Library
Map Room
Arkham, Massachusetts

To all who are present, it becomes quite obvious that a bad situation has certainly gotten worse.

Johann as you step back five feet you barely squeeze off a shot that catches Sandra square in the chest. It is a massive blow which stops the woman dead in her tracks. She stares at you in disbelief, her grip on the knife loosens and she collapes to the floor.

Jasper as you slide under the swing of the brass knuckle you place even pressure on the trigger and send off a round which lodges in the mans side. He buckles but does not fall, you now notice a fury develope in the members of THI that was not there before.

As Mike Nelson struggles with the realization of Jaspers shot, and Sandra's still body on the floor. The brass knuckle is released from his hand as he draws a gun from his jacket and fires a round square at Jasper and yells:

We were not trying to kill you, but you wanna play rough then lets play

Time suddenly slows to a crawl for jasper, he is suddenly faced with a pistol at point blank range and watches as Mike easily pulls the trigger. You see smoke rising from the end of his pistol and a bullet approaches your left shoulder. As the hot metal enters the fabric of your jacket your life flashes. You close your eyes in anticipation of a burning sensation that never comes, the bullet grazes your underarms and exits into the wall behind you.

Bobby Houston draws his 38 revolver and says:

See, you had to go get involved with these guys Patrick

As he unleashes a round at Patrick, unfortunately patrick isn't as lucky and catches a bullet square in the shoulder blade and collapses to the floor.

Nancy looks around at the carnage that has been unleashed and dashes out of the room, as fast as her feet will carry her, with the napsack of books she is still holding.

As Sonny Harlow stands over Nick and Paul he draws two guns and says:

If either one of you moves its curtains

As he readies an attack on each one of you!!!!!!

OOC: Patrick is Dying at -2 hit points
Sandra is Dying at -2 hit points

Johann, Jasper, Tom (THI leader), Bobby Houston, Jibril, and Mike Nelson are still in the map room.

Vanguard Club its your move ( Johann and Jasper have gone, its everyone elses turn to act).

Patrick and Sandra will make a roll at the end of the turn to see if they stabalize.

Mike Nelson pistol 11 + 1 (Dex) barely misses Jasper AC 13 you were lucky

Bobby Houston pistol 17 + 3 (Dex) easily hits Patrick for 5 pts of additional damage.
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Paul looks up at the gun. He sighs. Great. Who brings weapons like that into libraries?? What was this world coming to? Knowing he wasn't much in a fight, especially this fight, and still lost at all the quick movements of events...Paul followed the order of the man and didn't move.

He then heard another gunshot, then watched Patrick fall. Paul almost jumped forward, but held himself back. The woman was down, too...maybe...he looked up at the man panicked, "I'm a doctor! Let me help them! I can help the woman, too!"


First Post
Jibril quickly takes in the situation and mutters under his breath, "mahan nashdu."* He is even more convinced than before of his utility, or lack thereof, in the present situation. Unable to provide effective aid to either of the fallen, he does the only helpful thing he can think of and takes off as fast as he can in pursuit of the fleeing book thief, shouting, "Stob! Thief!" at the top of his lungs.

*OOC:mahan nashdu = "we are screwed" - loosely, anyway.
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First Post
March 2nd, 1933
Miskatonic University Library
Map Room
Arkham, Massachusetts

As Sonny Harlow keeps as watchful eye on Paul and Nick he yells,

Tim lets get outta here before the cops show up

At that moment Jibril exits the map room door just to the right Sonny Harlow who yells,

where do you think your going bubbs????

Jibril freezes in his tracks. As Jibril stands in the hallway partially blocking the door Tim says,

Sorry to leave the party so soon but I have a temple to catch

Tim (THI leader) heads for the door which is partially blocked by Jibril standing in the hall, just before he arrives at the door, Tim executes a perfectly timed and angled tumble thru the unblocked area in the door and hall to the right of both Sonny and Jibril. Tim lands adeptly on his feet at the end of the tumble and contiues up the hall; map,cane and all!!!!!

Suddenly Sonny Harlow says'

As you hear the faint distant sounds of sirens.

OOC: Jibril entered a threatened area when he eneterd the hall so his movement was halted.

Tim Tumble ,15 + 4/DC 15, thru the treatened area created by Jibril

Patrick Stabilizes

Sandra is still dying

End of 2nd Combat Round/ Johann & Jasper's move
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