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Congratulations to the 2015 ENnies Award Winners!

Tonight in the Union Station Grand Hall, Indianapolis, the 2015 Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ceremony took place - and the winners were announced! Hosted by Mike Selinker, with guest presenters including Amanda Valentine, John Adamus, Kevin Kulp, and Matt McElroy, the ENnies this year were sponsored by DriveThruRPG and Campaign Coins.

Tonight in the Union Station Grand Hall, Indianapolis, the 2015 Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ceremony took place - and the winners were announced! Hosted by Mike Selinker, with guest presenters including Amanda Valentine, John Adamus, Kevin Kulp, and Matt McElroy, the ENnies this year were sponsored by DriveThruRPG and Campaign Coins.


Best Adventure
Silver: A Red & Pleasant Land (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)
Gold: Horror on the Orient Express (Chaosium)

Best Aid/Accessory
Silver: Black Green Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition RPG Dice Set (Q-Workshop)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters Screen (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Cover Art
Silver: Achtung! Cthulhu: Terrors of the Secret War (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
Gold: Rise of Tiamat (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Interior Art
Silver: The Strange (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Blog
Silver: Gnome Stew
Gold: ConTessa Tabletop Gaming by Women for Everyone

Best Cartography
Silver: The Guide to Glorantha (Moon Design Publications)
Gold: Ninth World Guidebook (Monte Cook Games, LLC)

Best Electronic Book
Silver: Ken Writes About Stuff Volume 2 (Pelgrane Press)
Gold: Basic Rules for Dungeons & Dragons (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Family Game
Silver: Atomic Robo The Roleplaying Game (Evil Hat Productions)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Free Product
Silver: 13th Age The Archmages Orrery (Pelgrane Press)
Gold: Basic Rules for Dungeons & Dragons (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Game
Silver: The Strange (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Miniatures Product
Silver: Pathfinder Pawns Inner Sea Pawn Box (Paizo Inc.)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Icons of the Realms Elemental Evil Boosters (WizKids)

Best Monster/Adversary
Silver: Achtung! Cthulhu: Terrors of the Secret War (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Podcast
Silver: Miskatonic University Podcast
Gold: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff

Best Production Values
Silver: Horror on the Orient Express (Chaosium)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (Wizards of the Coast)

Best RPG Related Product
Silver: Temple of Elemental Evil (WizKids)
Gold: Designers & Dragons: A History of the Roleplaying Game Industry (Evil Hat Productions)

Best Rules
Silver: MUTANT Year Zero The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Setting

Silver: The Strange (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
Gold: A Red & Pleasant Land (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)

Best Software
Silver: HeroLab (Lone Wolf Development)
Gold: Roll20 (Roll 20)

Best Supplement
Silver: Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Unchained (Paizo Inc.)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters Guide (Wizards of the Coast)

Best Website
Silver: Tabletop Audio
Gold: The Escapist

Best Writing
Silver: D&D Player’s Handbook by Jeremy Crawford, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell (Wizards of the Coast)
Gold: A Red & Pleasant Land by Zak S (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)

Fan's Choice for Best Publisher
Silver: Paizo Inc
Gold: Wizards of the Coast.

Product Of The Year
Silver: A Red & Pleasant Land (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)
Gold: Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook (Wizards of the Coast)

2016 ENnies Judges
Jakub Nowosad
Kayra KeriKupcu
Kiel Cheiner
Kurt Wiegel
Stacy Muth

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First Post
I think JeffB's entitled to his criticism of the particular award! Don't think the first post was the best way to give that criticism, but, you know, it can be hard to articulate, and it's not like he posted a 3-paragraph diatribe.

Unfortunately, in the case of Horror on the Orient Express, it's not just a smaller company going up against Dungeons & goddamn Dragons, it's a $120 product going up against a $20 product. A conscientious voter might pick up a $20 adventure off the nominees list in the interests of an informed decision, but I certainly wouldn't drop >$100 just to be fairminded. Short of having opened display copies of the nominees outside the voting booth, I just don't know how you'd handle a thing like that. The Amazon page for HotOE doesn't even include pictures of the box contents, just the front and back cover.

For the Oscars, the studios shamelessly send screener copies of smaller films to the academy voters. Hell, I get screener copies of nominees for technical categories, even though I don't belong to a single voting body, just in the hope that I might buzz about the special effects editing in Fast and Furious 6 to one of my more esteemed colleagues.

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JeffB, the award basically has two elements.

First, the judges do a sit-ton of work and nominate five great products. All of them are worthy of praise and attention.

Then, to help those products all *get* attention, the is a popular vote. This draws in people who want to vote for what they like, but it also exposes them to many products they might not hear about otherwise.

If you're a small company (or at least, smaller than WotC), it's still a huge win to get nominated.


I think JeffB's entitled to his criticism of the particular award! Don't think the first post was the best way to give that criticism, but, you know, it can be hard to articulate, and it's not like he posted a 3-paragraph diatribe.

To be fair, the post was started by Morris to say Congratulations! to the winners. Gold, silver, and otherwise. To see a threadcrap in the first reply is a total downer and whether or not that was the intent, it certainly seemed to be. Why can't we simply congratulate the winners and maybe start another thread where we dissect the event for ways we hoped it might have fallen out differently? And those posts are getting ubiquitous on almost every thread on Enworld. It's fatiguing for someone like myself who just wants to enjoy some gaming discussions with other folks who enjoy as well to constantly filter out the droning din of negativity. Not saying JeffB is even a consistent perpetrator of that - he might have just gotten caught up in a response to that trend.

Sure JeffB is entitled to his opinion and to express it, but he picked the venue and timed it perfectly, consciously or not, to get pushback.

That aside - I already know I like 5e. One thing I love about the Ennies is it shows products to me that I otherwise would never have taken a look at or otherwise known about. Horror on the Orient Express definitely has gotten my attention. Best Adventure gold? Silver for production values under a game I think is great? What's the downside. I'm sure nothing but good things will come to it because of the attention the Ennies have brought to it.
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Also...isnt a new edition pretty much a shoe in to win Ennies? I mean I'm pretty certain back when 4th Edition came out it won a crap load of Ennies not because it was a great game (I'm not saying that it WASNT a great game) but really because people were excited over a new edition of D&D.

I mean, c'mon it's D&D.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
To be fair, the post was started by Morris to say Congratulations! to the winners. Gold, silver, and otherwise. To see a threadcrap in the first reply is a total downer

It is pretty disheartening, but also fairly predictable these days, that the very first post will be negative. Internet.


JeffB, the award basically has two elements.

First, the judges do a sit-ton of work and nominate five great products. All of them are worthy of praise and attention.

Then, to help those products all *get* attention, the is a popular vote. This draws in people who want to vote for what they like, but it also exposes them to many products they might not hear about otherwise.

If you're a small company (or at least, smaller than WotC), it's still a huge win to get nominated.

Thx for the elaboration., Ryan. I don't plan on discussing specifics any further here, but I think the system needs some work post judging. I find it far more disheartening in the way it doesn't work in situations like this, than me bringing it up. Either do it right, make it fair, or why bother? (rhetorical)


Jeff, considering that the D&DSE is $13, and HotOE is $119, I don't see what you're all bent out of shape over. HotOE looks like an amazing product, but it is not unreasonable for someone to weigh them by price, and the Starter Edition really gives you more than your money's worth. They are both worthy contenders.


Congrats to the 5E team. Well earned all around. Was also excited to see Designers & Dragons win this year. It's such a great book (or series now that it's been split up by decade in the newly expanded release).


Mod Squad
Staff member
I did not realize the ENNies are essentially a popularity contest. I figured over time there was some sort of mechanism implemented in the voting to balance out products that sell by the tens of thousands to products that sell in the several hundreds.

Well, I don't know what gave you that idea. It isn't like they've kept the process secret.

Given that the publishers are not required to give us sales numbers for their products, I don't see how they could normalize for that.

Moreover, I am not sure how to put this gently. You have an opinion about the production values. That's great. Have you considered that, even after you normalize for sales, maybe WotC would still have won? Especially given the price points - if people are thinking "value per dollar" maybe your favorite isn't as great a buy.

Sometimes, too much really is too much. ;)

Did the $300 collector's ed Judge Dredd earn an Ennie?

There is that. I have read, run and abused my Starter Set to death already. My HOTOE rests on my collectibles wall, a baffling array of stuff I will never have time for. Still....it does suggest that the awards are a combo of popularity and "which product do the most people know?" because I'll bet for every HOTOE copy purchased there were 100 starter sets sold.

Still gratz to all and Zak especially for getting four awards.

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