Crossed Paths, Part IV


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OK. Here's part 4. The party is in the depths of the caverns, conversing with a gynosphinx, who has just offered to direct the party to the treasures of the Alexandrian general Menaleus, in exchange for a tome of clear thought she expects to be found there...

For a list of the other threads related to this game, see my signature thread.

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"I need to discuss this matter with my companions a moment, but I think this sounds a reasonable deal." Brioc replies to the sphinx, before turning to Ehldannis. He leads the elf away a short distance, before speaking to him in a whisper.

"What do you think? How potent is the item of which she speaks? Will the book itself present any dangers to us?"


Marcus of the Roma, male human.

Marcus decides the best way to keep the sphinx from listening in is to keep it occupied. He turns to the sphinx, wandering closer if necessary.

"Well," says Marcus to the sphinx, "while we have a moment, I thought I might ask a question. I won't bother haggling over the price. 100 gold ones is acceptable."

If the sphinx agrees, he continues.

"What do you know of the Shadowdancers? Or perhaps more appropriately, how can I learn the way of the Shadowdancer?"

[sblock]Just my luck the Shadowdancers were an ancient egyptian cult dedicated to the destruction of the Egyption gods and the 'god monsters' - including the sphinx. :|[/sblock]


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I'll deduct 100gps from the party's treasury.

"Oh? That's good question. I've met shadowdancers before. They're very secretive. They can meld into shadows and summon undead shadows. They gain special powers over darkness and can hide in plain sight. There are at least two loose networks, one in the far east, about which I know very little, and one based in the Roman province of Bulgaria. Is there anything more specific you wish to know about them?"

Inez Hull

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"The item is one of no little power, and something which I would dearly love to take for my own. However, I am not here on a treasure hunt and it will be a worthy trade if it brings us to that which we seek. Whilst it will undoubtably increase her own personal power and intellect, I do not believe it will make the Sphinx more of a threat than she currently poses. In fact if we faithfully return it to her I imagine it will ingratiate us deeply with her, if I were such a creature I would expect the likes of us to take it for ourselves, myself especially being a wizard."

Ehldannis pauses and looks around to see that he and Brioc are not overheard, "Do you truly think we may be at our quest's end? If we are I have a concern, which we have not talked about until now and perhaps should have. Not all these others have been with us from the beginning. They have all seemed trustworthy companions, but the secret we are hunting would see deceitful and skilled men resort to any means. Although I realise most of your folk are impatient and shortsighted, I have heard tales of great heroes and villians amongst men who have carried out lengthy deceptions, and were in fact lauded for their ability to do so. Can we really afford to trust these others?"
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Marcus of the Roma, male human

"Well, since you ask. How would I find them in Bulgaria, and how will I know them if I do? And how does on approach them?


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The Sphinx

"Go to Sofia. You can't necessarily expect to find them, however, they may find you. Spend some time there. Ask around. Get involved. Find opportunities to display your skills. That would be my advice. Alternately, head East. It might be an interesting trip."


Marcus of the Roma, male human

The image of him doing as the sphinx advises make Marcus laugh.

"I'm sure that they would. About as fast as the Roma would find a stranger asking about us."

He switches tack.

"East? That covers alot of ground I hear. How far East?"


"In that case, I think we should retrieve this book. If it leads us to what we seek, then it will have been a small price, and if not? As you say, we will have at least made an ally." Brioc agrees readily with Ehldannis' assessment.

"As for how far we can trust the others, I would trust you, Marcus and Octar with my life or any secret. Dhormium seems a solid and trustworthy soul, and I doubt his people have any particular desire for the Fire itself. Tullius I am rather more wary of, but perhaps that suspicion is misplaced on my part. I think he is now more a scholar than a servant of Rome, and as such is probably willing to help us.

"But you raise a fair point. If this is indeed where we find the Fire, then we should tread cautiously. Any item of great power or value can cause a mortal to do acts normally beyond their nature, and there may still be room for treachery. Let us keep our eyes and ears open, but I feel we need do no more than that for now."


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The Shinx

TO Marcus: "Far to the east, two thousand miles, perhaps. But it would be an interesting trip."

To Brioc: "Sounds like we have a deal. I thought we would be able to work things out to our mutual advantage. You're by far the most capable and honest folk I've encountered so far in these caverns. Follow me."

She turns and behind her the stone wall suddenly opens into a 60 foot corridor. The Sphinx pads down this hall, glancing back at the party to make sure they're following. The corridor is lit by a dim green light of uncertain origin. At the end of the corridor is a statue of a tall lion-headed man with glowing orange eyes. Behind the statue is a black curtain.

The Sphinx rears up on her hind legs and pushes the curtains back to either direction, then slides past the statue and into the room beyond. This room is circular, about 25 feet in diameter. In the exact center of the room is a circular hole in the floor, about 10 feet in diameter. Exactly above this hole, is a hole in the ceiling the same size.

"Down this shaft lies the final resting spot of the Crimean royalty, as well as their distinguished visitors. There may be some unpleasent undead down there as well, and other guardians. You have rope, I've noticed. The descent should not be too difficult. Please come back out this way. You may exit through the ceiling once you are done, and our deal completed, if you don't want to exit the way you came."

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