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[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness - Chapter 1; Recruiting Alternate Players


First Post
Job said:

1) When locating the refrigerated space off Tween Hold #4, George was unable to find the (6) "jar, gallon sour cream", but thought that he remembered seeing them somewhere...
George searched everywhere, including the ship's kitchen, but failed to find the 6 missing gallon jars of sour cream. "Perhaps they were never ordered?", he thought to himself.

[sblock]George's search roll = 7 + 11 ranks in the Search skill = 18[/sblock]
Job (the tortured one).

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First Post
Job said:

1) In #4 Tweendeck, the (40) "bags, quick setting cement" were missing.
Vitus, Gunnar, and Nils spent a long, long day in the September heat searching all of the nooks and crannies of the ship and the dockside warehouse, but failed locate the forty bags of cement. Vitus was treated to numerous mutterings in a sour tone in the Norwegian language from Nils, usually followed by laughter from Gunnar.

[sblock]Vitus' Spot roll = 18 + 9 ranks in Spot skill = 27[/sblock]

Job said:
2) In #4 Tweendeck, the (2) "case of 48 sticks ammonia-gelatin dynamite were missing.
Despite their lengthy search, the team failed to find the dynamite. Vitus could easily see that these missing items greatly worried Nils and Gunnar, who were very thorough and untiring in combing all possible areas of the ship and warehouse.

[sblock]Vitus' Spot roll = 10 + 9 ranks in Spot skill = 19[/sblock]

Job said:

3) All seemed OK until the team could not find the (1) "wooden box, 100 no.6 non-electric blasting caps"
These items were also not found, and Gunnar wondered aloud about "Why missing explosives?"

[sblock]Vitus' Spot roll = 11 + 9 ranks in Spot skill = 20[/sblock]

Job said:
4) The (6) "coil (50') of time blasting fuse" could not be found.
"We must immediately speak to Dr. Moore!" exclaimed an obviously-unnerved Nils.

[sblock]Vitus' Spot roll = 10 + 9 ranks in Spot skill = 19[/sblock]

Job said:
5) The (12) "snow shovels" were not in the Bosun's Stores.
Fortunately, the team found the shovels! This set their minds at ease somewhat, helping them to feel that they were making progress and that not everything was missing. Unfortunately, after opening the crate, they found 72 shovels, not the 12 that apparently were on order.

[sblock]Vitus' Spot roll = 15 + 9 ranks in Spot skill = 24[/sblock]

Job (the tortured one).

Drowned Hero

First Post
Job said:
Øyvind leaned back and sighed in a deck chair on the USS Gabrielle, gazing at the setting sun. "Where could those generators be?"

Øyvind takes off his leather boots and rubbs his feets as he sees George coming his way and taking a chair by his side 'all that damn searching around this huge ship on this new boots was a quite bad idea i tell you' 'you got any good luck in finding those sour cream jars?' 'I must talk with Dr. moore as i got a chanse there are some missing generators' 'I heard Vitus also had some missing things you seen him?' He leans back again and slips some snus under his lip and tries to to get a little rest from a hard days work.

Drowned Hero

First Post
Job said:
George searched everywhere, including the ship's kitchen, but failed to find the 6 missing gallon jars of sour cream. "Perhaps they were never ordered?",

George after givinf up the search for the sour cream jars spots Øyvind at deck taking of his boots. He walks over and takes the empty chair beside the norwegian

Drowned Hero said:
'all that damn searching around this huge ship on this new boots was a quite bad idea i tell you' 'you got any good luck in finding those sour cream jars?' 'I must talk with Dr. Moore as i got a chanse there are some missing generators' 'I heard Vitus also had some missing things you seen him?'

'Sure some of the crew has taken those jars back home to his wife... or maybe they never ordered it, i really don't know, your right by one thing though, we must report to Dr.Moore.' 'Vitus the Swiss Physician ? I though have seen him some minutes ago, maybe he are coming this way to take some fresh air'
he leans back at his chair and look quite disgusted when Øyvind slips the black googy under his lips 'that mus taste horrible, what is it anyway'


First Post
Drowned Hero said:
Øyvind takes off his leather boots and rubbs his feets as he sees George coming his way and taking a chair by his side ... He leans back again and slips some snus under his lip and tries to to get a little rest from a hard days work.
Drowned Hero said:
George after giving up the search for the sour cream jars spots Øyvind at deck taking of his boots. He walks over and takes the empty chair beside the norwegian. ... He leans back at his chair and look quite disgusted when Øyvind slips the black googy under his lips...
At that moment, a tall gentleman approximately in his mid-thirties with an ebony complexion and pencil-thin mustache walked around the side of the afterdeck and stopped as he came upon the two weary inventory-takers. He laughed and said in a deep voice "Now you two wouldn't happen to be Øyvind and George, would you? Professor Moore has been wondering if you've finished your assignment and he sent me looking for you."

He reached out his hand to each of you and gave a firm shake as he introduced himself, saying "My name is Willard Griffith. It's nice to meet you. I'm the expedition's geologist and I'm used to studying rock formations that stay put for a millenia or two, but don't worry, I won't inform the Professor that you've been staying put on deck." With a sly grin, he turned to leave and said "But I'd get back to the man soon, if I were you. He looks powerful agitated."

Job (the tortured one).


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Exploring Ptolus
Job said:
While Martin and Pierce searched in vain for the wood and sleds, they also kept their eyes out for Martin's box of developing equipment and chemicals.

As Martin was examining pallets and pallets of boxes in the dock warehouse, he walked past a stack of crates of "Chocolate", but the crate on the bottom caught his attention. It had a slightly lighter shade of wood grain and was turned so that he could not read the lettering. Five minutes later, he had pulled apart the pallet of crates and found his box of missing equipment and chemicals.

[sblock]Martin had a successful spot skill roll of 15 + his skill rating of 9 = 24 versus the DC of 20[/sblock]
Job (the tortured one).

"There you are, mon sherri! You have given us quite a time."

Martin then pries the box from under the other boxes. He turns to Pierce and says, " Let's find the rest of this equipment and get out of here.".


First Post
Job said:
We must immediately speak to Dr. Moore!" exclaimed an obviously-unnerved Nils.

"Yes, quite," Vitus remarks, frowning. He folds the now dog-eared manifest and replaces it in his breast pocket. "I am afraid he is unlikely to be pleased."

With the brothers, presumably, in tow, Vitus will search out Dr. Moore and present their findings.

Drowned Hero

First Post
George Barrow Scientist

Job said:
"But I'd get back to the man soon, if I were you. He looks powerful agitated."

Job (the tortured one).

'what a day! work work work I hope the doctor realises that this treasure hunt ting is NOT my field' he stands up and looks at Willard where is the good doctor you said?' If Willard knows George will go and find Dr.Moore and report to him. 'You comming Øyvind?'
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Drowned Hero

First Post
Øyvind Raknes Sled driver

Job said:
"But I'd get back to the man soon, if I were you. He looks powerful agitated."

Job (the tortured one).

Drowned Hero said:
'You comming Øyvind?'

'Jajaja Im comming just let me get my boots on again' Øyvind stands up folds the chair and follows George to find Dr.Moore.

[sblock]*ja = yes on norwegian[/sblock]


First Post
Morpheus said:
Martin then ... turns to Pierce and says, " Let's find the rest of this equipment and get out of here.".
Martin and Pierce successfully locate all remaining items on the manifest, but the (2) "sled, 900 board feet lumber for base" remain missing.

"Welcome back, gentlemen! I was beginning to worry that we'd lost you!" exclaimed Professor Moore when the two of you walked into the Ship's Mess to report back. As you related your findings, Moore responded as follows:

1) He looked up, stunned, when you mentioned identifying the incorrect wrenches, then patted you on the back and said "Very impressive sleuthwork, Dr. Watson!". You thought that you may have even glimpsed the right corner of his lip turn upwards, but it vanished so rapidly that you couldn't be sure. Moore then searched through a grey metal filing cabinet and shouted "Aha!" as he plucked a piece of paper from the drawer like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat. The original purchase order was with Bertram Ironworks of Baltimore and, in fact, showed that these wrenches were exactly as ordered. "I'll have to order new sets," he said with a grimace.

2) Professor Moore had no success in locating a purchase order for the sleds and wood, and wrote furiously in a notebook for a minute, sighing as he said, "Another order, another error, another delay."

3) "I'm glad that you found your photography supplies, Martin, but do you plan to sleep with them?" he asked. "I assure you that they're safe stowed below in the hold."

Job (the tortured one).

Voidrunner's Codex

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