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[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness - Chapter 1; Recruiting Alternate Players

Drowned Hero

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Øyvind looks around and sees Martin standing at his door 'hey Martin you are the reader type' 'you know who this Acacia Lexington is?' 'seems this Acacia is not of the taste of Starkweather' 'I would say or he hates her guts or he loves her more then anything in this world' he padds Martin shoulder while he laughs 'yeah just a woman could make that man so angry dont you agree?'

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A sharp rap on her door woke Camille from a dead sleep. For a fevered moment she believed it to be the American policeman come to arrest her for eating illegal duck.

Shaking the vestiges of sleep away, Camille stumbled over to the door and pressed her left eye up to the small viewing hole. The distorted face of one of the men from the party peered up at her. A second tap near her ear startled her.

The gentleman's voice, muffled through it was by an inch or so of plywood, was audible through the door. ''Miss Bardier escuse me, my name is George Barrow and I'm here to talk to you about your integration to the Starkweather—Moore Expedition, miss you there?"

Well, that certainly changes things. "Just a moment, Monsieur!"

Reaching up slightly, Camille unlatched the chain lock and swung the door open. "Good morning, Monsieur."

The man repeated the greeting and offered to talk things over in the hotel restaraunt. "Of course. Let me get my wallet."

The man made a weak protest, but by that time Camille had leaned to her left and latched onto her battered flight bag from the doorside table. "Shall we go?"

The restaraunt was very quiet, and had few patrons. The waiters and busboys that were visible were stifling yawns and drinking fragrant coffees.

The two were shown to a corner booth and seated. Camille ordered a light tea, shaking her head in negation when the waiter asked if she wanted anything else. As the waiter scurried off with their drink orders, Camille eyed the man. In the light, he appeared tired. But who wouldn't, at this ungodly hour? Mornings should be taken out back and shot, she thought grumpily.

Setting her tea aside, Camille said, "Monsieur Barrow, isn't it? I recall you from the dinner. You were very gallant."

"Now Monsieur," the pilot added more stiffly, "I am not a fool. You did not knock on my door from the goodness of your heart, or, even more unlikely, that of Monsieur Starkweather. If we are to talk about my integration, either Mr. Moore is in charge of this conversation or Monsieur Starkweather is no longer quite so keen on protecting my virtue from you insatiable adventuring types. Am I on the right track, Monsieur?"

At that point the waiter returns with their drinks. Camille smiles at the young man as she accepts her tea. "Merci. So," she adds as the waiter retreats, "for the sake of my curiosity, which of those is it, if not both?"

Drowned Hero

First Post
Taokanf said:
Well, that certainly changes things. "Just a moment, Monsieur!"

Reaching up slightly, Camille unlatched the chain lock and swung the door open. "Good morning, Monsieur."

The man repeated the greeting and offered to talk things over in the hotel restaraunt. "Of course. Let me get my wallet."

The man made a weak protest, but by that time Camille had leaned to her left and latched onto her battered flight bag from the doorside table. "Shall we go?"

"Monsieur Barrow, isn't it? I recall you from the dinner. You were very gallant."

"Now Monsieur," the pilot added more stiffly, "I am not a fool. You did not knock on my door from the goodness of your heart, or, even more unlikely, that of Monsieur Starkweather. If we are to talk about my integration, either Mr. Moore is in charge of this conversation or Monsieur Starkweather is no longer quite so keen on protecting my virtue from you insatiable adventuring types. Am I on the right track, Monsieur?"

At that point the waiter returns with their drinks. Camille smiles at the young man as she accepts her tea. "Merci. So," she adds as the waiter retreats, "for the sake of my curiosity, which of those is it, if not both?"

'Yes yes Barrow is the last name... Scientist is my roll in this expedition, and your occupation is, miss?' ... 'Miss I've been send here to ask if you are willing to depart with us on very short notice. The new date of departure is the 9th of this month and that is just few days away' he take a sip from his tea 'What motivates Mr. Starkweather on his decision on rethink your contract i really don't know, you should ask him in person, even though goodness i doubt' 'I dont believe goodnes has anything to do on such a dangerous exploration' 'and i don't see any reason for him to protect your virtue from anyone' 'is he worried for your virtue?' he looks a bit confused as he did not even know that the lady in front of him had applied for the expedition before until an hour ago 'well yo sure can fill me in if you accept to come with me to Mr. Moores room to formalize your integration' 'I would be honored to share deck with such a lovely lady as yourself' at this point he waiter returns to ask if they need anything more, on what George says no. 'Feel free to ask me anything miss I will respond as best i can'


Exploring Ptolus
Drowned Hero said:
Øyvind looks around and sees Martin standing at his door 'hey Martin you are the reader type' 'you know who this Acacia Lexington is?' 'seems this Acacia is not of the taste of Starkweather' 'I would say or he hates her guts or he loves her more then anything in this world' he padds Martin shoulder while he laughs 'yeah just a woman could make that man so angry dont you agree?'

"I've had the honor of meeting Madamoiselle Lexington when I was doing a story in New York. A real, how do you say, lookee-lou that one."


First Post
'Yes yes Barrow is the last name... Scientist is my roll in this expedition, and your occupation is, miss?'

This question prompts Camille to smile. Few show interest in her career choice, even in the most general of terms. "Pilot, Monsieur. I maintain and fly planes, though I prefer the former. Do you study anything in particular, Monsieur?"

...'Miss I've been send here to ask if you are willing to depart with us on very short notice. The new date of departure is the 9th of this month and that is just few days away'

The pilots eyebrows shoot up. "So soon? I had not thought it was for some time yet. Of course I will go, that is why I am in America. If I may ask, however, why is it so soon?"

The man answers her, then takes a sip from his tea 'What motivates Mr. Starkweather on his decision on rethink your contract i really don't know, you should ask him in person, even though goodness i doubt' 'I dont believe goodnes has anything to do on such a dangerous exploration' 'and i don't see any reason for him to protect your virtue from anyone' 'is he worried for your virtue?' George furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Not worried as such, unless it is concerning that of his expedition in general. My virtue, such as it is, will be, according to the aforementioned monsieur, be... No. I will not repeat him. If you wish to hear his opinions, ask him yourself. In regards to my virtue, I hardly think that the team would succumb to my charms, mainly because I focus all of it towards machines. Suffice it to say, sir, that I am not the easiest woman to get along with at the best of times, so I find it hard to believe that anyone will throw themselves upon me in the throes of passion during this trip."

Camille paused a moment, then added, "And I hope you forgive my comments. I'm afraid I took my frustrations out on you. I have spent weeks attempting to join this expedition, and to find a place for me suddenly thrust into my lap is very disconcerting."

'well yo sure can fill me in if you accept to come with me to Mr. Moores room to formalize your integration' 'I would be honored to share deck with such a lovely lady as yourself' at this point he waiter returns to ask if they need anything more, on what George says no. 'Feel free to ask me anything miss I will respond as best i can'

The lovely lady comment was confusing. More people had complimented her on this trip than in years before back home. American men were very strange. Coughing slightly to cover her bewilderment, Camille says, "No, I believe that will be most of my concerns. But tell me, sir, what has the team been doing to prepare so far? The last I saw of it was during the dinner party. Honored Monsieur Starkweather disappeared from the papers after that."

Drowned Hero

First Post
Taokanf said:
'Yes yes Barrow is the last name... Scientist is my roll in this expedition, and your occupation is, miss?'

This question prompts Camille to smile. Few show interest in her career choice, even in the most general of terms. "Pilot, Monsieur. I maintain and fly planes, though I prefer the former. Do you study anything in particular, Monsieur?"

...'Miss I've been send here to ask if you are willing to depart with us on very short notice. The new date of departure is the 9th of this month and that is just few days away'

The pilots eyebrows shoot up. "So soon? I had not thought it was for some time yet. Of course I will go, that is why I am in America. If I may ask, however, why is it so soon?"

The man answers her, then takes a sip from his tea 'What motivates Mr. Starkweather on his decision on rethink your contract i really don't know, you should ask him in person, even though goodness i doubt' 'I dont believe goodnes has anything to do on such a dangerous exploration' 'and i don't see any reason for him to protect your virtue from anyone' 'is he worried for your virtue?' George furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Not worried as such, unless it is concerning that of his expedition in general. My virtue, such as it is, will be, according to the aforementioned monsieur, be... No. I will not repeat him. If you wish to hear his opinions, ask him yourself. In regards to my virtue, I hardly think that the team would succumb to my charms, mainly because I focus all of it towards machines. Suffice it to say, sir, that I am not the easiest woman to get along with at the best of times, so I find it hard to believe that anyone will throw themselves upon me in the throes of passion during this trip."

Camille paused a moment, then added, "And I hope you forgive my comments. I'm afraid I took my frustrations out on you. I have spent weeks attempting to join this expedition, and to find a place for me suddenly thrust into my lap is very disconcerting."

'well yo sure can fill me in if you accept to come with me to Mr. Moores room to formalize your integration' 'I would be honored to share deck with such a lovely lady as yourself' at this point he waiter returns to ask if they need anything more, on what George says no. 'Feel free to ask me anything miss I will respond as best i can'

The lovely lady comment was confusing. More people had complimented her on this trip than in years before back home. American men were very strange. Coughing slightly to cover her bewilderment, Camille says, "No, I believe that will be most of my concerns. But tell me, sir, what has the team been doing to prepare so far? The last I saw of it was during the dinner party. Honored Monsieur Starkweather disappeared from the papers after that."

'anything in particular? oh well yes... hmm where to start... you could say that biology and chemistry in more particular biochemistry is my prefered areas, but i have wrote some papers about the new discovery of a natural chemical substance that someone is calling antibiotica. well that is a study in it self and ive been experimenting with different fungus, that is mushrooms, and its effect over the miotical, that is how cells multiply, abilities of different bacterial flora...' George starts off talking about his experiments and the first class equipment they have been ordering at the ship. After a while he realizes his monologe and Camille looking at the other guests daydreaming. He takes no offence as he understand that his monologue could be quite boring for an non-scinetist 'anyway'... 'myself have been more ocupied with the laboratory and finding all the equipment, and see if they are stored at the right hatch. well that is what almost all the crew have been doing this past weeks'' lots of work i ashure you' ... 'are you ready to go?' he waves at the waiter and tells him to sett the bill at his account, Camille protests but George tell her that she must take it as a welcome aboard gift. 'let's go and find Dr.Moore' he starts to walk to the Dr's room.


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Stepping Up the Pace

The sudden advance of the expedition's departure date sets all schedules off-kilter. There is no way to meet the deadlines without shortcuts, scrimping, and taking chances, and everyone on the team [OOC - yes, including your characters] is pressed into extra duties and longer hours. The U.S.S. Gabrielle's loading cranes run day and night to move everything aboard in time.

Job (the tortured one).


First Post
Drowned Hero said:
'are you ready to go?' [George Barrow asks Camille, as] he waves at the waiter and tells him to sett the bill at his account, Camille protests but George tell her that she must take it as a welcome aboard gift. 'Let's go and find Dr.Moore' he starts to walk to the Dr's room.
George and Camille find Dr. Moore buried in plans in his makeshift office, the Ship's Mess. His desk is littered with stacks of invoices, lists, and notes and he is currently examining and cross-referencing three logbooks simultaneously. Hanging on a wall near the desk are five separate clipboards, each holding over an inch of papers. Two moveable chalkboards are stationed near his desk and are covered with writings, checkmarks, and exclamation points. A wastebasket is overflowing with crumpled balls of paper.

A calendar on the wall displays the month of September. Days one, two, and three have been "X'd" out and September 9th has been circled in bright red.

Dr. Moore looks up from his work when you enter the room and immediately stands up. "Ah, Mr. Barrow, I see that you've successfully located our new pilot. I'm very glad to see that you're still in New York, Miss Bardier! I hope that you've been well these past few days? Do you have any questions?"

Job (the tortured one).
Last edited:


Exploring Ptolus
Martin steps outside the hotel and flags down a cab. The cab pulls up and Martin opens the doo and says, "Take me to the newspaper downtown, please.".


First Post
"Ah, Mr. Barrow, I see that you've successfully located our new pilot. I'm very glad to see that you're still in New York, Miss Bardier! I hope that you've been well these past few days? Do you have any questions?"

Camille smiles, reaching out and gripping Dr. Moore's hand in a brisk handshake. "Very well, Monsieur. I would ask the same," she said, winking to dispell the implied insult, "but judging from the activity in here I'd say that such is not the case."

"I do not have any questions, save two. I understand from Monsieur Barrow that the departure date has been moved up sharply. I asked Monsieur Barrow the reasons as to why, but he was nonspecific."

"The second, sir," Camille gestures at the calendar, "is this: I see that everyone else, including yourself, are quite busy scurrying about with sped up preparations. I myself have all of my supplies back in my room, so I do not very many things to do before our departure. I dislike being idle, so how can I help?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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