Death of the dragons (OOC)


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Calling hellrazor, ryfte and kasuki. We're waiting on you folks in the IC thread.

@ nuerotic - your monk should be getting a stat bonus from his bloodline since he has 5 HD right?

@ Kasuki - war gets a stat bump at 4th HD (i'd suggest evening out one of your odds stats) :D
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Monk stats

I already edited it, but thanks.

I have a question: I noted that anklet of translocation and boots both have location: feet. By the rules that means they cannot be used on the same person. But I feel it should be possible. It would seem that it is same as making trowsers of jumping (legs) and being unable to wear magical boots.

If it is impossible, I'll find similar translocating item that can be used with the boots

In combat I'll describe movements and body postures resembling a dragon (think Bruce Lee "dragon sweeps his tail")


First Post
I'm waiting for Kasuki, he only has dial-up which is too slow for enworld. He can only go to the library or my house to update, and due to some minor problems, he is not allowed to be at my house for a while. I will do some stuff with you but will wait for him before adding meat to the story.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Knowing War

I'd say Marius at least heard of War warforged not being very common. Especialy in uncivilized reaches of the northern mountains. I'd say he came to the temple more then once to study in peace, to peruse temple library and maybe to make some items for temple residents.

As Marius is somewhat known there for his bloodline and looks strange with his yellow eyes, he might have caught War's eye occasionaly.


First Post
@ hellrazor - You might want to get kasuki to write down what he wants to say on paper or in an email, and then you can log in as kasuki and post it to save time :) If you see him in real life that is.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

I'd like to take PrC Initiate of Draconic mysteries.

Since it has power attack as prerequisite and Marius gets Power attack as part of his blood line later, could I at that time select another related feat (such as flying leap attack or some other)

Also, the class gets evasion which Marius already has thanks to his monk levels. Would it be possible to get improved evasion instead (as would rogue that multiclasses as barbarian or vice versa). And later instead of improved evasion get something related...

I can afford to 'waste' one feat since this is fighter gestalt, but I wouldn't like to repeat evasion and improved evasion which usualy have comment along the lines of "if character already has evasion form some other source he gains improved evasion instead" or some such...I don't know why it isn't included in this book. Maybe it's 3.5 thing? Do I remember such comments from 3.0 books?

The class fits Marius, but as this is to be fairly power-game oriented game, wasting more then one feature seems non-optimal.

[sblock=For DM]
Could Marius be poylmorphed and memory shaped gold dragon? Such that he would have sudden insights into his past or some other non-mechanic flavor; or even game effective such as he failes his dragonfear save and is suddenly overcome with memories so he is not shaken, but dazed for few rounds...

At 20th level he would become a dragon again.
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First Post
I think you are thinking of Uncanny Dodge Neurotic, you never gain Improved Evasion by simply getting two classes with evasion - if you did two level of rogue two levels of monk would be amazing. Improved Evasion is only available as a high level class ability for rogues and through some prestiege classes, standard barbarians never get evasion.

Uncanny Dodge is the ability that commonly grants Improved Uncanny Dodge if acquired twice, and its power level is far less than Improved Evasion.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Uncanny dodge

Indeed, I am. Hereby I humbly apologize for not checking instead of writing from memory.

Another question (and I know this is highly irregular :( )
I finally got some time to scour Magic Items Compendium and found out that there is a set with Monk signature (Monk's Array). I'd like to replace Anklet and cloak for Cobra Straps and Panther Mask (Created in the form of gold dragon of course :) ). Scorpion Kama is for now outside the scope of our current funds, but provides good item to search for...

This resolves the issue of anklet/boots conflict. If this is not allowed I'll make Marius' personal quest searching for those items.
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First Post
It really is ok to just role play around a bit until the DM gets his act together. Its a chance to really get to know our characters before we get dropped into the crap. We can roleplay the entire evening, as that would be much better than nobody posting anything for days on end.

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