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Deepwater's Despair

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"I think Sargon got one of them. Hey can you stick that big spike down the other hole and try to get the second one?" Fluke says from beneath Sargon.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Sargon can try to get his glaive farther down the hole, but the tunnel is too low and too narrow to really get it down there. There is no fresh slime the second time around, and Sargon thinks he missed it. With a bit of ingenuity, the group can tie a dagger at an angle to the glaive. This way the blade can be pushed down into the holes without having to try to break the glaive in two. Sargon keeps plunging the dagger in until the squealing and moving stops. Satisfied that the things are dead, Fluke can carefully dig out the ceramic trap and carry it further down the corridor so no one can inadvertantly step on it.*

*Kobolds are annoying little buggers, tending to have their lairs behind labyrinths of corridors and traps. As the group moves further into the corridor, it begins to close down to a level where the larger members of the party have to crawl on hands and knees. Fluke finds another ceramic trap, a pit trap, and a trip wire that would have brought rocks down on peoples' heads, and deals with each one carefully. Then the place begins to divide into lots of little passages. Tyralis moves up to see what he can see. While the kobolds have gone down all the passages, probably to confuse trackers, there's one that had deeper impressions, as if the kobolds on this path were carrying heavy objects.*

*Now knowing where to go, the group proceeds more swiftly, though with a healthy dose of caution. Fluke manages to uncover a few more traps before his luck runs out. Tyralis sends a knee right into one of the ceramic traps, which proves to be filled with shards of metal and glass, as well as thorns and something both smelly and sticky. Tyralis feels a burning sensation as he eases back and plucks out the bits of glass and metal. It's not a bad wound, but it hurts like the dickens, and is going to make walking difficult.*

*Another dozen yards and the group finally reaches a hatch-like door. Listening carefully, Fluke hears nothing. Opening the door and sliding through, the group finds themselves in a small cave. Off to the left is a small corridor that's actually tall enough for everyone to stand, lined with two doors on each side, and continuing onward into the darkness. They can see a faint orange glow at the bend of the corridor. Other than that, there's no light sources. It's oddly warm in here, and smells of both sulfer and truly bad stew.*


*Tyralis sniffs, then grins.* "Mmmmm. After we remove them, we can eat! Maybe one of them will know how to fix up my leg too...." *He draws his bow again, and creeps to the corner, trying to peer around the corridor.*


First Post

"Stay back and use your bow, Tyralis. Fluke, you've done very well so far dismantling those traps. You have proved your worth. Do you wish to sneak ahead, or would you proceed behind me?"


*Tyralis nods.* "Sure enough." *So saying, he readies his shield, makes sure he has a handaxe within easy reach, and draws his battleaxe, limbering his arms up.*

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Fluke carries the torch, because everyone else is wielding a two-handed weapon of some sort. The four doors in the corridor are made of badly-abused planks poorly nailed together. The first door reeks of unwashed bodies, and smells like a cacophany of snores. The second door is quiet, and doesn't smell like much of anything. The third is the same as the first, and the fourth has a faint glow of firelight beneath it. The bad stew smell is coming from the fourth door, and you can also hear some very out of tune humming coming from behind it. The glow is a bit brighter here, but you can't tell where it comes from due to the bend in the corridor.*

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First Post

"They can't know we're here, can they? Still, the littel buggers can't fight a fair fight, so doubtless, they've got a few traps. But probably easily avoidable since they themselves must travel here frequently. Still, good point. Perhaps you should go first Fluke. I say sneak down to the door with the sounds behind it and if you get there OK, I'll follow. I'll tear through the door and start killing the little bastards."

Voidrunner's Codex

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