• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Define some genres


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Nuclear Platypus said:
'My gawd! My gawd! El Tigre just powerbombed Cthulhu through the Spanish announce table! It looks like Little Missy's going for her top rope finisher, the Sweet 16!'

I want to see the Revenge of the Spanish Announce Table.

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Planetary + other trippy comics by Ellis, Morrison, and Moore [Doom Patrol, Tom Strong, Animal Man, Invisibles] + Buckaroo Banzai + various Kenneth Hite Suppressed Transmissions. 21st century Doc Savage on acid.

Larger-than-life action heroes vs. truly weird threats --- sentient streets, reality quakes, the wreckage of the First Creation, sinister memetic engineers, word viruses, and vril-powered Antarctic Space Nazis.


Chaldfont said:
Ever since I played a martial artist trucker loosely based on Jack in "Big Trouble in Little China" in a one-shot game, I have wanted to have a campaign where each trucking company has it's own dojo and all the truckers are secretly blackbelts, protecting the world from evil.

Of course there would be ninjas. And smokies. And fights on top of moving semi trailers. All at the same time.


In my opinion, "Lone Wolf McQuade" is still the best karate trucker movie ever made.

I always liked the idea of combining that late seventies / early eighties CB radio craze with "Smokey and the Bandit" and "Black Dog" and a thousand Johnny Cash and Jerry Reed songs [and a big dose of FUGIPUNK, and a little Lone Ranger] to tell the story of a trucker [maybe two --- a big rig team] who travel the highways of this great nation, righting wrongs in every town along the way and then hitting that long, lonesome highway once again.

And maybe they could fight aliens and stuff. Except you're not sure whether they were really aliens or if the heroes were just hallucinating because they hadn't slept for five days.


Fate Lawson said:
d4, that sounds just like the Dog House Gangs weekly fantasy game. A little something we call "The 5 Sultanates". Flying carpets (check), mad genies (check), creepy Assassins (check), power-mad eunuch warlocks (check), whirling dervishes (check), alluring harem girls (check), and lots of flashing scimitar action, PLUS animistic spirits galore, katana-wielding barbarian elvish totem warriors, cloud-walking wuixian rogues wielding twin-ancestral-swords, foo-lions, Rocs, crazy sultans, giants with mechanical familiars, power-mad rakshasas threating world domination, long dead lizard-man mummies, and one large raging, talking dog with a fervent wish to fly.

Think Gregory Keyes Waterborn/Black God novels meet the 1001 Nights of Harryhausen.

Ohh, and 500 yrs later is an era we have dubbed "The Pulpinates". Fewer spirits and less magic, but add in Zeppelins and Firearms and sprinkle with late-victorian and roaring twenties style culture.

Loads of fun!

Do you use d20 for this? And if so, how? I'd love to see how it's done.

bodhi said:
You mean "Bruce Leroy". (The Last Dragon)

You possess the power / of the glow!

Naaah, it's all about Sho'Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem

Sho'Nuff: Am I toughest?

Goons: SHO'NUFF!

S: Am I the meanest?


S: Am I the prettiest?


S: Am I the the baddest mo'fo' lowdown 'round this town?!?!


S: Yeahhhhhhhh...



D&D meets blaxploitation. This is a tricky one, because "race" is important in each, yet carries a very different meaning.

But take one fantasy race [doesn't have to be elves] and put them in an urban environment where they has suffered a long history of segregation and oppression by another fantasy race. They maintain a unique culture, but lack economic and political power. But a new spirit of self-empowerment and pride is spreading, and it's making some people nervous.

The heroes walk a fine line, battling threats from outside the community [The Man. Or The Dwarf. Or whatever.] and from within [those members who collaborate with The Man, or who prey upon their own people, or adopt techniques worse than the oppressors themselves to further their goals].


Unattainable Ideal
I'm trying to picture gnomes fighting the power. Without giggling. And I'm failing.

Pamdinkle Grierfinder, three feet of badassssssssssss woman.

Am I a bad person?


The single weirdest thing I've ever actually played in: Call of Cthulhu + Bunnies and Burrows. With some Winnie-the-Pooh thrown in for just plain weirdness.

Bunnies and Barrows.

We were a small warren on the edge of a great dark wood. Towards Sun Goes Down was The Rocky Place, what humans would call a ruined monestary. A little further on were The High Stones, a high bald hill with standing stones on it; blind mole sorcerers lived there.

We feared the Wood, because deeper in, the trees moved when the stars were right. The stargazer of the warren went mad long ago (he became a meat eater and roamed the edges of The Green Place; the farm) and we just had to guess The Times now.

There was a time when a Man came to the area and set up a thing so he could watch the warren. We were curious about him as well, and we'd stand up on our little haunches and watch him. This made him nervous. Sometimes we'd dance for him to cheer him up and this made him very nervous. So nervous he brought a shotgun.

We saw him kill a badger with it, and an entirely new world opened up for us. It was obvious that The Thing went BOOOM and the badger, he wasn't even in one peice anymore. We had to have that thing! So we waited and watched, and snuck into the blind and tried to steal the gun. We failed, and he stared at us for a long time afterwards, wondering what we'd been doing with the gun. Then he set it far from himself and pretended to go to sleep.

We tried again and he suddenly screamed when we all worked together to drop one end of the gun on a mass of soft moss we'd brought, so The Thing would not make the noise it made the last time. He grabbed the gun and pointed it at himself, laughing, and there was this BOOOM and he was like the badger. So we dragged the gun back to the warren but then it didn't work anymore, so we left it by the farmers house. People came and took the farmer away and we could eat all his lettuce we wanted. But then the next year there was no more lettuce and a quarter of the warren starved.

There was also the great black snake with the white anhk on it's flaring hood. We stayed away from it.

WayneLigon said:
Bunnies and Barrows.
Clever name. Clever game. Despite the fact that we're probably not supposed to, I could actually take this game seriously. A supernatural horror version of Watership Down. Not bad at all.

I like the suggestion above of taking two or three GURPS sourcebooks at random and combining their themes into a single setting. Is there a tool that could select GURPS sourcebooks at random, I wonder? I suppose I could always put a bit list in Excel, generate random numbers and pick them...


First Post
JPL said:

D&D meets blaxploitation. This is a tricky one, because "race" is important in each, yet carries a very different meaning.

But take one fantasy race [doesn't have to be elves] and put them in an urban environment where they has suffered a long history of segregation and oppression by another fantasy race. They maintain a unique culture, but lack economic and political power. But a new spirit of self-empowerment and pride is spreading, and it's making some people nervous.

This is exactly what I did in my current campaign world with the dwarves. They're oppressed by the predominately human religion of the area. All of the other races have "fallen into line" (as the humans see it), but the dwarves are the last hold-outs. They're secluded into ghettos and not allowed to work in the higher-paying jobs, to hold office, etc.

However, they're excellent musicians and also good at crafts, especially working with jewels and gems and precious metals, so people tolerate them for these skills, but at the same time are jealous of them for it.

It's weird.

Voidrunner's Codex

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