di Senzio's Tournament: Winged Flute


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Velmont said:
"Anyway, I am not interested to bet with you." tells the rich man to Cepheus. He then watch Semabin performance and start to ignore the gnome. Cepheus can also see that the bodyguard that have turn his attention on him.

Ah yes I see you are loathe to give your gold. I shall bother you no more as long as you keep your bodyguard on a leash. You see my friend is getting bored and I do not believe you want to be his entertainment.

Enjoy the show.

Cepheus leaves the rich man and as he nears Jik'tu he tells him watch the bodyguard to ensure he does not try to relieve us of our gold. Cepheus then moves to the back of the room to watch the crowd.
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Knight Otu

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After ending his performance, on his way back to the private room, Semabin overhears the boos of the orc. He turns into his direction and calls out "Jik'tu, was it? If you're interested in my singing voice, maybe I can do a quick song after the end of this performance night." Then he returns to the private room and gives Reynold back the ring.

(I believe the duels should start soon. We'll get a description of Kwella's performance, perhaps a bit of a chance to react to it, and then the next day's events will start up.)


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[SBLOCK=OOC]I can't do all event at once, I try to put as much action to everyone. I Hav ewarn this adventure wasn't a standard format. There will be some action, but I cannot put a bar fight every time someone enter one or cheating in every contest either, but I try to offer something to everyone.

Also, I am about to move. I'm in my box, and my rythm of post have slowed down. It should come back more regular next week, and I expect to start day 2 next week in Real Time.

Also, roleplay is like real life. If you wait something to happen, you,ll have less than if you provoke it. I don't mean you have to start bar fight, but if you wait, you'll see less. I also try to introduce a few things related to the character's background. I have already done it for Semabin, Garrit and Nirassa

Finally, I am the kind of master who like as much someone who can get out of trouble throught action than someone who can roleplay is character well, giving some good roleplay moment, even if there isn't a single roll made. You might not be aware, but there is more XP in bank for many character than just the one given by CR. An example, Octavio sacrifice his first place to help Semabin to find help for the little girl, that's something that create heroes... or some big orc who could see into a small gnome just a weakling to crush for his god, see in the little fellow a way to overcome his weakness: his slow mind. I don't know what Tarusk think of that, but I find that interesting.[/SBLOCK]


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-=-=-= Private Room =-=-=-

"Not bad. Let me show you what I can do." tells Kwella, once Semabin enter the private room. Semabin gives the ring back to Reynold who hand it to Kwella.

-=-=-= Common Room =-=-=-

Quozen enter the Winged Flute and see a large crowd gathered, talking and drinking. He hears many patron who are talking about the lastsperformer who has given a good performance with his dance.

Cepheus leave the cpmany of the rich man, who seems to ignore Cepheus last coments, and as the gnome returns to his table, the rich man's bodyguard relax his attention on him and continue to watch the crowd in general.

Another Sarundani enter the stage. "My name is Kwella ai Najib. I would like to show you a traditional martial dance, who represent the combat of one of our valiant heroes..." he starts to relate a story of a hero of the Sarundani. Semabin hve heard this story more than once. A particularity of this story, is the hero is nameless, and the feats of this warrior are numerous and impressive, maybe too much for only one person. This story is more likely to be the feats of many warriors who has been killed during the fight against the efreet, whose name have been forgotten, but there feats havn't not. It is a way to never forget the sacrifice of all the fallen. The story is long, and Kwella restrict himself to a part, where the nameless hero fight a beast summoned by an efreet. The particularity of this section is to learn the virtue of patience, as the heoes never vanquish the beast, but simply left the spell end, using his skills to avoid all the attack of the creature.

As he finish his story, he draw his sword. He start to mimic the nameless heroes, using technic of dance known to all dervish. But he had to his dance some moves that represent the beast. This technic of dance seems foreign to Semabin, but Kwella seems at ease with them. You can see before your eyes the story again, you can easily see the warrior and the beast figthing each other. The public seems captivate by the story and the mimic. As Kwella ends, the public applause and seems much impress by the Sarundani. The people in teh common room can hear some people arguing on which of the two last performer is the best.

I made an error for Semabin totals:
Dance: 1d20 + 7 = 19
Martial Dance Creation: 1d20 + 7 + 4 = 29

Traditional Dance: 21
Martial Dance Creation: 27

Up to now:
Octavio: 20
Semabin: 48
Kwella: 48[/SBLOCK]


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Looking down at Cepheus..

Dat man take nuffins frum Jik'tu or Cepheus dat fur sure.

[sblock=Velmont] I'm with ya all the way V you are doing a fantastic job AFIAC. Just curious about the duels your answer is more than satisfactory. Wasn't trying to be pushy just to get a guage of what to do with my character. Take care and good luck with the move - I loathe moving in the last 9 years I have moved 7 times as far as from Korea to DC and Washington State to Texas. I hear ya [/sblock]


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-=-=-= Common Room =-=-=-

Now that the three contestants have done there performance, the Inn start slowly to clear. The man who was arguing with the half-elf finally enter and go straight to the private Room.

-=-=-= Private Room =-=-=-

Kwella join Semabin and Octavio. "My creation didn't had quite the effect I wanted. But I am still confident to win that contest." A valet enter the room, he scans all the contestant and go towards Semabin, Kwella and Octavio. "Sorry, I am seeking Semabin ai Harudan and Octavio Amontillado." Both nods to the man. "I am happy to find you. My mistress is happy for what you have done today. To thanks you, she want to gives you this" The valet show two small birds made of wood. The wood is of high quality, most likely Darkwood, and the bird have been well crafted.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Day 2 will start Monday.[/SBLOCK]


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"Your mistress is more than generous," Octavio responds as he accepts his bird. "I am just glad that the girl will recover."

As he examines the bird in greater detail, "Tell me, sir, did your mistress carve these herself? The artistry is magnificent."


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-=-=-= Private Room =-=-=-

"No, my mistress couldn't do half as good. It is her cousin who send it to her last years. I doubt her cousin woudl have the skill either. I saw it once and he didn't looked like an artist. He is living in Ravenblight, so most likely it come from a local artist of that city. My mistress will be pleased to hear you like it."

Knight Otu

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"Impressive, Kwella." Semabin begins as the valet enters. He accepts the gift. "Thank you, and tell your mistress of our thanks. Oh, I'm sorry, in all the confusion I must have missed your and her name?"

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