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di Senzio's Tournement: Arena - Tribune [El Jefe judging]


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Jik'tu looks up to the crowd, hearing his name again...the shouting of which died down immediately after the other orc's match much to his chagrin.

He scans the arena and picks out his "slave" Quozen whelping his name - he is inspired by his support and decides to make a trip nearer to that block of seats to have a shout back.

Might motivate the boy after all.

Never one to waste an opportunity for the spotlight - he puff out his chest takes up the ransuer twirling it about theatrically making a mock attack routine with flourish (21 ) on the way over shouting his own name.


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-=-=-= In the Arena's tribunes =-=-=-

As Quozen tells that, the man sitting next to him replies. "Do you really think I will believe tha..." his attention is drawn on the field, where Jik'tu answers Quozen calls. Seeing the Orc replying directly to the elf, the man looks at the elf and the orc, half surprised, half scared and decide to simply shut his mouth. Quozen thinks he hear the man speaking to himself "My luck..."

-=-=-= In the Arena's field =-=-=-

The crowd answes well to Jik'tu shout. Warren need to shout over them, and it take a moment to Jik'tu to realize that Warren his calling him for the next round of combat. On the first circle, Jik'tu will face a human. In full plate mail, he has a large shield, a dagger at his waist and a flail in hand.

On the other circle, Khairi is asked to move foward. In front of him is a human in chain shirt. In both hand he has a short sword.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Declare your ready action and roll for initiative.[/SBLOCK]


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Jik'tu's head snaps toward Warren as he realizes his name is being called. However, as he turns he points at Quozen and nods....(Jik'tu thinks that Quozen has stated the cheer for his name he doesn't know something is amiss with his stuff.)

As he approaches his opponent he studies the man....flail, dagger, shield, all short arms..perhaps this time he should start with the ransuer.

He tosses the shield to the ground at his feet and takes the ransuer in both hands holding it high above his head and pumping it up and down screaming...


He swings the weapon around to the ready position with a few twirls.

(Initiative = 18

If he win's initiative Jik'tu will charge and attack ( 20 ) using an overhand thrust motion coming down aiming for the place between the neck and shoulder. (If 20 hits) Damage = 10

If he losses initiative he will ready an attack for the human if he charges. (ATK=8/DMG=11

The attack of opportunity in case I get one for him charging through my threatened area in either case (doubt he'd do it but in case he's like Jik'tu....) (ATK=24/12)


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-=-=-= In the Arena's field =-=-=-

Khairi charges his opponent. Crossing the circle, his opponent counter charge him. Both warriors meet themsleves in the middle of the circle. Khairi simply miss his opponent, but sucessfully deflect his opponent's blow with his shield.

Jik'tu charges his opponent, but his opponent await for him, his shield raised, his flail slowly moving into a circle. The orc swing his ranseur. The man have difficulty to dodge the blow, but can deflect it with his shield. He quickly move five feet foward, entering inside the weapon reach and swing his flail, but Jik'tu his surprised by the man attack. He is not aiming for him, but for the ranseur. The ball of the flail swing around teh shaft of the weapon and Jik'tu opponent quickly pull the ranseur down, Jik'tu feeling his grip failing on his weapon.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Jik'tu must make an opposed attack roll against 21, or he get disarmed. He got no AoO as the man wasn't in a square the Orc was threatning. If he fail, he has no weapon in hand. If he roll equal or higher, he keeps his weapon. Don't forget, Jik'tu have a +4 bonus, as he handle the weapons two handed. Whatever happen, it is his turn next.

It is also Khairi's turn.[/SBLOCK]


Quozen nods to his neighbor. "Yes, it is unfortunate... It is probably best that we just watch the show."

Quozen looks down at the Arena and lets out a "JIK'TU!" for good measure.


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(Opposed Attack Roll = 29 )

As Jik'tu feels the flail wrap around the ransuer he instinctively resists the attempt with a single strong jerk in response (see above) freeing his weapon from the flail.


(Conditional: Jik'tu then pulls against the flail in retaliation hoping to disarm the human instead. Disarm = 11 )

(You'll have to describe the disarm if the human can't beat that 11 - LOL! - be nice if he choked....)

Regardless of whether his opponent ends up disarmed, Jik'tu having freed his own weapon with his mighty heave takes a 5' step back, jumps fully 30 inches off the ground....the height of the jump creates the illusion that he hung in the air for a half-moment before impact, perhaps wowing the crowd...(Standing jump check = 19 )


Jik'tu was trying to add some of his weight to the force of the attack. (Bonus? :heh: ) and tries to again bringing the ransuer down into human aiming for the neck.... ( ATK = 12 / DMG = 15 ...again Jik'tu's mighty blow fails to take purchase, this time turned by the well formed neck guard

(OOC: Bahhh...no bonus will help a 12 BigB...at least the standing vertical jump that high in the air from a 300lb guy in full plate must have looked theatrical and entertaining. Wish I could have had the 19 on the hit though....)

[sblock=Confused] BigB, confused a little.

Says in the in the SRD: Step 3 - Consequences. If you beat the defender, the defender is disarmed. If you attempted the disarm action unarmed, you now have the weapon. If you were armed, the defender’s weapon is on the ground in the defender’s square.

If you fail on the disarm attempt, the defender may immediately react and attempt to disarm you with the same sort of opposed mêlée attack roll. His attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity from you. If he fails his disarm attempt, you do not subsequently get a free disarm attempt against him.

The orange part is what we are working with since Jik'tu won in step 2 (which I didn't include but you know what it says - it's not in question.

My question is it says I "may" attempt to disarm him as well.....

I assume this is a free attempt not one of my actions? If so I don't have to do it - right?

Really, I just want to take a 5' back and attack the guy again.

If the attempt is free I'll go for it - why not, but if it costs me an action I don't want to make the attempt.

I put it in there in case its free but if not Jik'tu won't do it.


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-=-=-= In the Arena's tribunes =-=-=-

The man doesn't answers Quozen, prefering to keep his attention on the combats.

-=-=-= In the Arena's field =-=-=-

Khairi swings again, but his sword pass over his enemy's head. The man quickly strike twice, but his blow cannot pierce Khairi's metal shell.

Jik'tu pull his ranseur high, in hope to disarm his opponent, but the man, qith a quick flick of the wrist, unroll his flail and Jik'tu finish by pulling nothing. The man manoever seemed too easily done. That man know how to handle his flail better than the Orc think he could use it. The orc jumps back, trying to get as much weight as possible in hiw blow, but the man quickly react and move foward, staying inside the Orc reach. Jik'tu fail his blow, and as he land, the man try to sweep the Orc legs with his flail, but the orc quickly step back and the ball of the flail miss his leg.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Everyone miss there thing this round... Kik'tu failed his free disarm attempt... he even judge he had no chance to disarm him. Jik'tu and his opponent are next to each other and the man just failed a touch attack to trip Jik'tu.[/SBLOCK]

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