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Diesel's Dawn of Defiance

Voda Vosa

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(Just for role playing sake, and cinematic comedy. Don't forget it should be funny from time to time =) )

The droids voice sounds extremely bass when it speaks. "As mistress desires. This unit detects a slight malfunction in the neck servo engines."

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"Gee, d'ya think?!" Ashlin says sarcastically as she digs into UbD's neck cavity. "Maybe next time you can warn me -before- it fails and..."

There's an electric crack, and another spray of sparks that Ashlin flinches back from.

"Okay...okay...don't panic, I can fix this..."

She plucks out of her belt pouch a thick roll of grey mesh tape, bites the tab at the end and pulls it away with a practiced motion. She then rips the strip of tape off and slaps about half of it along the side and underside of UbD's mechanical "cheek" and "jaw." The rest she affixes to his shoulder; the tension of it helping to keep his head upright. She then repeats this on the other side, resulting in a more or less normal posture...albeit held in place by tape.

"Good as new," Ashlin says, patting his back...gently. "Least until I can afford a new servo for ya. Which reminds me...."

She glances over at the others. "Did you say something about credits? You know, normally I'd never accept a reward for being a hero and saving all your lives, but this is for a noble cause."


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Bel watches Ashlin incredulously.

"Ladies...now might not be the best time to be negotiating fees and looting bodies of Imperial Agents...perhaps we should go to this woman's room before those reinforcements that the guy you shot called for arrives."

Voda Vosa

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"Inquire: Do you think that the imperials wouldn't know the location of this female room in their own station?" UbD inquires


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"They're not real big on people killing their operatives either," Ashlin points out. "But if you can sell their things, it's easier to get by without the Empire's approval. Otherwise, it's rougher."

Defiantly, she stoops and grabs one of the fallen agent's holdout blaster and tucks it into her pocket.

"So all right, if you're in such a rush, lets go."


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Despite Bel's protestations, UbD-5 efficiently searches the prone bodies of his foes once Ashlin pockets the pistol. Among the remaining items he has to choose from are 2 stormtrooper utility belts (each with a medpac), 2 blaster carbines, 1 hold out pistol, 2 commlinks, and a palm sized holo recorder with a recording of the Emperor giving a speech entitled "New Order in the Universe."

Scanning the area, Bel sees no sign of trouble, just the remainder of the crowd fleeing for the exits.

Leaning on Ardon and Rain, the young woman leads her rescuers to a side exit and lift which is thankfully empty. Descending three floors, the group enters a narrow dimly lit corridor. Forced to move at half speed because of the woman's condition, the group makes several turns past several shut doors, until they stand in front of an apartment door, number 3107.

"This floor is unoccupied, and a friend owns this apartment," she explains, drawing out a passcard from her pocket with some difficulty. You can all see a red blaster wound on her side, beneath the scorched tear in her jumpsuit. "Blasted troopers meant to stun me, but they got a little trigger happy." she notes.

The lights turn on automatically as you enter, revealing a large room, simple but comfortable, with many chairs and tables. A public information terminal stands against a wall, and doors lead to a kitchen and a bedroom. Collapsing on a couch, the young woman looks up at you all. "I'm sorry I got you all involved, especially you," she says looking a Ardon. "But I couldn't be arrested, not now."

She sighs with a pensive look on her face, then continues.

"Look, you will all get paid, I promise. But I'm going to need more help."
She stops as her breathing becomes labored then shifting to a more comfortable position continues.

"My name is Maya, I'm an agent of Alderaan Security. The Imperials must have found out I was coming and tried to waylay me as soon as I got here so they could deport me. I'm here to pick up a piece of cargo.But I am in no shape to do so..ugh..now. By what you did back on the Promenade I think you all might be able and willing to help....but..."

Shaking her head, she spits out her offer, "I need you to meet a droid named Switch. The droid knows where the cargo is. If you get it, I can get us off the station."

Looking drained, Maya rests her head back."While you are meeting Switch, please have him send me a doctor. The droid is supposed to be well connected..somehow. He can be trusted well enough as long as we are doing business."

"I know this is alot to process..you don't have to decide now.You can stay here as long as you wish and talk it over. But my employer is Senator Bail Organa, and the cargo is..his property. He is a man of means to say the least and will pay well for your services."

Maya falls silent, at first you think she has passed out, but she remains still awaiting your reactions.
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Rain narrows her eyes and looks at the twil'lek. Maya had said especially him, why especially him? Did she know him?

"Do you know each other?" she asks Ardon and Maya.

"Will this...droid just tell us where the cargo is?" the amazon asked, sounding unused to the word droid. "Will it be willing to just send a doctor? I am not familiar with the ways of people outside of my homeworld, but my experiences suggest they all only seem to look out for themselves. Wont he want to know what he will receive for this help? I helped without wanting any payment, but you did promise payment and you did it because not everyone will just help...is this Switch such a helpful being?"

"Ah, and uh...who is Bail Organa? Should I know of this person?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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