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DnD 3.5 (Eberron) Elemental Evil, the Return


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My other idea (in progress)

I updated the 'At a glance' list in my earlier post, but I still have this other idea that won't get out of my head. I'm going to write it up as a possibility- if this concept works, it would free up the 'Meat Shield' slot- I'll let the GM decide if it is a better fit than Ranulf for this game. I used the same set of stats.

Name: Zara (formally 'Zarantyr6')
Race: Warforged (female personality'
Slot: Arcane damage (or Other 2)

Class/level: Warlock 4

Description: From the very first glance, it is easy to tell that Zara is definitely not a typical member of her race. She is quite small by warforged standards, standing just a fingerwidth over six feet tall, with a (comparatively) slender and graceful build. Her body is a gleaming metallic grey, with ornate swirling curlicues of intertwined silver and black, and she has a definite feminine look- in many ways she appears more like an exquisite piece of artwork than a terrible engine of destruction. Her eyes are a odd purple crystal, and she has tendrils of silvery ribbon which mimic a full mane of hair. She often wears a simple black robe, and carries a bulky satchel over one shoulder.

Personality: Zara's outlook is as unusual as her appearance. The most important facet of her personality is that she firmly believes that she has a soul, and she feels that she must prove herself worthy of such an enormous gift. Whether she actually has a soul is beside the point-the crucial point is that she believes this is true. She also feels what she believes to be real emotions- in fact, she is often quite excitable or emotional, especially compared to other warforged. Again, whether these are actually emotions or simply a facet of her exotic programming is unimportant- but she believes they are real.

Zara tends to be quite protective of those that she becomes attached to, and can be quite violent when her "friends" are endangered. She is also concerned with innocent bystanders and noncombatants. In general, she is quite interested in finding good deeds to do- it matters little whether it is a mundane kindness, or an arduous quest worthy of a great hero, as long as it present her an opportunity to help 'earn' the gift she feels she has been given.

Background: Zara was the product of a rather eccentric (though undoubtedly brilliant) creator- a man who had never overcome his sadness at the loss of his three young daughters in the course of the war. He created a line of experimental warforged- designed to be light and quick, they drew their power from Khyber dragonshards. While all of those warforged were also designed to be pretty, Zara was by far the most exquisitely constructed- it was easy to mistake her for a beautiful sculpture, despite her destructive power. Her creator poured his heart and soul into his designs, inspired and driven by his own terrible sorrow- he died less than a year after he completed the set. His patrons, unaware of just how unusual that particular group of warforged had turned out, simply sold them off to the military, as they sold the rest of the creator's notes and assets. Zara, like her sisters, found herself in the thick of the last war- but her appearance drew a great deal of attention, and she passed into the hands of a nobleman-turned-officer who was more interested in having an exotic bodyguard than a simple weapon. When her owner was slain during the last days of the war, Zara remained with the same unit, having grown quite friendly with some of the troops. And when the group split up, Zara went with some of them, first on some adventures of varying success, then back to the village of Hommlet, where some of them had grown up.

Campaign details:
2 lost items: a set of Shiftweave (from the Sharn sourcebook), and a non-magical but valuable locket

Rival: Destrin DeCannith, an artificer and rogue who feels that an 'ensouled' warforged is an abomination- and he believes Zara may be the last one.

Triumph: We were the last unit to cross the Kelsir Bridge, and we had to hold off an enormous number of troops to do it. The Jade Dragoons were trying to get past us, either to take the bridge or to simply use it for passage, but we managed to stall the advance long enough that they got caught in the swirling chaotic mess of their own potential allies- after the stormships blew the bridge, they couldn't cross for days...

Setback: We weren't even really an official adventuring party back in those days, just an informal team-up that seemed to work out really well. Maybe that was part of it- the Dragoons already had specially plotted group maneuvers and signals- they kept moving us all over the place, and at the time we just thought it was a running pitched battle. As it turned out, they were trying to get certain specific items placed a very particular way for some big Karrnathi ritual- and we never even noticed until it was all over.

Game stats:
Race: Warforged
Class/level: Warlock 4
XP: 6000
Alignment: CG;
Age 4; 6'1"; 250 lbs

Initiative: +4 (DEX)
AC: 19 (touch 14/flatfooted 15; Mithril armor +5, DEX +4)
HP: 33 (6/6/6/6 +9 CON)
BAB: +3 (Melee +1/Missile +7)
FORT: +4 (+1 base, +3 CON; add +1 vs. spells/spell-like effects)
REF: +5 (+1 base, +4 DEX)
WILL: +6 (+4 base, +2 CHA; add +1 vs. spells/spell-like effects)

STR: 7 (-2), (includes +1 at level 4)
DEX: 18 (+4)
CON: 16 (+3) (includes +2 racial, +1 at level 4)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 9 (-1) (includes -2 racial)
CHA: 15 (+2) (includes -2 racial)

Mithril body (level 1)
Cold-iron tracery (level 2; Races of Eberron)
Silver tracery (Level 3; Races of Eberron)
Point-blank shot (level 4)
(will take Precise shot at level 5)

Warlock invocations:
1. Eldritch spear
2. See the unseen
3. Summon swarm

Concentration +10 (7 ranks +3 CON)
Spellcraft +5 (3 ranks, +2 INT)
Sense motive +5 (6 ranks, -1 WIS)
Use Magical device +3 (1 rank, +2 CHA)
Bluff +5 (3 ranks, +2 CHA)
Craft (sculptor) +3 (1 rank, +2 INT)
Knowledge- arcana +5 (3 ranks, +2 INT)
Knowledge-religion +5 (3 ranks, +2 INT)
Knowledge- the planes +3 (1 rank, +2 INT)

Backpack (satchel)
2 travelers outfits ( 1 free)
2 daggers
belt pouch
flint and steel
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Okay. Slots go to:
1. Ranulf -- shifter male, Barbarian 2/Fighter 2
2. Vaeryn -- elven male, Scout 4
3. Leigh -- human male, Cleric 4 (sovereign host)
4. Karna -- elven female, Battle Sorceror 4
5. Unity -- warforged Binder 4
6. Pick -- warforged Artifacer 2/Fighter 2

Rogue's Gallery to be posted soon. Game to start soon after.


First Post


This type of game (feat at every level) should be quite interesting from the standpoint of getting to truly customize your character and enhance the pulpy feel of Eberron.

Personally, I'm interested to see how the Heroic Channelling and Divine Metamagic work together -- since I have a lot of turn attempts to begin with... :)

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Okay, one last thing before we begin. :) Remember how I said that I'd modify your stats?

From your original attribute rolls, make the highest number rolled an 18 and make the lowest number rolled a 12. If this makes you want to redistribute your attributes, then go for it.

Once that change has been made, the first game post is HERE.

Voidrunner's Codex

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