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DnD 3.5 - Valley of the Dead

Myth and Legend

First Post
The mysterious NPC item was going to be granted since you did not choose anything from Ferviel. I'll think about it now :)

BTW there is a new players who wishes to join. I'll have him talk it over with you guys, regarding his role and all that.

Also, I'll update tomorrow, as I won't be online for a good while (traveling). Perhaps a week, though I'm thinking maybe less than that.

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First Post
Hey everyone,

I'm the one who's asked Myth to consider me for joining the group - suggested I put my idea/mechanics to you guys and see what could fit.

I've worked up parts of a character sheet - some bits are missing as I'm rather rusty on my D&D lately, I've not played for a while.

I was hoping to play a Shadowcaster, but Myth has commented that perhaps that's not the strongest class so I thought I'd see what would work for you guys.

I'm happy to consider something else if I can keep the rough concept behind my character the same - but if someone could maybe cast a more experienced eye over my work, I'm not 100% certain I;ve worked out stats correctly.

So...er...yeah...if you guys think you can use me, that'd be great! :)

Neutral (Chaotic) Human Female, Shadowcaster 8

Languages: Common,
Sable is a tall, statuesque woman with an athletic frame. Pale, almost pallid, skin that is notably unblemished. Long, night-black hair hangs loosely around her alabaster shoulders. A smile comes easily to her slender face but is off-set by light-grey eyes that reveal a cold and calculating gaze. Here is a woman to be wary of.
A long black skirt wraps her hips, topped with a corset of similar material that leaves her shoulders bare. The spidery lines of a tattoo can be seen on her left shoulder, trailing beneath her clothing.

Strength 15 (+2) (Base 15 )
Dexterity 18 (+4) (Base 18)
Constitution 15 (+2) (Base 15)
Intelligence 16 (+3) (Base 16)
Wisdom 16 (+3) (Base 16)
Charisma 16 (+3) (Base 16)

Size: Medium
Age: 32
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 120 lb
Eyes: Light Grey
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale


Hit Points: 48

Initiative modifier: +4 = +4 [dexterity]

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 14 = 10 + 4 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 10
Flat-footed: 22

Fortitude: +8 = 6 [base], + 2 [constitution]
Reflex: +6 = 2 [base], + 4 [dexterity]
Will: +11 = 6 [base], + 3 [wisdom], +2 [Iron Will]

Sickle: (1d6, 19-20/x2)

Cumulative Modifiers:
Flanking: ()

Attack (handheld): +6 = 4 [base] + 2 [strength]
Attack (missile): +8 = 4 [base] + 4 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +6 = 4 [base] + 2 [strength]
Shadow Cast
Path Focus (Touch of Twilight)
Iron Will
Shadow Familiar (Dark Raven)

Shadow Familiar (Feat): Obtain a familiar in the same way as a sorcerer or wizard but it possess the dark template. For purpose of determining familiar abilities that depend on your arcane caster level – your levels in all classes that allow you to cast mysteries or arcane spells stack.
Dark template:
Size/Type – unchanged
Speed – as base with +10 to all modes of movement
Special Qualities – All qualities of base creature in addition to:
Darkvision 60ft
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Use Hide skill even while being observed (except in natural daylight, area of a daylight spell or a similar effect)
Resistance to Cold 10
Superior low-light vision
Skills – as base creature plus Hide +8 & move Silently +6
Environment – changes to Plane of Shadow

Shadow Cast (Feat): Designate a square adjacent to you. If no-one threatens that square, you don’t provoke an attack of opportunity when you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability.
Path Focus (Feat): Designate of path of shadow magic – you function at +1 caster level when casting mysteries of this path. Additionally, add +1 to the DC of all saving throws against mysteries from this path.

Move Silently +9 = +5 [ranks] +4 [stat]
Hide +9 = +5 [ranks] +4 [stat]
Concentration +12 = +10 [ranks] +2 [Con]
Knowledge (Arcana) +13 = +10 [ranks] +3 [Int]
Spellcraft +12 = +10 [ranks] +2 [Int]
Knowledge (The Planes) +12 = +10 [ranks] +2 [Int]
Spot +6 = +3 [ranks] +3 [stat]
Bluff +8 = +5 [ranks] +3 [Cha]
Sense Motive +7 = +5 [ranks] +2 [Wis]
Listen +6 = +3 [ranks] +3 [stat]

Undeveloped Skills
Appraise +3 = 3 [Int]
Craft +3 = 3 [Int]
Decipher Script +3 = 3 [Int]
Disguise +3 = 3 [Cha]
Escape Artist +4 = 4 [Dex]
Forgery +3 = 3 [Int]
Heal +3 = 3 [Wis]
Intimidate +3 = 3 [Cha]
Jump +2 = 2 [Str]
Knowledge (Architecture) +2 = 2 [Int]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +2 = 2 [Int]
Knowledge (History) +2 = 2 [Int]
Knowledge (Religion) +2 = +2 [Int]
Knowledge (Local) +2 = 2 [Int]
Ride +5 = 5 [Dex]
Search +2 = +2 [Int]
Survival +2 = 2 [Wis]
Use Rope +5 = 5 [Dex]
Climb +2 = +2 [stat]
Disable Device +3 = +3 [stat]
Open Lock +4 = +4 [stat]
Gather Information +3 = +3 [stat]
Use Magical Device +3 = +3 [stat]
Balance +4 = +4 [stat]
Swim +3 = +3 [stat]

Abilities, Maneuvers & Stances

Bonus feat (2nd level)
Bonus fundamental (1 at 4th level and at 8th level)
Fundamentals of Shadow (5 by level 8): Arrow of Dusk, Mystic Reflections, Black Candle, Caul of Shadow, Sight Obscured

Fundamentals of Shadow (Su): Powers that function as supernatural abilities and can be used three times a day. Begin play with three Fundamentals and gain an additional one at 4th level and every four levels thereafter. When choosing a Fundamental, you can ‘relearn’ a known one thus gaining another set of uses of it. The save DC of any Fundamental is = 10 + Cha modifier.

Apprentice Mysteries (spell-like at 7th level): [Touch of Twilight] Life Fades, Flesh Fails, Umbral Touch [Eyes of Darkness] Bend Perspective, Piercing Sight, Killing Shadows [Shutters & Clouds] Dusk & Dawn
Initiate Mysteries: [Unbinding Shade] Shadows Fade

Mysteries & Paths: You gain one Mystery per level – up to 6th level you can only learn Apprentice Mysteries. You may not ‘jump’ ahead in a path, though you don’t have to complete it. You can only learn Mysteries of a new level if you have completed the two Mysteries of the previous levels, within a Path.
When you are only capable of casting Apprentice Mysteries, you cast them as Arcane spells. They have somatic components, armour-based failure chance and are subject to interruption – when cast in this manner, observers can make a DC 15 Spot to check to see your shadow making gestures different to the ones you do as you cast the Mystery. At 7th level, Apprentice Mysteries are cast as spell-like abilities and Initiate Mysteries become subject to the rules above.

Umbral Sight (see in darkness 30ft)
Sustaining Shadow (eat 1 meal/week)



Carry Capacity
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head: -
Lift off ground: -
Push or drag: -

Carrying: lb

Additional Sources Used

1. Player's Handbook I
2. Tome of Magic

Flames flickered, shadows danced.
“What brings you to our little village, young miss?”
Sable drew her gaze from the roaring fire, a flicker of irritation crossed her porcelain features. The old woman had taken it upon herself to question her almost incessantly since she sat down by the large fireplace in the inn.
Glancing round, there were few other patrons. The inn itself was set amongst small homesteads and the odd farm, fairly removed from well-trodden roads through the kingdom. An unfortunate and sudden storm had driven her to seek shelter and drive the cold form her bones. This place had seemed accommodating enough.
“Well, dear?”
If it weren’t for the hag’s infernal questions! They must never see new faces!
Suppressing a sigh and allowing a smile to warm her pale face, Sable turned to face the wisened creature who sat opposite her at the fire. A small and wispy-haired thing, her frame was shrunken and slight.
“I’m simply travelling on business old mother, nothing more interesting than that” she murmured.
With both hands she gently unravelled her drying hair and leaned forward towards the warmth, letting her long black hair cascade forward like a dark river.
“Ah..yes” the old woman nodded, “A merchant? You and your husband are merchants, yes?”
Light grey eyes flicked their cold gaze upwards, focusing on the old woman.
“No. I travel alone”
Unpertubed, the old woman frowned and shook her head.
“Oh dear oh dear, no no…a lovely young lady like yourself mustn’t travel out here alone…”
Shadows stretched.

That night Sable dreamed.
She stood in her father’s field, amongst the tall grains and gazed up at an iron grey sky. The light changed, becoming night and the field was full of shadows. Sable threw her head back and laughed, arms outstretched to the pale moon. From the distance a boy watched and pointed, Sable laughed louder as her arms became shadows and she flew into the night.

It had been years now, so long she could barely remember what he looked like.
Sable dressed silently, brow creased in thought. Her hands carefully laced her corset without thinking, wrapping her skirts around as she had done for so long now. She left her hair free of it’s clasps, wild and flowing around her bare shoulders.
She could see his face, the blacksmith’s boy, earnest and perhaps fearful. Watching her dance, watching her laugh. Round and round she whirled, her hair whipped about her and the shadows danced with her.
That had been when her father came to her, his face dark in a way she still couldn’t understand. There’d been talk, he’d said, people had seen omens. That blasted raven. Shadows that reached for those who called her names. There’d been talk.
Sable could’ve cared less. She remembered. Her defiant laugh, a simple shrug of alabaster shoulders. And then a father’s anger.
Sable paused in her dressing, a slight tingle of remembered pain on her pale cheek, an echo of a memory of the sound it made. An echo of her father’s scream in darkness.
A screech brought her out of her reverie, outside the window of the room she’d been given for the night sat a large raven. It croaked and cawed again, urgent.
“Yes yes” she muttered, “I’m going, I’m going…”

“You’ll not reach Coppering ‘afore dark miss” called out the innkeeper as she came down the stairs, “Not on foot, and we’ve no horses spare. Old Roggs is going on the ‘morrow with his cart, you’d be best waiting until then”
Sable wrapped a cloak around her shoulders and gathered her things, opening the inn’s door and standing for a moment in the chill wind.
“Thank-you kind sir, but I shall press on” she smiled warmly, “After all, what have I to fear from the dark? I know it holds nothing more terrible than me”
With that Sable strode out into the village.
Shadows cowered.

Flames flickered, shadows danced.

Level Advancement
Bonus feat: Iron Will
1: Shadowcaster. Feats: Path Focus. Abilities: Fundamentals of Shadow, Apprentice Mysteries
2: Shadowcaster. Feats:Shadow Familair
3: Shadowcaster. Feats: Shadow Cast. Abilities: Umbral Sight
4: Shadowcaster. Bonus Fundamental.
5: Shadowcaster. Abilities: Sustaining Shadow
6: Shadowcaster.
7: Shadowcaster. Abilities: Apprentice Mysteries (spell-like), Initiate Mysteries
8: Shadowcaster. Bonus Fundamental [/sblock]


First Post
Myth is heavy into optimization and in the eyes of most CharOppers, shadowcaster is weak. But if you play smart, it’s actually a fairly good class. I know, as I played one for a while in a PbP here. If you want, I can dig up exactly where I joined that game and my character sheet for it. :)
In play, I did a bit of battlefield control with Black Fire and Clinging Darkness, plus some direct-hitting with a Reach Umbral Touch (the Slowing rider effect saved the party in one nasty fight).

As for the design and double-checking math, I’m happy to help. And welcome to ENWorld. :)

Here’s what I found needs fixing, after giving your sheet a quick look.
[sblock=Sheet Corrections]
It looks to me like you’ve spent way more than the 36 points. Even putting your level-up points into DEX to get the 18 still has way too many points spent. So either you’re leaving out magic items or you’ll need to drop some of those scores.
As an 8th-level character, you can increase any of your ability scores by 2 (at 4th and at 8th level, you can give out a +1 advancement bonus), which I don’t see having been spent.

You get an extra language known for each point of Intelligence bonus you have.

Your Hit Points get to add your CON bonus on each level.

Obviously, you haven’t bought any armor. That said, no armor is precisely why your flat-footed AC can’t be 22. Flat-footed is your AC without any Dexterity bonus. Touch is rather the opposite; you only count Dexterity (and some other magical bonus types).

You are missing a feat. You get a feat at 1st, 3rd, and 6th levels, plus a bonus for being Human (at 1st-level, so make sure you qualify for it then) and a bonus at Shadowcaster 2 (drawn from a specific list).

Oh, and Myth will want it in her special format. :p[/sblock]

Now, as for boosting the character...

[sblock=Bumping it Up]
Regarding Feats – Iron Will likely isn’t that important a feat to keep. You have a good Will save (and after fixing stats, an average Wis) and a Cloak or Vest of Resistance will help boost it a bit more.
Are you especially set on Shadow Familiar? It doesn’t add much mechanically and could be replaced with a Metashadow feat. The same could be said of Path Focus and Iron Will.

You obviously need to spend your starting gold. A +1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Twilight will give you +5 AC, no Armor Check Penalty and no Arcane Spell Failure chance. A Mithral Buckler will do similar. Other protective magic items may be worth your time.
Also, magic items to boost your CHA are important. You want to keep your save DCs high.
Metashadow Rods are also quite useful, though the good ones get expensive.


First Post

Of course, if a Shadowcaster is what your heart calls for, then absolutely go for it.

I must say there may be a thematic overlap with Lórquëlie, however. If you find the time to read the story thus far, you'll note she frequently talks about shadows, which is a roleplaying aspect that has an underlying mechanics.

We also have two arcane casters already, and I think the campaign is undead-heavy. Arcane casters, and especially Shadowcasters (like other casters who use Illusion, ability damage, Enchantment), are not very effective against undead.

Favored Soul can be a very nice class if well-designed, and if I'm correct, we don't have a Crusader yet, do we?

Again, don't feel pressed to rethink your concept. If that is the character you've wanted to play for so long, absolutely go for it. I just wanted to point out you'll not be the only one using Shadow Magic in the party.


First Post
Presently we have 3 melee focused characters, one Cerlic who is extra good at destroying undead and the before mentioned two arcane casters

I've read your character background and I consider myself a veteran RPer(note, I don't think I've been living up to my own standard for the last few years), but not a vet D&Der.
It reads like an intro post instead of a bio. that's not good.
Anyways, all the PCs thus far are fairly powerful, being ECL 9, so it would be nice if there was a reason for her being so, at level 9 any of them are able to crush rank and file mages muchness rank and file soldiers and likely an entire village single handed: even in their youth most of our characters went of the kind to be pushed around unless they allowed it or there was something notable in their surroundings, that would likely be noted in their bios ;3

Anyways, I'll summarize your bio:
Sable is at an inn: the weather caused her to flee fer travels until it had cleared.
She is pestered by an inn keeper
She vaguely recalls her past.
-she likes, or liked, the blacksmith's son
-her Father gives a warning, she laughs in his face and he gets anger by her literally shrugging it off, he slapped some sense into her.
-her father screamed, likely as she overreacted and smote him down with innate power.
Then her Raven stirs her from her remembrance and she leaves in the middle of the night despite the inn keepers worry.

This is not a background, this is one dairy entry.
Backgrounds generally don't go into so many nuances because they need to deal with the character from the start of their first interesting experience to their most present of note. as such most are more contracted.

For example.
-we're presently in a dangerous area heading towards what might as well be the gate to hell: why is she either in the army or in this area? this question, the most important, is ignored wholly.
-this character is, by over view with a presents knowledge, a witch: someone to burn at the stake. Did they chase her out as a mob? did she flee before this? this is ignored and would give great insight into her mind set, is she quick to flee danger? did she instead flee prolonged contact with others to avoid doing unto them as she did to her father? did she only leave her home when her option was to flee or die? this would tell us about her mindset and is a key part of her past.
-during her travels since then has anything important happen? perhaps she was told the valley had the means to undo her indiscretions? that she could do something there so that she could return home in peace? there.
-did she apprentice under anyone, or thing?
-did she have any other interesting interactions?
-what happen chance gave her her affinity for shadow and/or magic?

I'll stop here for now, but while I think the bio is under whelming as a bio, its a very good show of what you can post and I look forwards to seeing more of your work. I just think the Bio is too verbose for how much is conveyed and that what precious little is told is not too important.
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Myth and Legend

First Post
Well, Voda those two were not related but, yeah :) I can also avoid the rain and the horribly stuffed buses towards my home town whenever there's more than 3 days off for everyone.

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