Do You RPG More Than Once Per Week?

Do You RPG More Than Once Per Week?

  • Yes

    Votes: 133 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 251 65.4%

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When I was a ne'er do-well college student skipping classes every day.

Now, a responsible adult loving my job: once a month at best. ;)


That guy, who does that thing.
Alas, there WAs a time long ago when I would have said YES

Now I'm lucky to game once a month.

It's this whole "working" thing that really cuts into my free time...

Same here -- I used to play a fairly regular weekly Monday night game, a fairly regular weekly Wednesday night game (back when it was called Encounters), a 3-times-a-month Friday night game, and a monthly or even twice-a-month Saturday afternoon game at a different hobby store.

Now, for various reasons, the Monday game has dialed back to every two weeks, I don't do the Wednesday game, and the game store where I used to play Saturdays is closed. Even our Friday game went on a pretty long hiatus recently as the DM was recovering from colon cancer.

I don't know that I miss it, exactly -- there were weeks where I was feeling burnt out on gaming back in the day for sure -- but I could definitely get into more gaming than I'm in now.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
Twice a week for me.

Tuedays was Call of Cthulhu, but from next week will be Judge Dread & The Worlds of 2000AD.

Thursdays is Adventures in Middle Earth (D&D 5E).

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