Doctor Who s8e12: Death in Heaven [spoilers]


I think it's possible that there had been a longer interval than just two weeks since the cyber attack. We only know that she had called him two weeks before, but I'm also open to the possibility that she's still pregnant and not far along.

The scene where Danny sends the kid back is captioned "Two weeks later", and it doesn't seem like the meeting with the Doctor takes place much after that.

I don't know how else "Danny and I will be fine" makes sense. And the doctor knows, which is why the remark doesn't strike him as odd.

The whole point of that final scene is that Clara and the Doctor are ending their relationship exactly as they were pursuing it - both lying to each other to spare the other's feelings, both so practised at it that it comes naturally and totally convincingly.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yeah, they were both lying to each their at the end.

New question: so Missy was the woman in the phone shop. She says she "chose" Clara. She went out of her way to keep them together.

But.... why? What on earth for?


Yeah, they were both lying to each their at the end.

New question: so Missy was the woman in the phone shop. She says she "chose" Clara. She went out of her way to keep them together.

But.... why? What on earth for?

Clara had a way of getting under the Doctor's skin, showing him his darker side. I think Missy genuinely believed the Doctor was just like her, deep down, and hoped that Clara would help to show him that. That's really just a guess, though.


I got the impression that while Missy couldn't influence The Doctor she could certainly arrange to set him up with a "control freak" companion, who she could use to steer him the way that she wanted to.


Why was Danny able to override his Cyberman programming? And why was the Brigadier able to, also? Is the implication that love overrides the programming? In that case, presumably the majority of people love somebody - why don't all the Cybermen overcome their programming? Or was the love of those two greater than that of everyone else?

I think both of them were confronted with the object of there affection, so it could snap them out of it, the other cybermen didn't happen to come across the their loved ones? Also all that Love is a Promise stuff people have mentioned.

If you have a TARDIS and your have a plane, is your optimal mobile headquarters the plane? Why wasn't his first order "Right, everyone into the TARDIS!"

Well the Doctor is kind of fussy over who he lets in, and UNIT seem a bit paranoid about letting the Doctor out of their sights in time of crisis. That's my feeling, protocols allow the Doctor anything he needs, except being able to run away and leave us in the :):):):).

Missy still had her disintegrator on her after being captured? Did they not check her for weapons?

You see her grab it off the table, when she zooms over to stand behind glasses-girl.
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I post in the voice of Christopher Walken
[*]Michelle Gomez. Best Who villain ever. I'll bet they have to rebuild the scenery to get the teeth marks out after she's done shooting. I want to see her and Moriarty together.

Absolutely agree. We only really ever got two full episodes with her (and the occasional glimpses after each episode) and I feel like that just isn't enough. I would definitely be happy with them handwaving her death somehow to bring her back. I was actually disappointed when the cyberman killed her.


My grip with the plot was, the personalities where taken from the "recently dead" and stored in the nethersphere.

By recently they didn't mean recently in 2014, they meant recent from whichever part of history they came from, past, current or future.

So when they got put back into bodies, they can't have all gone into their own bodies as some won't even had been born yet, but others would have rotted to the point there was nothing to interface with.


a) How come Danny ended up in his own body?
b) What was really left of the brain to interface with from a body that died in 1748 (one of the graves you see a Cyberman rising from)?
c) Where did Danny find Clara a coat?


The Mary Poppins arrival more than makes up for those gripes though.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Watched again. Disintegration are red. Teleports are blue. Double checked.

The Brig definitely takes the shot.

And then takes off and lives evermore as a Cyberman. Creepy and weird.
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Am I the only one who thinks that "Danny and I are going to be fine" is a reference to a baby Danny back at home, which is why Clara can't travel with the Doctor anymore? she wanted to tell Danny she loved him and come clean because she was going to announce that she was pregnant, and then he died. There has to be a baby Danny because it's the only way that future descendant pioneer time-traveller Danny can exist, since he a) is a genetic descendent of Clara and b) Looks like Danny.

So, I'm calling it: Baby at home with Clara.
Time can be rewritten. They're always saying it but we never see it. Clara's future was changed, and there's no time travelling descendants.

Yeah, they were both lying to each their at the end.

New question: so Missy was the woman in the phone shop. She says she "chose" Clara. She went out of her way to keep them together.

But.... why? What on earth for?

Because she was the control freak that would push the Doctor, getting him to do things he wouldn't otherwise. Like try and go to the afterlife to save her boyfriend.

Yeah, it's a little weak.

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