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Dragonlance: Children of the Dragon : Chapter 1 First Hunt


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Interlude 1 The Previous Day

[DM: While we're still waiting for Mordane to post his actions, I going to post the first of many interludes to help keep your interest. Something along the lines that Tokiwong does for his games. Enjoy]

Interlude 1: on the Previous day…

7th of Deepkolt (Feb), 389 AC

Levexiskthurkear, also called Star, was exhausted. Her bruised and bleeding body was currently chained to the ground near a draconian camp in the foothills of Everwinter Peak, close to the village of Cold Creek…

The previous evening she had left her eggs for a short time to go hunting, as they would be hatching soon and very hungry when at last they emerged, she hoped to have several plump elk for her brood’s first meal waiting for them. It was while flying above the village at dusk when the draconians attacked. As she flew over a copse of trees, grapples had been fired at her, many missed, but a few found their mark and yanked her from the sky. Both of her wings were broken in an instant and she came crashing into the trees near a forest clearing, suffering further injuries. Dazed, it was a few moments before she realized the draconians were swarming over her body bearing heavy iron chains to quickly bound her to the earth. The draconians had obviously done this before, they quickly secured her head first and were careful to stay out range where she could use her breath weapon. They secured her claws and tail so she could not lash at them. She was being quickly and efficiently rendered helpless. Only one of the draconians was brave enough to stand in her field of vision, albeit safely out of range, a large silvery Sivak draconian stood before her impassively gazing as his troops secured his captive. The Sivak was lightly armored, wearing little more then a chain shirt and kilt, a great sword was strapped to his back between his wings and he held a great longbow with an arrow loosely nocked. His most notable feature, however, was a scar on the right-side of his face, the puckered wound went from his forehead through his eye socket and down his cheek. Star glared balefully at the magically corrupted member of her race, focusing all her attention upon him, she summoned a spell that would make him her willing servant. As the magical energy settled down about him he began to laugh, his draconic heritage gave him resistance to her magic.

"Greetings Levexiskthurkear”, he spoke in the language of dragons. Switching to common he continued. “ I am so glad you could except my invitation. I am Commander Kurn, and this is what is left of the First Dragon Army’s Recon Division, though now we are self-employed.” Commander Kurn give a sickening grin which twisted his facial scare horrendously. “I find myself in a unique position. You are, of course, aware of the recent rumors of monstrously large dragons hunting down their lesser brethren. My company and I have been gainfully employed by one such beast, a black dragon called Sable, to track down possible dragon lairs. And so when I heard stories of a silver dragon, with a brood of eggs, I just had to come. You and your eggs will be of great interest to Sable, she has quite a passion for experimentation, I’m sure she will reward us greatly for your eggs.”

“No!” shrieked Star, at last compelled to speak, “Leave my babies alone!” At this Star began to thrash around to escape her chains, but she realized in listening to the Sivak she had given the draconians time to finish the job of securing her, she was trapped.

“Commander!” just then a burnished Bozak came gliding down from the direction of Everwinter peak. He came to a smooth landing beside Kurn. “Sir, we’ve searched the silver’s lair, and there’s no sign of any nest or eggs.”

"They are there Brunt.” Snarled Kurn, whirling towards his subordinate. “Rip the place apart until you’ve found them!” Kurn then turned back towards Star. “Well, it seems we will have to keep you alive a little longer. At least until you tell me where to find your eggs.”

Star began to struggle once again…

That had been yesterday evening, this afternoon, Star was to exhausted to continue. Her struggles all-night had been in vain, and now she was too tired to even try her magic or shapeshift. Her broken wings were a constant agony, and the wounds on her body, were broken trees had plowed furrows into her hide, still wept blood. Star knew she was slowly dying, and soon her babies would hatch, unaware of the threat they faced and wondering where their mother was...
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First Post
OOC: I had said I'd wait for some response from the draconoids, so I will ready an action -- I can hold to their initiative (as it's 10 lower than mine). If the draconians attack, I will use my breath weapon against the closest one of them.
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First Post
Chapter 1 First Hunt

Mordane76 said:
OOC: I had said I'd wait for some response from the draconoids, so I will ready an action -- I can hold to their initiative (as it's 10 lower than mine). If the draconians attack, I will use my breath weapon against the closest one of them.

[DM:Ok Let’s get the show on the road…]

Lukisalinari: she slips off the ledge instinctively trying use her wings to control her fall and fails miserably, collapsing in a heap at the base of the wall [roll: 5 +1 vs DC 15 takes 7 dmg].

Kharasmadrion: He breathes a mist of frosty vapors from the ledge then calmly slides down the resulting cloud using his natural abilities to cloudwalk [Breath recharges in 2 rounds].

Khirsahfalithet: he hangs back a bit from the rest of the clutch, watching, waiting for the response of the draconoids [Readies his breathweapon].

Justyrathrix: the smallest male wyrmling successfully glides off the ledge to land by his fallen sister and hisses at the approaching Baaz. [roll: 14+1 vs DC 15, he readies his breathweapon as well].

Vervaerynosz: The big brother attempts to glide as well and succeeds in gracefully joining his siblings on the floor, he positions himself between the draconians and his clutch-mates [roll: 17+2 vs DC 15, glides 80 ft.].

Baaz Draconians: four of the baaz drop to all fours and run 120ft towards the wyrmlings, coming far enough to reach Vern, while the fifth baaz retrieves something from the wagon.

End Round: 4 baaz are next to Vern. They are 80ft from the rest. The fifth is still back at the wagon.

[DM: Initivtives are: Lucky 19, Flashfrost 18, Vern 10, Southwind 6, Baaz Draconians 6, Coldlight 6 ]


I aim to misbehave
Lukisalinari lifted her head from under her wing and shook it to clear her senses. 'Mother made it sound so much easier . . . I must have missed something,' Lukisalinari thought. She looked up in time to see big, brave Vervaerynosz glided over her and between herself and the green scales. 'So that's how it's done . . .' she thought, proud of her big brother's accomplishments.

Lukisalinari got up and moved toward the entrance and the wagon, trying to keep the food from running away. She also looked to what the fifth green scale was doing . . . and where pelt lip was.


First Post
Khirsahfalithet judges the distance, then jumps down off the ledge, trying to land correctly. Once on the ground, Khirsahfalithet assumes a defensive stance.

OOC: I'll make a Jump check; I can't remember what the bonus is to the check because I'm intentionally leaping down from the ledge, though.


Guest 11456

Vervaerynosz (Vern): Male Wyrmling

Vervaerynosz is pleasantly surprised by his short flight. He is visibly disturbed by Lukisalinari's failed attempt. But he has bigger problems at the moment. Seeing that he is out numbered, he steps back a bit (5 foot step) and breaths with his paralyzing gas breath on as many draconians as he can fit into the cone (Fortitude DC 15 negate).

Velmont - You are at a distance of 80 feet. You can either move 40 feet and breath (which would be out of range), or you can make a double move 80 feet and not breath.

Mordane76 - DC to jump down is 15. If you succeed on the check, you take falling damage as if you had dropped 10 fewer feet than you actually did. Also, because you are jumping down, the first 10 feet damage is non-lethal damage. So, if you succeed at the check you take only 1d6 non-lethal damage (second 10 feet). If you fail, you take 1d6 of non-lethal damage (first 10 feet) and 1d6 of lethal damage (second 10 feet).


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If I can't do it, I'll move 40 feet and ready my breath again... closing on them would not allow to use my breath on everyone of them on the next round.


First Post
Chapter 1 First Hunt

[DM: Round 2]

Lukisalinari: Lucky heads towards the wagon and stops to peer through the melee. She sees the fifth draconian digging something out of the wagon, while the quivering ball of cloth and armor behind the wagon’s wheels might be the small creature seen earlier. [moves 40ft. roll: 3 +14 Spot vs DC 15].

Kharasmadrion: Flashfrost charges a baaz on the outside of the group and snaps at his arm. [roll: 13 +9 vs AC 18 Hit: 8 dmg]

Vervaerynosz: Vern breathes his paralyzing gas reaching two of the baaz who our unaffected by the blast of mist in their faces. [Breath recharge in 2 rounds]

Justyrathrix: The smallest wyrmling moves forward warily, ready to use his breath weapon on any who approach. [Readies his breathweapon].

Baaz Draconians: The four baaz split up so each can cover the wyrmlings. One draws his weapon and steps forward to attack Vern, [roll: 10+8 vs AC 20 Miss.] the swing goes wide. Another draws and attacks Flashfrost, [roll: 10+8 vs AC 18 Hit 7 subdual dmg] stiking him with the flat of the blade. A third moves past Vern [AoO roll: 13 +11 vs AC 18 Hit 9 dmg] allowing him to bite at a wing. When the bazz got close to Southwind the little wyrmling unleashed his cold blast, [Triggered action Ref roll: 7 vs DC 15 Fails. 7 cold dmg] resulting in a thick coat of frost over the baaz’s scales. The fourth moves towards Lucky while the fifth, having retrieved something from the wagon moves towards the wyrmlings.

Khirsahfalithet: Coldlight jumps from the ledge to the cavern floor staggering slightly then pauses to take stock of the battle. [roll 7+14 vs DC 15 Success. 5 subdual dmg]

End Round: One baaz (unharmed) in melee with Vern. One bazz (8 dmg) in melee with Flashfrost. One Bazz (16 dmg) 10 ft from Southwind. One bazz (unharmed) 10ft from Lucky. One baaz moving from the wagon 90ft from Vern and company.

[DM: Initivtives are: Lucky 19, Flashfrost 18, Vern 10, Baaz Draconians 6, Southwind 6, Coldlight 6 ]

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