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Dragonslayers [Aftermath]


Should I open the game back up for a new player? I am assuming that SG has dropped the game. If you haven't let me know. Isida is AFK for a month while she moves.

The dragon should be nearly impossible for 4 but I can NPC Larleth at the begining and Isidia should be back before long esp, at the current slow pace.

What do you all think?

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well Redswan and Az havent been on enworld in over a week, So the game is just on hold until we have some sort of quorum. I'll aim to restart by monday aug 15th, and assume that Isida will return before the party gets in too much trouble.


Due to the absense of SuperGirl and the relocation of Isidae I am looking for 1 more player.
See the first post for Character creation guidelines. The party is in a small underground town with a dragon problem. The dragon is a juvainile copper, with acid breath and some sorcery, a new charater should be a local - ie human, stout, hairfoot, or elf. You can also take over and flesh out a town notable:

Mero - hairfoot wizard, sorcerer or bard, owns the feast hall
Shelly de Frisson - Cleric of crafting, town smith
Keria - talkative young stout, class unspecified.

Father Lux, high priest of children, very old,
Alder Win de Saith - heir of the town founder. old, sick still runs the town.
Captain Calbon Delmar -human (dragon disciple) head of the town milita, sympathizes with dragons.

Recruiting will close friday. Your background should include relationships with some of the above.

Current players:
azmodean - LN Monk/cleric
Redswan - CG 1/2 orc cleric
Ferrix - Human Ranger/Dragonstalker
Mithan - Stout barbarian

Super girl - CG rogue/sorc
Isidae - Elven ranger.
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First Post
I'd be interested in joining another PbP game. (Recently joined an Eberron game as well).

I'd be interested in running Mero as a hairfoot wizard. If acceptable, I'll post some information tonight.


First Post
Submitted for Approval

Name: Mero Trabant
Class: Wizard
Race: Hairfoot
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: None
Included 5 scrolls Mero purchased and will attempt to copy to his spellbook. He only needs to roll a 2 for the 3rd level spell.

[b]Str:[/b] 9  -1 (4p.)	    [b]Level:[/b] 6		[b]XP:[/b] 0
[b]Dex:[/b] 12 +1 (5p.)	    [b]BAB:[/b] +3		 [b]HP:[/b] 26 (1d4+2)
[b]Con:[/b] 14 +2 (4p.)	    [b]Grapple:[/b]		[b]Dmg Red:[/b] -/-
[b]Int:[/b] 17 +3 (13p.) 20 +5     [b]Speed:[/b] 20'	  [b]Spell Res:[/b] -
[b]Wis:[/b] 10 +0 (2p.)	    [b]Init:[/b] +1		[b]Spell Save:[/b] -
[b]Cha:[/b] 10 +0 (0p.)	    [b]ACP:[/b] 0		[b]Spell Fail:[/b] -
+1 to Int at Level 4
+2 Int from Headband of Intellect

	[b]Base  Armor Shld Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/b]
[b]Armor:[/b] 10     +1	 +1  +1 		  13[b]
Touch:[/b] 12			  [b]Flatfooted:[/b] 13

  [b]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
[b]Fort:[/b]2   +2	   4
[b]Ref:[/b] 2   +1	   3
[b]Will:[/b]5   +0	   5

[b]Weapon				 Attack Damage			 Critical[/b]
Light Crossbow			 +4	 1d6		 19-20 x2
20 Bolts

Auto:  Common. 
Bonus: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven

Gnome: Low Light vision
Gnome: +1 AC / Attack Small size
Gnome: +2 save vs Illusions, +1 DC illusion spells
Gnome: +2 listen
Gnome: +4 AC vs Dragons
Gnome: Speak with Animals(Burrowing), Prestigination, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights 1/day
Gnome: +1 attack vs Kobolds and Goblinoids
Wizard: Scribe Scroll
Wizard: Familiar, Bat
Wizard: Alertness
Wizard: Bonus Feat Level 5

Level1: Dragonfoe
Level3: Sudden Still
Level5: Bonus: Energy Substitution(Electricity) - Complete Arcane
Level6: Born of Three Thunders - Complete Arcane

[b]Wizard Spells:[/b]
4/day- All
4/day - Alarm, Magic Missile, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Orb of Sound-Lesser, Orb of Cold-Lesser,  Mage Armor. 
4/day - Alter Self, Mirror Image, Spectral Hand, Scorching Ray, Resist Energy, Scale Weakening
3/day - Dispel Magic, Fireball, Vampiric Touch, Magic Circle Vs Evil, Leomunds Tiny Hut

[b]Skill Points:[/b] 48	  [b]Max Ranks:[/b] 9/
[b]Skills 		  Ranks Mod Misc Total[/b]
Concentration	  9	 +2	 11
Craft(Alchemy)	  8	 +5 +2+2 17 
Decipher Script	  2	 +5	 7
Knowledge(Nature) 5	 +5	 10
Knowledge(Arcana) 9	 +5	 14
Listen(cc)	  1	 +0 +2+3 6
Spellcraft 	  9	 +5 +2   16
Spot(cc) 	  0	 +0 +2   2
Use Magic Device(cc) 2 	+0	 2

[b]Equipment:		 Cost	Weight[/b]
Scrolls Scribed to Spellbook - 1250gp
Wand of Shocking Grasp 1d6 50charges   750gp   1
Bat Familiar			100gp -
Light Crossbow		35gp	4
20 Bolts		   2gp	 -
Spellbook (44pages used)   15gp	3
Artisans Tools	  55gp	5
Waterskin			 1gp	 1

Consolidated Magic Item: Mero's Open Palm - Gloves
- Hewards Handy Haversack		- 2,000gp
- Headband of Intellect +2	   - 4,000gp
- Bracers of Armor +1			- 1,000gp
- Spell Component Pouch		  - 5gp	  
- Continual Flame				- 20gp+50gp material
- 8lb total

[b]Total Weight:[/b]21 	  [b]Money:[/b] 17gp

						 [b]Lgt   Med   Hvy	Lift  Push[/b]
[b]Max Weight:[/b]		    25	26-55 56-80  160   400

HP:13 AC:19 Touch:16 FlatFoot:17 Init:+2 Speed:5' Fly:40' Saves: Fort:2:Ref:4:Will:7
Blindsense 20', Low Light Vision, Imp. Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak With Master.
Hide:14 Listen:8 MS:6 Spot:8

[b]Age:[/b] 125
[b]Height:[/b] 3'
[b]Weight:[/b] 40lb
[b]Eyes:[/b] Pale Blue
[b]Hair:[/b] Light brown hair and short beard
[b]Skin:[/b] Brown

Mero stands at a respectable 3' tall. His skin is a light brown, almost matching the color of his close cut hair and beard. He wears simple cut cotton clothes dyed in bright reds and yellows. When traveling he wears a massive cloth hat almost the size of an umbrella. His familiar often clings to his head as he scampers about looking like an oversized hair comb. It provides him with sage advice regarding who still owes a tab, who is a poor tipper, or who has had enough to drink. Most of the time his clothing smells of strong beer or strange alchemical substances. He is kind and helpful, but his pranks often win him the ire of his victims. After years of running the tavern he openly greets strangers and gives them a chance to reveal their nature. Though if his patrons prove themselves to be trouble he is quick to have them thrown out.

Mero grew up in his hometown with an idyllic life. His days were carefree and spent either in his fathers shop or working for his mother. His father was a alchemist, part-time brewer, and professional prankster. His mother owned a tavern called the Feast Hall. His father could create the most fantastic potions and even finer drinks from the strangest substances. Sometimes his father would try to get Mero to drink his newest concoction that would "put hair on your chest and a spring in your step". Mero wised up after one potion actually DID put hair on his chest like an animal, earning him more than a few nicknames. His mother was a kind woman and a splendid cook who greeted everyone with a smile and a fresh loaf of bread. She could cook up a feast quicker than you could finish your first pint and her health was toasted often in the halls. Mero kept himself busy cleaning up dishes and pans, as well as swiping abandoned mugs of liquor. While both of these daily tasks were pleasent, his greatest joy was his frequent trips to visit his grandmother who was always eager to teach him the ways of wizardry. While she taught him how to use and control powerful magical forces, she tempered his learning by teaching him responsibility, discipline, and morality. Age took her life far too soon and Mero was forced to continue his research on his own in his spare time. Not long after losing his grandmother, his parents left for another town to visit a fair. They never arrived at the town and no remains were ever found. Their fate is still a mystery to him, driving him to study more powerful magics until one day he can create a divination that will reveal the truth. In the meantime he runs his mother's tavern and makes a good living making the finest alcoholic drinks for miles around.

Mero's Open Palm -
Mero first saw his grandmother's gloves when he was a mere child. He knew little of magic at such a young age, but he knew that his grandmother prized them so they must be fun. Stealing quietly into her room one day, he snatched them up and put them on. As he flexed and waved his arms, pretending to be an arch magus, the household cat sauntered into the room to watch his shenanigans. Reaching down to pet the cat he suddenly yelped in fright as the cat disappeared under his touch. Panicking, he tore at the gloves trying to get them off. While shaking them in the air, the cat suddenly reappeared in his hand and was flung across the room. He was stunned by the disappearing/reappearing cat trick. A slow, mischievous grin spread over his face as he looked out the window into the farmyard. That night at dinner he quietly slipped on the gloves and shook them under the dinner table. 3 frightened geese appeared and started tearing around the room, flapping their wings and honking loudly! As everyone else scrambled to catch the wayward animals, Mero squealed with laughter over and over. He was grounded for 3 weeks after that incident.

His grandmother was a wizard of local renown. Ever a practical woman, she crafted the gloves after a battle with another caster that left her belongings burnt to ashes. Resolving to find a way to keep her belongings in one place that she could protect, she began crafting the Open Palm. She combined all the aspects that are important in day to day adventuring; storage, armor, abilities, spell casting, and visibility. She designed them so the owner need only touch both palms together as if in prayer, think of the item stored within, and pull her hands apart to cause it to appear. Untying a leather flap on one glove reveals a section of of the palm that glows from the effect of a Continual Flame spell. Before she passed, she bestowed the gloves on a tearful Mero, reminding him not to keep any more animals inside.
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looks good
green island common is the language of hairfeet. (so only 1 automatic language)
Im not sure about the use magical device skill - if you have 4 ranks then you are over on skillpoints, (x2 cost for cc) if you have 2 ranks then the points come out right. Either way why is your total 3?
You would have had plenty of time to scribe scrolls into your book, and you made all the SC rolls (lowest roll a 6+16)


First Post
Fixed a few errors, I had forgotten that UMD was CC, which means he cannot have wandstrike as his first level feat. I swapped that for Dragonfoe from the Draconomicon

Also, to qualify for Energy Substitution he had to take a metamagic feat before that, so I swapped combat casting for Sudden Still.

Skills should be correct now.
2+3x4 1st level
2+3 2nd and 3rd
2+4 4th-6th
Total of 48.


okay, looks like your in selcSilverhand - go ahead and post to the rogues gallery.

A few questions -
since you droped wandstrike, did you mean to keep the 1d6 wand ?
im still confused by the 3 total in UMD. Lastly did you intend to scribe your scrolls or just use them?

One more - what did you intend to AlterSelf into? You would be familiar with humans demihumans, skum, lizard men, and derro. You may have heard stories of other creatures, but some may not exist on this world.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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