Dragoon's RttToEE IC


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Well and truly perplexed by the strange and unusual offer of the Dwarf, Ascalante seems momentarily unsure on how to respond. A quick glance around the room of stern and expecting faces underlines the value of this unexpected chance for peace.

"Never have I heard of Dwarfs resolving their disputes like this?" he answers, still quite a bit uncertain. "..but I guess that I can see the wisdom of bringing two opponents to clasp their hands."

Quickly warming up the the idea though, he certainly seems relieved that this will not end with violence.
"I must warn you though Priest Rurik.. if you'll break any of my fingers, than you and everyone assembled will surely suffer greatly, the next time I take up my mandolin."

Taking his hand of the swordhilt, Ascalante accepts Ruriks offfer.

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First Post
occ: see occ thread :eek:

Elmo looks about the room and stiffles a laugh and claps his hands and makes an anouncement,"Well then lads, I'm glad you came to a nonviolent way to settle the dispute. Now then lets go to the bar and have a round of Hommlet Golden Ale on me."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
A tallish man strides into the Welcome Wench, looking about with a keen eye. He pauses for a moment to clear the dust from his travelling clothes---well enough made, but not expensive, travelling clothes in a dark brown motif---before sizing up the common room. He notices the motley crew streaming in from one of the private rooms and cocks an eyebrow.

The stranger thinks to himself, absently stroking his redish goatee. Hmm... unusual, a group that size. Trouble brews and they search for it, mayhaps? This bears closer inspection. Noticing them saddling up to the bar, he moves alongsides; near enough to hear but not be intrusive.

"Barkeep! Something light to parch the thirst, if you please." Once something is in his hands, he raises it to new assemblage. "Morning, hunters. Fortune you find what you seek."



Eglath claps both the bard and the priest on the back with a massive hand. "I'm glad we can put that behind us. Now let's toast to each other with the fine local ale and all be friends."


First Post
As everybody gathers at the bar of the Welcome Wench, for a round of Hommlet Golden Ale, Chatirlon leaves his seat and moves to the bar area around the assembled party.

"So fellow travlers any news you learned that a 'ole treasure seeker might be interested in?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The red-headed stranger focuses his keen gaze on the party and the man who just joined them, eying them over his drink. The gaze is intense; the man, just standing there, radiates presence. He makes no pretense of his interest in what they have to say.

[SBLOCK=OCC]Vardin is taking his time on some visual Spot and Sense Motive checks to size up what the group is about, who they are, etc. He is not threatening, just obviously curious.[/SBLOCK]


Erimel smiles. Humans! He looks back and forth at the red-haired stranger and the well-dressed Chatirlon. If Eglath's warm remarks had brought a sense of calm to the group, then the appearance of these two men has suddenly made everyone quiet and nervous again.

"This group has not assembled to seek treasure...or rather, let us say we seek a treasure greater than a material one: peace." Erimel carefully judges both men's reaction before adding, "But what is it that brings you to Hommlet, strangers?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The stranger nods towards the elf, a smile touching his thin lips. Like everything, the smile is fervent. "I am Vardrin, a seeker... but not of riches. Nor glory. Those are but means to an end. I seek to find where the dark things hide and destroy them...utterly." He glances at the group, who seem well equipped to seek out trouble. "As I said earlier, you seem to be hunters, perhaps hunting after the same things. This place is well known for its brushes with such taint. If you do hunt..."---his eyes light up for the last bit---"then I would hunt with you, if you would have me."

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