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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour - Book II: Inheritance

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I, the Right Honorable Jardek Anton, Lord Threehills, Magus of the Sixth Circle, being possessed of free will and all my faculties sound, do hereby set my hand to this final testament concerning the disposition of my worldly goods and offices.

To my servants, Tomas and Gina: should the new Baron not require your services, a stipend of ten pieces of gold apiece and a letter of recommendation,

To my musician, Ivanior Liadon: as with my servants, but the stipend to be twenty pieces of gold,

To my butler, Gaberk: as with my musician, but the stipend to be thirty pieces of gold.

The remainder of my estate and offices, to include Threehills Manor, its contents, and the surrounding lands, to my nephew Di'Fier, son of my sister Eleanor Anton, and to him also the office and responsibilities of Baron of Threehills, dependent upon his confirmation in that office by such authority as may be recognized at that time.

To this I set my hand and seal:

Jardek Anton, Lord Threehills, M6C

Ivanior Liadon

"This is infamous!" Manuel's moustache bristled as he leapt to his feet. "I have come this long way to receive nothing! Nothing! And it is visited upon someone who is not even a citizen of the Empire! A...a pirate!"

Dru shared a glance with her partner, who did not look as if he entirely believed what Gaberk had read, and suppressed a snort - poorly, it seemed, for Manuel rounded on her, his face scarlet as he sputtered. Then, his eyes caught Di'Fier, and he stepped up to the taller man. "Honor demands an accounting!" he boomed.

"You must remember, Sir Manuel," Liadon purred, "that only peers of the realm may duel. By issuing such a challenge you are de facto accepting his right to the title."

The knight's face darkened from scarlet to purple, as he glared around the room, then stalked out, the front door slamming in his wake.

"What an unpleasant man," Dru murmured sourly.

"M'lord," Gaberk mumbled, with a quick bow. "Have you any instructions?"

Di'Fier looked around, his head still spinning. "Ah...no. Not yet."

The dwarf approached him. "It would be a kindness if you told Tomas and Gina if they were to stay or leave, and when..."

"Oh! Of course. They may go, if they wish, but I hope that they will stay and, ah, remain in my service."

"Very good. There is one more thing. The late Baron had many...protections...laid upon this house. They should be attuned to you. I believe the instructions are in the library. You will need the Baron's signet." The dwarf held up a heavy golden ring.

"Thank you, Gaberk. I...should see to that."

Jon Potter

First Post
drnuncheon said:

"Very good. There is one more thing. The late Baron had many...protections...laid upon this house. They should be attuned to you. I believe the instructions are in the library. You will need the Baron's signet." The dwarf held up a heavy golden ring.

Don't do it, Di'Fier!! :D

And I love Sir Manuel's reaction, DrN! Simply priceless.


Di'Fier settled himself before the library desk, the ring glinting in the candlelight as it rested on the scarred wooden surface. Slowly, he broke the seal and opened the letter.

Dear nephew,

Once you have followed these instructions you will truly be the Baron of Threehills. Without them you are in some danger, for there are forces which I have struggled against that will no doubt come for you as well.

First, you must clear your mind...

"Why is it that you are here...Dru?" Ivanior's normally practiced speech stumbled slightly over the human contraction of her name, and he looked at her over the glass of wine that Tomás had brought to finish dinner.

"I'm looking for my father," Dru said, fixing her attention on a lighter patch on the wall where a picture once rested. "And my fiancé. I've tracked them to Highgate, but...the trail seems to end."

"Perhaps I could aid you in your search. If the Baron is willing."

"I'm sure a local would be invaluable."

"What are their names?"

"Galanodel. Enialis Galanodel. And my father is Tensin Naïlo." She did not miss the slight widening of the eyes, the contraction of the pupils when she mentioned Galanodel's name. He knows him...but how?

One of Liadon's hands moved - a gesture so subtle Dru barely noticed. Some kind of recognition symbol? She kept her face calm, pretended not to notice.

Reach out to the ring with your mind. Familiarize yourself with its feel, so that you will know it and accept it when it is placed on your finger. You will feel the protections I have placed probing you. Do not be alarmed, for they must ascertain your identity to prevent another from usurping your rightful place.

There was a subtle, insistent scratching at the door, and Dru rose swiftly, hand moving to the hilt of her blade. For an instant, she was embarassed...until she saw that Liadon had done the same thing.

Tomás scurried to the door and pulled it open - then screamed.

When you can feel the ring in your mind, you must lower your defenses. Be swift, for you will not be safe until it is on your finger. Place it there and make the invocation I have written below, and it will be done.

Good luck, Baron.

"Who.../what/ is this?" Ivanior shouldered the door closed as he helped Dru with the semiconscious burden.

Dru stepped over Tomás and twitched the cloak back over the scaly arm of their visitor. "You remember I mentioned a retinue? I'm not sure where the rest are." She cursed herself. "I should have remembered the cold. We've got to get him in by the fire. And someone pick Tomás up off of the floor."

As they moved S'karat into the parlor, Dru could hear footsteps above them. "Gaberk?" she heard Di'Fier call, and then a soft conversation that she could not make out.

"S'karat, where are the others?" Dru asked, chafing the serpentman's hands.

"Left them...in burrow. Sssleeping. Cold. Too cold. Yig protectsss Sss'karat, but not othersss. Not enough magic for all."

"Will they be all right?"

"They sssleep...until warm."

Dru nodded, moving to put another log onto the fire. "You remember where they are?" Seeing the lack of comprehension, she tried again. "You can find them?"


"Does the Baron have a carriage?" Dru asked, turning to Ivanion - then, remembering the state of the carriage house, she reconsidered. "Or a wagon of some sort?"

Ivanior thought a moment. "I'm certain we could find one in Kirkwood. I-"

He did not finish his next thought, for Gaberk stepped into the room. "Th' Baron would like t'speak with Ivanior," he said, gesturing curtly at the hall. As the elf departed, he looked over Dru and the new guest. "C'n I get y'anything?"

"He should be fine," Dru said, casting a judicious look at her priest. "Perhaps some coal for the fire - it would burn hotter than wood. I think Tomás would rather we not put him in the kitchen."

Ivanior returned, and Gaberk looked at him. "His Lordship is all right?"

"Quite," the elf replied. "Dru...why don't you ask Gaberk if he saw any sign of your father and fiancé? He just returned from Highgate..."

Dru looked at the hunchbacked dwarf, who glanced from elf to elf in surprise. "Eh? What did they look like?" Gaberk listened, then thought for a moment. "I seem to remember a pair like that. They were unusual enough. In the Old City, I think. The Golden Lantern."

"That's Dragon's Claw territory, isn't it?" Liadon asked.

Gaberk scowled, but nodded in agreement.

Dru's expression mirrored the dwarf's. "I don't like that. It's probably a trap. They've changed their shape to look like other people before."

Gaberk rubbed at his nose, then grunted: "It's the Golden Palace that's Claw territory, not the Lantern."

"Ah, yes." Liadon looked to the door, then rose. "My Lord," he said, bowing to Di'Fier.

"Liadon, Gaberk, Dru," Di'Fier nodded to each in turn, then stepped over to his partner. "There is a great deal of interest in the library," he told her. "I am going to have to spend much time studying them. There are many books to master."

Dru nodded. "Hitting the books. I understand. That always makes me wish I could have a nice, steaming hot calzone."

Di'Fier tilted his head to one side. "Perhaps Gina can arrange something of the kind."

Voidrunner's Codex

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