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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour presents: Monte Cook's QUEEN OF LIES

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[DRU and DI'FIER are seated, FOWLER between them, speaking with EGIL.]

DI'FIER: ...and that's what we know. If we want to get Councillor Varian back-

DRU: - and find my father -

DI'FIER: - then we're going to have to go down there after them.

EGIL (hesitates a moment, then firmly): I'm coming with you.

DI'FIER: Are you sure?

EGIL: No. But this is as personal for me as it is for you. (he looks troubled) Besides, the two - well, three - of you, alone against so many...

DRU: Alone?

[Cut to montage of shots: DRU speaking with rough-looking characters in bars, GARTO sharpening his axe, DI'FIER on a horse while his troops fall into line, FOWLER playing with the lock of his blunderbuss.]

DRU (vo): We're not going down alone...


[DRU and DI'FIER are standing in their traditional adventuring garb - worn and stained but comfortable. They stand side by side surveying the collection of people in the square. Curious PASSERSBY stare as they walk.

PAN ACROSS DI'FIER'S MILITIA, drawn from the loggers and settlers of his domain: some little more than boys, inexperienced at war, except for their sergeant, the one-handed JAKOB KIRK.

CONTINUE PAN across a group of hardened MERCENARIES: breastplates, bastard swords, kilts and greaves. They look disdainfully at the MILITIA, then turn to look suspiciously across the square.

CONTINUE PAN to reveal a group of elven ARCHERS who return the looks with ones equally suspicious, and then slowly begin to turn and look at something on their other side - something that clearly worries them.

CONTINUE PAN to reveal hooded and cloaked figures, whose scaly hands clutch spears and whose snakelike tails destroy any hope of disguise.

Lastly, GARTO and FOWLER, with axe and blunderbuss respectively.]

DI'FIER: I guess we're all here. (steps forward, raises his voice) You all know what happened here, at the Temple of Knowledge. Now we will have our chance to take back what was stolen, and repay the attackers!

[Dead silence. DRU leans in to whisper to DI'FIER.]

DI'FIER (disheartened): And get paid.

[Cheers from the MERCENARIES.]

DRU: Come on, let's go.


[LONG SHOT of darkness. We see a flickering light illuminate a doorway, and it reflects off of water. As the lightbearers enter, we see it is an enormous arched tunnel, with walkways to either side of an underground waterway.

Barges float up the waterway, and the various SOLDIERS start to get on, where they are poled off into the darkness. The light is swallowed, and the screen goes black.]


[Light begins to come onto the scene - we see that FOWLER has made his way well ahead of everyone else, climbing over the uneven floor of the cavern. He looks back towards the light, then presses on. The camera PANS to follow him, until he vanishes again in the darkness.]


[Blackness, and the occasional drip of water echoing. Then footsteps. Then voices.]

MERCENARY: It's been three damn days we're down here. How deep do these caves go?

[The SOLDIERS round the corner, walking in a ragged group - except for the SERPENT PEOPLE, who are avoided by the others.]

MILITIAMAN: What's it to you? You'll get your money.

MERCENARY (sneering): Like that's not why you're here.

MILITIAMAN (angry): I swore an oath to the Baron. That -

[JAKOB KIRK pushes his way through the other soldiers.]

KIRK: Shut up, the both of you. Our scout's heard something.

[PAN AHEAD to FOWLER, who is crouched and listening. DRU and DI'FIER move up to join him. There is a whispered discussion. DI'FIER turns and flashes the light from his lantern, and the TROOPS grind to a halt.]

[CUT to the forward group.]

FOWLER: Fowler hears voices.

DI'FIER: If they're scouts, we can't let them report back that we're here. One of us will have to cut them off. (looks at DRU) I'll make you invisible.

[DI'FIER reaches for his pouch and pulls out a small wad of gummy substance, then tugs an eyelash free. He kneads the eyelash into the gum, chanting in a mystical language, and DRU fades from sight. We hear the creak of her leather as she moves off, and then the rest begin to creep forward as well.]


[The cavern is lit with an eerie blue glow that comes from the luminescent lichen growing in shelfs along the walls. Two tiny figures - apparently halflings - are working at gathering the shelflike fungi that grow on the cavern floor, while a third follows behind them, spreading filth from a large sack. Two equally small pale figures are barely visible in the shadows, and one darker, taller silhouette.]

[DI'FIER shouts an incantation and the silhouette turns. In the flash of light from his magic missiles, we see, not an elven face, but something with mandibles. Then it is going over backwards and the rest of the missiles are streaking towards the pale shapes hiding in the shadows.]

[The HALFLINGS dive for cover as the other creatures explode into action, four long spidery arms reaching for the blades slung across their back. GARTO pops up beside DI'FIER and calls out a spell, sending a bolt of green vitriol into one of them, where it eats away at its chest. The other spins and starts to run, but stops abruptly - and DRU fades back into visibility as she pulls her sword from its body.]

DRU: That's all of them?

[CLOSE-UP on one of the terrified HALFLINGS - a male - who nods.]


World of Kulan DM
Excellent update, I'm really looking forward to more of this.


p.s. So is Fowler an NPC or do you have another player in the group now?


Knightfall1972 said:
p.s. So is Fowler an NPC or do you have another player in the group now?

Fowler (and everyone but Dru and Di'Fier, really) is an NPC. After 2 years of playing with just the two of them, I just can't imagine adding another player - it would completely change the dynamic and probably make the game 'jump the shark'.


Dru Nailo

First Post
Hurrah! I finally get to read about my exploits again. :) The next several episodes are some of the bloodiest, most terrifying moments of my entire gaming life. I'll try to keep DrN motivated on posting them more frequently too. If you all keep pestering him as well, I'm sure that we can keep him in line.


First Post
Hi All, Di'Fier here. I see that you all are waiting patientally for an update and let me assure you that one is coming. part of the problem is that Dr. N is real busy and that is partially cause he was working on our latest adventure, which has been so much fun. we are currentlly going through the adventure Tales of Freeport plus a few other Dr. N plots but not all the adventures seperatlly. . . no all at the same time. I'm not exactally sure how he's kept everything straight but he has.

To tide you over I'm gonna add a bit from Di'Fier's Journal while traveling in the underground. Hopefully I'll post it tonight or tommorow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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