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Drunkeness IRL: Is it a diversion for you or a need?


Liquor is a drug..just like caffiene, ibuprofen or vicoden.

People drink to feel a certain way.

Since I'm a chiropractor, I detest the great American drug addiction (the legal kind even), however I do drink alcohol and occasionally drug myself up with caffiene if I had a late one :)


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I've never gotten drunk. I don't like the idea of losing self control under chemical influences for one. Also, when I do drink, I don't drink that much to begin with. And I don't like the taste of alchohol that much either.


First Post
Quantity is no indication of quality. Given the quality of friends and sexual partners gained while drunk, I am not convinced they can be counted as a positive result. I mean, we have the phrase "beer goggles" for a reason, right?

From a purely evolutionary biology point of view, that is almost always untrue. Quantity is as equally important as quality, if not more so.

From a purely personal and anecdotal point of view, this is almost always true. The only real friends (and girlfriends, serious or otherwise) I ever met at a bar were the ones I spent time with independent of drinking.


Mod Squad
Staff member
From a purely evolutionary biology point of view, that is almost always untrue. Quantity is as equally important as quality, if not more so.

From a purely evolutionary biology point of view, it is generally a choice of one or the other, but not both. Quantity usually does not work well for species with long generation times.


First Post
From a purely evolutionary biology point of view, it is generally a choice of one or the other, but not both. Quantity usually does not work well for species with long generation times.

Not necessarily true; plenty of k-selected species (if you believe in r/k theory) operate under social networks inherently designed to maximize the number of partners someone has. For example, most primates operate under an alpha male system, where the measure of success isn't the quality of mates one has, but the number.

To be fair though, primates are a bad example, as they have wonky social structures. For example, gorillas have shown incidences of "infidelity," where secondary males will sneak off with mates into trees. Don't even get me started on bonobos. A better examples might be some of the big cats.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Not necessarily true; plenty of k-selected species (if you believe in r/k theory) operate under social networks inherently designed to maximize the number of partners someone has. For example, most primates operate under an alpha male system, where the measure of success isn't the quality of mates one has, but the number.

There's a strong argument that no matter what our social structure, human biology is a limiting issue. Nine months gestation, and then a decade or more maturation time - it can be said that we, as a species, do not have the option to go for many offspring to be successful.

We think that a family with seven or eight children is a massive family - but dogs and cats can do that in a single year, turn around, and do it again the next. Rabbits and rodents are even more prolific. Not to mention what can be seen among the amphibians and insects. It is fairly clear our species does not try to win the race in this manner.


and back on track to the drinking.

It does loosen you up, it eases your inhibitions, but once you go over that tipsy line to the nicely drunk line its ever so easy to go over the stupidly drunk line, now this for me means losing my memory of the night to the point before stupidly drunk it till when I wake up and it also means bad decisions and barely being able to talk in sentances and on the very worst occasions has meant me being slightly violent (read as, swearing and annoyingly jabbing people in the arm randomly)

Now this doesn't happen to everyone some people just throw up, others become lovey and cuddly others just pass out.

I'm better at judging myself now, I know to drink water inbetween alcoholic drinks during the tipsy phase so the nicely drunk phase lasts longer, but I still get drunk and sometimes forget parts of the night (it just happens easily to me) but I haven't been over the top and slightly violent for years now.

I like the taste of Belgium beers/lagers I like whisky I love red wine I like white whine, I like port, I like gin. Currently I have been 28 days without alcohol only drinking on one of those days (I went to a beer festival and got drunk last fri) mostly as a health kick but also to make sure I could.
I hate the idea of being dependent on something because of weak will power, so I go on sprees of non drinking, but I like the taste and the effect so I will probably always drink unless something medically makes it dramatically more unsafe.

Hey it sounds like I'm really negative on drinking, I'm not its an amazing thing in my opinion especially when shared with friends with moderate amounts, you just need to remember one thing know your limits don't try and drink what everyone else is don't try and keep up, take a break with something none alcoholic if you feel yourself going and pace yourself.

To the OP diversion definitely infact I go on none drinking sprees to make sure its not a need and to make sure my will power is still good.
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Now this doesn't happen to everyone some people just throw up, others become lovey and cuddly others just pass out.
I wonder what I'd do if I ever drank alcohol - and then sufficient amounts to get to that point - would I go out on a rage (totally untypical for my normal behavior, which is why I am wondering if that would happenn) - or would I get cuddly ;) Ah, well, due to my lack of experience, throwing up is probably the most likely. ;)

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