• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]


First Post
Shara stares in the direction of the river, looking uncomfortable. "There is something down there," she says uneasily. "I think we should ask the orcs if they know anything, but then we need to go look. I won't sleep like this."

She says a quick prayer under her breath.

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Hunter Brightwood

Hunter thought back to their previous time with the orcs they were lest then friendly but they were accommodating, and something had gotten to Shara, ”I don’t think it would hurt to talk to the orcs and then check, out the river.”


First Post
The heroes go and knock on the same door as they did when they first past this way a couple of weeks ago. The same half-orc peasant (with his long handled woodaxe) answered the door. He looks you over and grunts in recognition "Ye again? Given up and headin' a home I suppose?"


Magen Brigward, Fighter 2

"Not quite," Magen says by way of greeting, "We've taken a job that sends us across the river. Might we trouble you for a nights accommodation again?" Magen offers 25 silver, "A little extra for the second mule.

"I understand from some other travellers that there is something down by the river near here. Have you had any trouble with anything?"

[SBLOCK=Actions and Rolls]
Persuation roll: 1D20+3 = [10]+3 = 13

If anyone wants to join in with the conversation
Advanatge for help?: 1D20 = [14] = 14


[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Magen Brigward
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 17 (19 with shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 36/36 (HD: 3/3d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed, Loading
Shield Bash: Bonus action +5 contested roll vs athletic or acrobatics
Manoeuvre Save DC: 13

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Superiority Dice(d8): 4/4
Inspiration: 2
Healing Potion: 1
Bolts: 36[/SBLOCK]


First Post
"Please, sir," Shara adds, "even if nothing has happened, has anyone complained of feeling uncomfortable recently? Like...something's watching them...?" She sort of trails off toward the end, confident in what she's feeling, but aware that it sounds crazy out loud.


First Post
The peasant looks first at Magen and then Shara with a weary eye. He seems to consider something for a bit and then finally says "Ye can stay in the barn again. I suppose yer coin is still good fer what ye need. As for the other... bad times indeed. Ever since they say the mountain opened again a lot of strange folk about and weird a happenstance. Best talk to the sheriff iffin' ye wants to know about that."

With that he leads the heroes to the barn and opens it up so they can store their gear. He also sends a young half-orc boy to go fetch the sheriff who appears in a few minutes. After listening to your inquires he says "Aye there be some troubles about. I like not that ye be a planning to cross the river for they say trouble a brewin' there. And mayhaps ye be a stirrin' it up and brin' trouble our way. So far though..."

After a moment of rubbing his chin he adds "The river a causin' a lot of troubles of late. The fish ant a bitin' and when they do they a taste funny. Some folk say they think something is in the river. Somethin' a watchin' them tha' be ups to no good. Somethin' that woke up when that there ancient hold in the mountain opened. Legend say a lot of evil went to sleep last time the mountain closed and with it unlockin' again them evils is a wakin' up. Old Tomas be a forester who used to hunt south on the other side of the bridge. He been a sayin' somethin' a bad a stirrin' over there and stopped a goin'. Lots of folk nervous about what be there and what might be in the river. Troubled times and now yor folk be a sayin' yer goin' a be stirrin' up more." with that he shakes his head a bit.


First Post
Shara doesn't look happy about the news, but she relaxes a little. "We do not wish any trouble upon your village, sir - that I promise you," she says to the sheriff. "I am here in service of the church of Pelor, hoping to put this evil to rest once more."

She looks back at her companions. "If...whatever this is has been here and not attacked, then I won't insist on checking the river tonight. Perhaps daylight would be safer."


Hunter Brightwood

Hunter listened to the conversation carefully, “The daylight at least appears safer. We can have shifts to keep watch tonight and check out the river in the morning.”

Hunter chuckled, “the best of both worlds, safety and security, with a little rest thrown in.” Hunter smiled sheepishly.


Magen Brigward, Fighter 2

"I was hoping to use the fading light to scout so we hod some idea what we were going into tomorrow." Magen says. "Either way, I'd rather not have whatever this is at our backs while exploring the forest." He pauses to think for a while then adds. "My concern about using this settlement - if they'll have us - is that we might bring trouble here, though if there is trouble to bring it'll come sooner or later."

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Magen Brigward
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 17 (19 with shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 36/36 (HD: 3/3d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed, Loading
Shield Bash: Bonus action +5 contested roll vs athletic or acrobatics
Manoeuvre Save DC: 13

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Superiority Dice(d8): 4/4
Inspiration: 2
Healing Potion: 1
Bolts: 36[/SBLOCK]


First Post
"The trouble got here before we did," Shara replies. "But hopefully we can help. I will still go scout the river tonight, if you think it best."

Voidrunner's Codex

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