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Ebrron- Last War Reach Rebels

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First Post
Ok yes thanks for the interest, I would like to go with standard point buy 28 points.

The warlock has two possiblities listed in Complete Arcane for the cource of its powers, either demonic or fey. IF you would not mind, being fey inspired works very well with the greensinger faction of the druids, which as you probably know, are very associated with living in touch with the fey. It would only make sense.

We have 4 so far as I can see so far. I was hoping for at least one Druid but a ranger would work, just so long as you could get healing from somewhere.

Ok So since yo useem firmly in the eldeen reaches camp I am thinking that perhaps you are an elite skirmishing unit for the United Reachers, trying to tip the balance in favor of the Eldeen in short battles or by achieving specific goals in the bigger battles. Of course weh ave the course of the war i ngeneral to follow but I am willing to say your successes,or failures, would effect how the war goes.

Go ahead and make up characteer sheets only the strong. When you go to makle the sheet however, I would request a short (maybe 6-7 sentences) on background and basic personality. For plot-hooks and such.


First Post
I could play a Shifter Druid. I love the shifter druid sub levels in Races of Eberron. Well, except the one that replaces Wild Shape.


First Post
[sblock=Bunyan, Shifter Druid]Bunyan Uhrashka
Level 5 Druid
Shifter (Beasthide)
Humanoid, Shapeshifter

Hit Dice: 8+4D8+15 (41)
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 20/24 (+6 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Deflection, +4 Natural when shifting)

Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6

Attack: Silver Scimitar +8 (1d6 +3/18-20X2)

Special Qualities:
Shifting – (Beast hide elite) +4 Natural AC 2/day 10 rounds
Wild Shape 1/day 5 hours
Beastial Spirit - +2 to str, dex or con, Feral empathy, Extend shifting, Will of the spirit and Alertness
Reckless Nature - +2 init. & ref –2 will
Lowlight Vision
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Wild empathy

Saves: Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +5

Abilities: (base, + racial, + lvl) Shifting Beastial Spirit
Str 14 +3 (14) +2
Dex 12 +1 (10, +2)
Con 16 +3 (16) +2
Int 10 +0 (12 -2)
Wis 16 +3 (15, +1)
Cha 6 -2 (8 -2)

Skills: (20 pts)
Listen 2 +5
Spot 2 +5
Knowledge Nature 8 +2
Knowledge Religion 4

Beast hide Elite – Natural AC +4 while shifted
Healing Factor – Heal 5hp after shift ends
Alertness - +2 Listen, Spot (bonus)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Stuff: (8k)
+1 Spiked Heavy Dragonhide Shield 1,314
+1 Dragonhide Breastplate 1,700
+1 Scimitar 2315
Braid of spell strike 500 - Let me cast 3rd or lower spell with same free action when shifting
Ring of protection +1 2000
Augment crystal (armor) of freshness 500
Adventuring kit (clothes, backpack, bedroll, oilX5, torchesX5, rationsX5, spell pouch) 20


Spells: 5/4/3/2
I'll be putting an asterisk* next to them as I cast, so you know what’s left :cool:

Lvl 0: Create waterX2, Light, Detect magic, Dawn
Lvl 1: Extend Shift, Lion’s ChargeX2, Speak with animals
Lvl 2: Bull’s Strength, Mass Snake’s SwiftnessX2
Lvl 3: Girallon’s Blessing, Bite of the Werewolf

[sblock=(Spell Compendium & Savage Species spells)]Lion’s Charge
Druid 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 swift action
Range: Touch
Target: touch
Duration: 1 round
Grants Pounce.

Bite of the werewolf
Druid 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 round/ lvl
Grants +2 enh bonus to str, +4 enh to dex, con & Nat AC bite attack 1d6 +1.5 str & blindfight.

Girallon’s Blessing
Druid 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: touch
Target: touch
Duration: 10 minutes/ lvl
Grow 2 extra arms all (4) arms grow claws 1d4+str +2d4+1.5Xstr rend.[/sblock]

Bunyan is a true bear of a man. He stands over 6.5ft tall and is built like an oak. Even when not shifted, he is covered in coarse dark hair from head to toe, and his long dreadlocks are constantly falling in his eyes. The shifter walks through the forest as a part of it instead of a vistor to it.
The beastial, dire bear spirit of Bunyan had always caused him to wander the eastern border of the Eldeen Reaches along the Wynarn river with a meandering sort of urgency. But one day he was walking through the woods by Redleaf, near Varna when to his shock, the trees of an entire hillside had been destroyed...[/sblock]
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Voda Vosa

First Post
We have the same avatar =P

A warlock of Fey heritage it is then, I have allways played demonic warlocks, this will be an interesting turn. =)


First Post
VErtexzx, nice character, I liek the concept and the background.

ALso some further exposition, you have already been called by Oalian and the campaign will be beginning in Greenheart or whatever the Druid capital is called.


First Post
Well, since someone took the role of druid before I had the chance to put up a character concept, I'll bow out.


First Post
Yeah, the two character concepts I was wanting to play are already taken (Shifter Barbarian->Weretouched Master, and Shifter Druid). No problems, there's always other games.


Davan Rowe:

Race: Half-elf
Class: Scout lvl 5
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6
Weight: 144lbs
Alignment: LN

Racial Traits: Immunity to sleep and similar effects
                         +2 to saving throws vs. 
                          enchantments and effects
                   Low Light vision
                   Elven blood

Str:  12   +1 mod
Dex: 17   +3 mod
Con: 12   +1 mod
Int:  12   +1 mod
Wis: 14   +2 mod
Cha:  8   -1 mod

Hp:  36  (8+1 con mod + 4d8 + 4 con mod)
AC:  18
  Flat footed: 15
  Touch AC:  18
Initiative: +10  (3 dex mod + 4 I.I + 2 Q.R. +1 B.F.)

Saving Throws:
   Fortitude:  3 (1 base + 1 con mod + 1 B.F.)
   Reflex:   7 (4 base + 3 dex mod)
   Will:    3  (1 base + 2 wis mod)

Base Attack Bonus:  3

Speed: 40ft

Grapple: 4 (3 base attack bonus + 1 str mod)

   Shortbow  + 6  dmg: 1d6  crit:x3
   Dagger    + 4   dmg: 1d4+1  crit: 19-20x3
   Light Mace +4  dmg: 1d6+1  crit: x2

   Shortbow, Arrows (20), Frost Arrows (20), Dagger, 
   Light Mace, Belt Pouch (4), Cure Light Wounds (15), 
   Darkleaf Breastplate, Ring of Sustenance

total weight of equipment: 42lbs
total cost of equipment: 8000gp - 7992gp = 8gp left

Class Abilities:
   Skirmish (2d6, +2AC when moving at least 10ft)
   Uncanny Dodge
   Fast Movement+10
   Trackless Step

   Far Shot
   Improved Initiative

Carrying Capacity: 
   Light Load: 43lbs
   Med Load:  86lbs
   Heavy Load: 130lbs

Skills: (only those with ranks or misc ability mods)
    Balance:       10     (3 ability mod + 5 ranks + 2 misc mod)
    Climb:            6     (1 ability mod + 5 ranks)
cc Diplomacy:      1     (-1 ability mod + 2 misc mod)
    Escape Artist:  8    (3 ability mod + 5 ranks)
    Gather Info:    1    (-1 ability mod + 2 misc mod)
    Hide:             11    (3 ability mod + 8 ranks)
    Jump:            3     (1 ability mod + 2 misc mod)
    Knowledge(geography):  6  ( 1 ability mod+5 ranks)
    Knowledge(nature): 4 (1 ability mod+1 rank+ 2 misc mod)
    Listen:        10      (2 ability mod + 7 ranks + 1 misc mod)
    Move Silently:  11   (3 ability mod + 8 ranks)
    Search:       6        (1 ability mod + 5 ranks)
    Spot:          8        (2 ability mod + 5 ranks + 1 misc mod)
    Survival:     7        (2 ability mod + 5 ranks)+2 to follow tracks
    Tumble:      8         (3 ability mod + 5 ranks)
    Use Rope:    3        (3 ability mod) +2 to bind with rope

Unit Role:
Davan is a true scout for his unit. He prefers to be out ahead of the group, usually takes his time and is cautious about being out alone. He rarely gets so far away as that he cannot hear his unit if a battle were to break out.

Davan has spent the last several years working in the military. He was never really called into combat though, he spent more of his time gathering information on the small forces that were routinely destroyed. He located them and relayed the information to the appropriate troops. He did not shy away from battles, just preferred to pick which ones he was in. He was in on leave when Oalian sent his message, and travelled to Greenheart to report in.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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