• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Ebrron- Last War Reach Rebels


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ok well... I will leave this up for few more days...if you guys who have posted concepts could please follow up with sheets we will get started.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
Name: Milze
Class: Warlock
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Alignment: True Neutral

Str: 10 +0 (XXp.)     Level: 5        XP: 
Dex: 16 +3 (XXp.)     BAB: +3         HP: 
Con: 12 +1 (XXp.)     Grapple: +3     Dmg Red: 1/cold
Int: 12 +1 (XXp.)     Speed: 30'      Spell Res: 0
Wis: 10 +0 (XXp.)     Init: +3        Spell Save: +0
Cha: 16 +3 (XXp.)     ACP: 0       Spell Fail: 0%

               Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:          10    +5    +0    +3    +0    +0    +0    18
Touch: 13              Flatfooted: 15

                            Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      1    +1          +2
Ref:                       1    +3          +4
Will:                      4    +0          +4

Weapon                Attack   Damage     Critical

Languages: Common, Elven, Fey

Abilities: Endrich blast (3d6),  Detect  magic, Damage  reduction, 

Decive Item.
Feats: Weapon focus (Ranged spells), Point black shot, Ability 

Focus(Eldrich blast) 

Skill Points: 12+3+3+3+3       Max Ranks: 8/4
Skills               Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Use Magic Device         4    +3          +7
Spellcraft               4    +1          +5
Bluff                    8    +3          +11
Jump                     5    +0          +5
Knowledge(arcana)        3    +1          +4

Equipment:                      Cost  Weight
Mastercraft Morningstar         308gp                   
+1 Mithral Chain shirt         2200gp   
Gloves of dexterity +1          2000gp
Nynph cloak +1                  2000gp 
Tent                             10gp
Bedroll                           1gp
Blanquet                          5sp
Trail rations                     5sp
Rope hemp
4 potions Cure Light Wounds      200gp
Spell component poich
Total Weight:XXlb      Money: 15gp

                           Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push 500
Max Weight:           1-33  34-66 67-100 100

Spell DC: 2 (feat) + 3 (Cha) + Spell Level

               Least:[/B] Frightfull Blast, Spiderwalk, Earthen grasp

Age: 21
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight: 52 kg
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Redish to orange
Skin: withe

Still needs work


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
What do you think of a CG good Cleric of The Fury.?

Good hearted but misguided. wrapped up in just the passion of experience, obsesses with sensation.


Vertexx69 said:
[sblock=Bunyan, Shifter Druid]Bunyan Uhrashka
Level 5 Druid
Shifter (Beasthide)
Humanoid, Shapeshifter

Hit Dice: 8+4D8+15 (41)
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 20/24 (+8 dragonhide full plate, +2 heavy dragonhide shield, +4 Natural when shifting)

Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6

Attack: Silver Scimitar +8 (1d6 +3/18-20X2)

Special Qualities:
Shifting – (Beast hide elite) +4 Natural AC 2/day 10 rounds
Wild Shape 1/day 5 hours
Beastial Spirit - +2 to str, dex or con, Feral empathy, Extend shifting, Will of the spirit and Alertness
Reckless Nature - +2 init. & ref –2 will
Lowlight Vision
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Wild empathy

Saves: Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +5

Abilities: (base, + racial, + lvl) Shifting Beastial Spirit
Str 14 +3 (14) +2
Dex 12 +1 (10, +2)
Con 16 +3 (16) +2
Int 10 +0 (12 -2)
Wis 16 +3 (15, +1)
Cha 6 -2 (8 -2)

Skills: (20 pts)
Listen 2 +5
Spot 2 +5
Knowledge Nature 8 +2
Knowledge Religion 4

Beast hide Elite – Natural AC +4 while shifted
Healing Factor – Heal 5hp after shift ends
Alertness - +2 Listen, Spot (bonus)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Stuff: (8k)
Spiked Heavy Dragonhide Shield 314
Dragonhide Full Plate 3,300
+1 Silver Scimitar 2565
Braid of spell strike 500 - Let me cast 3rd or lower spell with same free action when shifting
Restful Augmenting Crystal 500 - lets me sleep in armor without becoming fatigued
Adventuring kit (clothes, backpack, bedroll, oilX5, torchesX5, rationsX5, spell pouch) 20


Spells: 5/4/3/2
I'll be putting an asterisk* next to them as I cast, so you know what’s left :cool:

Lvl 0: Create waterX2, Light, Detect magic, Dawn
Lvl 1: Extend Shift, Lion’s ChargeX2, Speak with animals
Lvl 2: Bull’s Strength, Mass Snake’s SwiftnessX2
Lvl 3: Girallon’s Blessing, Bite of the Werewolf

[sblock=(Spell Compendium & Savage Species spells)]Lion’s Charge
Druid 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 swift action
Range: Touch
Target: touch
Duration: 1 round
Grants Pounce.

Bite of the werewolf
Druid 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 round/ lvl
Grants +2 enh bonus to str, +4 enh to dex, con & Nat AC bite attack 1d6 +1.5 str & blindfight.

Girallon’s Blessing
Druid 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: touch
Target: touch
Duration: 10 minutes/ lvl
Grow 2 extra arms all (4) arms grow claws 1d4+str +2d4+1.5Xstr rend.[/sblock]

Bunyan is a true bear of a man. He stands over 6.5ft tall and is built like an oak. Even when not shifted, he is covered in coarse dark hair from head to toe, and his long dreadlocks are constantly falling in his eyes. The shifter walks through the forest as a part of it instead of a vistor to it.
The beastial, dire bear spirit of Bunyan had always caused him to wander the eastern border of the Eldeen Reaches along the Wynarn river with a meandering sort of urgency. But one day he was walking through the woods by Redleaf, near Varna when to his shock, the trees of an entire hillside had been destroyed...[/sblock]

Not to be a buzzkill but...
dragonhide armor costs double the cost of normal masterwork armor of that type. MW fullplate would cost 3300 gp. Mogg said the max is 1/3 of 8000 (2666).
Also, druids are not proficient with heavy armor so you would take the -5 nonproficiency penalty to attack rolls as well. I haven't seen the shifter druid variant though. perhaps it grants heavy armor prof?


My ability scores did not really fit well with a ranger concept. But that's ok because it gives me a chance to try a concept I have been thinking about for a while. A human psion will probably help the party more anyway.

Edit: Since I found out we are doing point buy I went back to the ranger concept. However, after reading up on the background I decided to go with a Warden of the Wood instead.

[sblock=Karlin's statistics]
Karlin's ability scores

Male human ranger 5
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Age 30
Height 5’ 9”
Weight 175 lbs.
Init +1; Senses Listen +9, Spot +9
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +1 deflection)
hp 25 (5 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +1 bastard sword +9 (1d10+4/19-20) or
+1 bastard sword +7 (1d10+3/19-20) and
+1 bastard sword +7 (1d10+2/19-20)
Ranged mwk composite shortbow +8 (1d6+2/x3)
Base Atk +5; Grp +7
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 2nd):
Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
SQ favored terrain (cold forest) +4, favored terrain (temperate forest) +2, wild empathy +7, wolf companion
Feats Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
Skills Climb +10, Handle Animal +10, Listen +10, Ride +12, Spot +10, Survival +10, Swim +10
Possessions backpack, belt pouch, bedroll, flint and steel, hemp rope 50 ft., sunrod x2, trail rations (10 days), waterskin, +1 bastard sword x2, masterwork composite shortbow (Str +2), 40 arrows, cold iron handaxe, +1 studded leather armor, ring of protection +1, wand of cure light wounds (25 charges), heavy warhorse, military saddle, leather barding, saddlebags, 12 gp

Note, I used the favored terrain variant from UA since having a specific type of creature didn't seem to fit him. I can switch it if you want.
[sblock=Karlin's background/personality]
Karlin was raised in the cold north forests of the Towering Wood. As a child he was taught to track, hunt, and survive in the wild. After a particularly harsh winter one year, his parents dedicated him to the Wardens of the Wood with the dual purpose of currying the Great Druid's favor and also ensuring their son would be well taken care of should hard times fall on them again. Thus, he spent the remainder of his formative years in Greenhart studying under the tutelage of the druids.

From an early age, Karlin showed great proficiency with bow and arrow as well as blades. The rangers saw this promise and urged the Wardens to allow them to teach him their ways as opposed to the druidic path. He took to the path of a ranger with a righteous zeal and dedicated his life to the Wardens and defense of the lands that would one day be known as the Eldeen Reaches. He took his family's honor and the pride in his homeland very seriously. In the war he has seen the ambitious armies of Breland and monsters encroach upon this land which he has defended valiantly at every turn. He holds righteous anger against the rulers of Aundair for leaving the land undefended and believes now that only Reachers have the right to defend themselves. It is a cause he is willing to die for.
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First Post
Airwalkrr, your stats are what you want them to be... it's a point-buy approach, not rolling. If you still want the psion, that's fine, but you can make the ranger, too.

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