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Ebrron- Last War Reach Rebels

Voda Vosa

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Background:Living in the woods is certainly hard for anyone not adapted to it. Humans are not adapted to it, at least. But theres certain people that move in the forest paths with extreme ease, their moves are like the whispers of the leaves in a day of breeze. Milze is one of such humans. She lives in the druidic capital Greenheart, and is part of the militia, as well.
Milze has fey heritage, by his mother side, and her family has a tradition of warlocks, who get their power from the fey. She is not less, as a warlock, Milze works in her unit, blasting the enemies of the wild with her green and bubbled eldrich blast. (I propose to link backgrounds with you OnlytheStrong, since it is very probable that our characters meet each other for quite some time.)
Appearance: Milze is beautiful to say the least, her near orange hair, and her yellow eyes are strange and seductive at the same time. She uses her hair long and untidied, often, filled with leaves and sticks, from her trips in the woods. She moves gracefully, and she could be easily confused with a nymph. Her face is clean and curious, and her big eyes are always looking for something to do.

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I am always open to a new idea. I'd like to throw is something a a little bit different. A shifter psychic warrior. He developed his mental powers at a young age, and they branch off the idea that a true warrior needs not a weapon to fight.


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So so far I have 3 confirmed players that have syubmitted concepts and assume a character sheet will follow for Voda Vosa

Voda Vosa- Warlock
Only the strong- Scout
Vertexx69- Druid

there is still room for 3 more so simply the next three character sheets i s what ill go with . The party still has an obvious need for a fighter-type, and maybe a true arcanist but any combo will work...


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Braelin Bloodletter, Shifter Barbarian

In progress
Race: Shifter (longtooth0
Class: Barbarian lvl 5
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 221 lbs
Alignment: CG

[B]Racial Traits[/B]: Shifting--Once per day Braelin can shift, gaining a +2 bonus to strength, and growing fangs that be used as a natural weapon.  this lasts for 6 rounds.
    Low-light vision
    +2 racial bonus to balance, climb and jump skills
    Favored class: ranger

[B]Ability Scores[/B]                          [COLOR=green]Shifting[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]raging[/COLOR]   [COLOR=Blue]Shifting and Raging[/COLOR]
Str:  16   +3 mod  (8 points, +1 at 4th level)[COLOR=green]18[/color]   [COLOR=Red]20[/COLOR]              [COLOR=Blue]22[/COLOR]
Dex: 14   +2 mod  (4 points, +2 racial)
Con: 14   +4 mod  (6 points)                       [COLOR=Red]18[/COLOR]    
Int:  10   +0 mod  (4 points, -2 racial)
Wis: 12   +1 mod  (4 points)
Cha:  8   -1 mod   (2 points, -2 racial)

Hp:    (5d12+10)                                         [COLOR=Red][/COLOR]
AC:  19                                            [COLOR=Red]17[/COLOR]
  Flat footed: 19 (uncanny dodge)
  Touch AC:  13                                    [COLOR=Red]11[/COLOR]
Initiative: +2  (2 dex mod)

[B]Saving Throws[/B]:
   Fortitude:  6 (4 base + 2 con mod)               [COLOR=Red]8[/COLOR]
   Reflex:   3 (1 base + 2 dex mod)
   Will:    2  (1 base + 1 wis mod)                 [COLOR=Red]4[/COLOR]

Base Attack Bonus:  5

Speed: 30ft

Grapple: 8 (5 base attack bonus + 3 str mod) [COLOR=Green]9[/COLOR]     [color=red]10[/color]              [color=blue]11[/color]

   +1 Greataxe +9    1d12+5   20/x3    [COLOR=Green]+10  1d12+7[/COLOR]  [COLOR=Red]+11   1d12+8[/COLOR]    [COLOR=Blue]+12  1d12+10[/COLOR]
   Javelin     +7     1d6+3   20/x2     [COLOR=Green]+7   1d6+4[/COLOR]   [COLOR=Red]+7   1d6+5[/COLOR]      [COLOR=Blue]+7   1d6+6[/COLOR]
   Dagger      +8     1d4+3   19-20/x2  [COLOR=Green]+9   1d4+4[/COLOR]   [COLOR=Red]+10   1d4+5[/COLOR]     [COLOR=Blue]+11   1d4+6[/COLOR]
   [COLOR=Green]Bite                             +9  1d6+5 and 1 con  20/*2[/COLOR]   [COLOR=Blue]+11   1d6+7 and 1 con[/COLOR]

+1 greataxe
+1 Breastplate
Ring of Protection +1
Heward's Handy Haversack
2 javelins
Hooded Lantern
Iron Pot
5 pints oil
100' Hemp rope
2 Waterskins
5 torches
Clay jug
2 flasks alchemists fire
10 tindertwigs
2 potions of magic fang
2 potions of cure light wounds

Total Spent: 7,954 gp,  1 sp
Money: 45 gp, 9 sp

Class Abilities:
   Rage 2/day
   Fast Movement
   Uncanny Dodge
   Trap Sense +1
   Improved Uncanny Dodge

   Power Attack
   Longtooth Elite

Skills: (only those with ranks or misc ability mods)
    Balance:       4     (2 ability mod + 2 racial mod)    
    Climb:            6     (3 ability mod + 4 ranks +2 racial mod -3 ACP)    [COLOR=Green]7[/COLOR]  [COLOR=Red]8[/COLOR]   [COLOR=Blue]9[/COLOR]
cc Hide:             3    (2 ability mod + 4 ranks -3 ACP)
    Intimidate      3    (-1 ability mod + 4 ranks)
    Jump:            8     (3 ability mod +6 ranks + 2 racial mod -3 ACP)   [COLOR=Green]9[/COLOR]  [COLOR=Red]10[/COLOR]  [COLOR=Blue]11[/COLOR]
    Listen:        5      (1 ability mod + 4 ranks)
    Survival:     7        (1 ability mod + 6 ranks)

Role: Braelin is a straight-out brawler. He loves to be in the thick of a fight, lashing out with his axe at any exposed flesh. He maintains control of his anger most of the time, but when he snaps, he completely loses it, and often winds up covered in blood, his own and others'.

Appearance Braelin's relatively narrow frame (for a barbarian, anyway) gives the feeling of being stretched taught at all times. He moves gracefully, but with the promise of being able to snap into action instantly. His reddish hair is mostly loose, but there are three braids that descend from the left side of his head. Each represents a family member who died in the invasion of his town, and each is dyed a dark black. His fur is as red as his hair, except for several unpronounced black stripes that run across his back, perpendicular to his spine. Even when not shifting, his teeth seem a bit sharper and more feline than human, and his grin is truly unsettling to most people.

Background:Braelin grew up in an isolated village in the southern stretches of Towering Wood. His tribe survived, and even thrived, while mostly isolated form outside influences, until the Brelish invasion. Without knowing much about the war, and certainly wihtout any idea that the Reaches were being invaded, Braelin's small village was suddenly caught up in the maelstrom. He watched as his father and some of the other shifters tried to fight off a Brelish patrol, only to fall to their greater numbers. Braelin's mother managed to spirit him into the woods, but she later succumbed to wounds she received in the escape. This was why Braelin was discovered by a nomadic tribe of shifters, alone and lost in the wood.
The young shifter was welcomed into the tribe and taught the ways of his wilder cousins. for a while these lessons, and the games he remembered from his own life, kept his newfound demons at bay. But as Braelin matured and was trained in warcraft, his anger emerged as an almost uncontrolable force. The adults of the tribe taught him how to harness this anger, and that has kept it mostly dormant, but it only lasts for so long unless he allows himself to cut loose periodically.
When the call came for Reachers who wanted to fight the invading forces and take back their land, Braelin fairly near ran out of the woods with nothing in hand. It took all the effort of his close friends to get him to remember to take his axe and armor. His resolve was only heightened by a brief stop at the ruins of his original home.
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Braelin...........don't bite me k? At least not until I know your mouth is clean lol. Sorry, I like shifters alot. They are awesome. Believe it or not, I've never played or played with a longtooth. Your dang bite does as much damage as my bow, unless I'm running. I wish people would hurry up and join in, cuz I'd like to start this game.

Moggthegob, if no one else expresses interest in joining, is the game going to end? Or could we just play with just us or higher levels or something? If everyone who posted a concept is going to play......then we should have a barbarian, psychic warrior, warlock, druid, and a scout. I think.


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OnlytheStrong said:
Braelin...........don't bite me k? At least not until I know your mouth is clean lol. Sorry, I like shifters alot. They are awesome. Believe it or not, I've never played or played with a longtooth. Your dang bite does as much damage as my bow, unless I'm running.
Just wait until 6th level when I take Shifter Savagery from RoE. My threat range doubles, and damage goes up to 2d6. :D


First Post
I've changed my concept a bit. From shifter to Kalashtar. He journeyed to the reaches after hearing of the brutality the shifter's faced from the Silver Flame. After living there and sharing his kindness with the tribes, he journey off into the forest. Not soon long after, when the Audairians lauched their offensive, stories came out of a creature that lived in the woods, with claws like sickles(claws of the beast), who was quite fearsome, and hunted those that would hurt the tribes of shifters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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