You continue along your route, hurrying at a much quicker pace, now that you have some fear and loathing of the poor box that you were meant to deliver... soon enough, your route brings you to the filthy burg of Archport, dominated by the great ruins of the Aqueduct that once passed through this city, giving it its name. Having crude instructions to the wizard's abode, you make your way around the huts and dilapidated shacks that make up the majority of the city, to a squat tower that huddles in the shadow of the Arch.
At the gate is a hunched, yellow-skinned being in black robes, clutching a worn, rusted halberd. It seems it was probably a hobgoblin, perhaps in a past life. It now has cat slit eyes and talons that you would swear are made of iron...
"Greetings, visitors. You are expected. Welcome to Mingol's Tower. I am Dorgard. You may enter if you wish, and break fast... there is food laid out for you in the entry chamber. I believe Mingol also has words for you."