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EN World City Project: Government Affairs Submissions


A suffusion of yellow
jdavis said:
As far as doing the work goes throw in a Noble family and include what they own and how they use it (I did). Everyone will be different, discribe their holdings and how they are set up, we have room for 20 or so of these families to be fleshed out.

Clan Palmora
Anton Palmora is the current patriarch of the Palmora clan who have raised and harvested Silk Fish since before the founding of the city. As the scion of an old family Anton is a strict and proud traditionalist, who does not approve of change and is often considered stubborn and pigheaded for his unwillingness to consider new ideas and innovations.
Anton is married to Layla Palmora (a daughter of the Adovan clan) and has five sons and three daughters. His eldest son (Tomas) runs the marketing side of the business, whilst his second Sebastiano Palmora is Commander of the Mors End Military. His Third son Jano managers the families fish ponds (essentially large fish traps were Silk Fish are herded in order to harvest easily) his fourth son Marius is a student. Two of Antons daughters are married and still live in the area and the youngest two children (twins) are at home.

The Palmora clan have holdings South West of the City including a large fortified manor and an extensive region of Lakeside where they have crafted large silkfish holding ponds. Their estate also includes a historic camp site which the Mors End university has studied extensively and which the Palmora's use as evidence of their ancestral claim - it is beleived that historically elf clans would seasonally visit the campsites and harvest the lake (they also claim to be the original worshippers of the Great Fish).

Besides the ponds the estate includes a small thorp occupied by tenant Silkfish harvesters and the Palmora's have built a large silk fish warehouse here in which the water silk is dried and processed.
Jano Palmora has implemented an innovative system which awards a percentage of profits from the Water Silk sales to the tenants. These tenants are also free to fish the lake for food but must pay rent for lands used as gardens. The village is protected by a wooden stockade fence however in times of danger the usual practice is to take to the Lake relying on the Great Fish Enoria for protection.

Besides Watersilk the Palmora's are also involved in Perch fishing and have investments in vinyards and other business north of the city. Unlike his brother Jano (who prefers he rural life) Tomas has loves the urban life of a Mors End merchant. Luckily he has a reasonable business savvy and has been able to make some good investments in various merchantile enterprises including a WaterSilk tailor and a trade caravan. Nonetheless he does have a weakness for a pretty face and his father and more recently his brother Sebastiano have had to pull him out of a few compromising positions.

Anton Palmora reluctantly spends equal time between the City and his lands, and though he would rather avoid city life he knows that he must be a face of Silkfisher tradition in a city in which his people are a minority. He is respected on the Council and beleives he has the ear of Lady Kelvin. He does hold the Trident of Enoria (a semi-religious artifact and the symbol of his office as Harvest Master of the Silkfisher Conclave.

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First Post
Looks Good

Conaill said:
Is Palmora elven? I thought the majority of the silkfishers were elven, no? Getting hard to keep all the facts straight...

Elf/Half-Elf if memory serves me correctly.


A suffusion of yellow
These are the more contentious points.

1. Division of power between Lady Kelvin and the Council.

2. Role of the council - legislative body or advisory?

3. Make-up of the council. Who elects or appoints the counsellors? Are they all noble?

4. What power do the nobles have outside of the council? What power within the city? Out of the city?

1.& 2. The Council is a legislative body able to pass law over the city especially relating to regulation of Trade (including taxation of Trade) and maintenace of the peace and good running of the City. Lady Kelvin has jurisdiction for all issues for the Enheim (defined as the lands and surroundings of Mors End). She is able to impose taxation on property and arrange for the peace and good order within Enheim. The conflict between the Council and the Lady arise as to whether or not the Lady Kelvins jurisdiction includes Mors End itself and as to who exactly has command of the Military - as the Commander is a member of the Council. Further complexity arises in relation to the the Lady Kelvins jurisdiction over the Noble Holdings especialise those of the Silk Fishers, and over use of the lake and trade routes - technically outside the city but nonetheless part of its Merchantile network.

3. Representation is according to certain Rights established by Custom, Charter or Treaty
- Nobles as a Hereditary Right
- Guild Masters according to their Charters (ie the guilds demanded the right from the infant city and this has continued)
- The Dwarfs by Right of Treaty A Diplomatic role
- The Military Commander appointed by Lady Kelvin

I'm still wondering about the Foreigner/Stranger - How is this person chosen? I actually don't think Mors End will have many foreigners who aren't Merchant in nature. So who is this person and why would the Lady or any other appoint them?

Come to think of it what if the Stranger/Fool role is combined and acts essentially as a Advocate for the 'Common Man' (ie general populace). Mors End was established by a conglomeration of Slaves, Mercenaries, Barbarian tribesman and Shepherds - perhaps the idea of the Stranger/Fool grew from Mors commoner origin - that still leaves the question of HOW this person is chosen...

4. Historically the Nobles had extensive power over their own estates outside the city, but within the city are subject to the laws of Mors End. However the influence of the city has expanded as it has grown. Furthermore Lady Kelvin has legislative power over Enheim - debate still rages as to whether such Jurisdiction applies tot he Noble Estates.
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A suffusion of yellow
jdavis said:
Looks Good

Elf/Half-Elf if memory serves me correctly.

Yep Anton is Half-elf. Haven't decided if his wife Layla should be full elf (making their children 3/4 Elf), full human (making the kids 1/4 elf 3/4 human) or half-elf too...


First Post
Lifted one of the house names from the "Clay Watch" and wrote it up.

Clan Nitstar of the Gnomes
The Gnome clan Nitstar of has a long history in Mor’s End, dating back to the founding. Nitstar is a powerful clan and its head is considered one of the Lords of the City. Many in the city just think of them as House Nitstar of Mor’s End and it would just be too much trouble for the gnomes to go around correcting them all the time.

Nitstar actually gained its status as a house shortly after the sacking of Mor’s End. Ghel Nitstar was among the gnomes that sought the safety of the elf boats during the sacking, it was there that he discovered the silkfish that the elves harvested for cloth. Ghel designed a weaving loom, powered by a water wheel in the river, which was capable of weaving the threads from the silk fish very rapidly. Almost overnight silkfish silk clothing went from extremely rare and high priced to a tradable commodity. Seeing that there was only a limited amount of silkfish thread that the elves could produce, Ghel locked down an exclusive trade deal with the elves and went into the weaving business. Soon he had two watermills running at full capacity and more money and power than he had ever dreamed.

Eventually Ghel lost his exclusive rights but by that time he was so established that nobody could give him any major competition. Ghel rose to Clan leader of Nitstar and added Lord to the clan leaders title (some say he did this to cement clan Nitstar’s power and some say he did this to cement his own). Ghel’s son Ghal now runs the family and many say he has let this lord title go to his head, but the watermills are a source of income and jobs to all of clan Nitstar so few actually wish for change in the clan. Ghal is very involved with city politics and is a political ally of the silkfisher guild.

Clan Nitstar owns three large buildings in the poor quarter of town next to Newbridge. Two of the buildings overhang into the river and house the water wheels and the powered looms used to weave the silkfish thread into cloth and the third building is a warehouse that stores the woven cloth. A fourth unfinished building is being built for expanding into the business of dying the threads. The gnomes are facing resistance to their moving into the dying operation and all buildings are always under heavy guard. The Gnomes are very friendly with the elves and it is not uncommon to see elves watching the weaving operations to insure the quality of their product is maintained. Ghal knows that if the elves decided to not use his water looms then he would be out of business very quickly so the elves are always treated to a warm welcome. Clan Nitstar also owns a large manor house in the Posh District. The Manor is supposed to be open to all members of clan Nitstar but only the heads of the clan actually live there. Clan Nitstar has no holdings outside of the city.

If you are using the Clay Watch in the city then Ghal Nitstar controls one of the golems. He is very involved in this clan duty and his younger brother runs the silkfish silk looms in his name while he personally sees to the golem and the watch.
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First Post
We never really seemed to hammer out anything concrete with regard to the government. So here goes my second attempt.

Guilds vs. Nobility – Most of the wealth of Mor’s End is tied up in five things. Pottery, silk, sapphires, shipping (by caravan or cog) and sheep. Each of these is controlled by a main power bloc – which are as follows.

1. Sheep are mainly raised by the country gentry’s employees. These gentry consist of Houses Harrowdale, Kelvin, Kelsios, Franhaig, Oghn, and Vuelth. With the exception of house Kelvin, they own steddings in the countryside. They have old money – the original wealth of Mor’s End. Most of their new enterprises are found in the city, as are most of the leaders of the six houses. With that said, they are still the most abundant suppliers of Mor’s End food – Mor’s End mutton. With the notable exception of Lord Vuelth, few take any part in the raising of their livestock.

2. Shipping is controlled by the Merchant’s Council. The nobles who have ties to this guild either bought their titles after the first sack, or were country Gentry who moved from farming to shipping early in the city’s trading years. Haljan, (more names), are all connected to the Merchant’s Council.

3. Sapphires. The principal nobility are old Gnome families who are respected jewellers. Interestingly enough, the Glittering Brotherhood actually bought the nobility for several of it’s leaders several hundred years ago – using funds contributed from all members. Most joined at the same time as the Merchant’s Circle nobility. Houses Drekan, Nitstar, and (more names) have close ties to the Glittering Brotherhood.

4. Silk. The elves of House Palmora pushed into the noble ranks through prodigious use of wealth. In probably the most expensive year for a guild ever, the Silker’s managed to push house Palmora into owning a title. Through political manuevering, Palmora managed to bring in the other elven houses, (more names), all who hold considerable percentages of the Watersilk market.

5. Pottery. As with the Merchant’s Council, the Glazer’s Guild managed to buy several key titles/assimilate some gentry in the early years of Mor’s End. Houses (more names) have all gained most of their wealth from pottery, and continue to do so.

Council Members - The following dictates how each member gained a seat on the council. Some hold a seat due to a long upheld tradition, others through charters involved in the original guilds (most noticeably the Mage’s Guild). Some are appointed by Lady Kelvin.

1. Noble from Merchant’s Council. The only representative of Merchant Council power. Holds considerable sway in the guild due to this. Not the largest shipping cartel – but they claim a seat due to ancient tradition. Originally a clan of sheep farmers, the family shifted early on to caravan trade, and swiftly became a sizeable competitor. Though no longer as large as they once were, the tradition of respect and long lineage of this House means it continues to represent Merchant Council interests.

2. The Stranger. Lady Kelvin, as is her right, has raised this foreigner to a position on the council. Now an influential figure in the city, the Stranger is quite knowledgeable of foreign lands – the main reason they are kept on the council.

3. Noble of the Glittering Brotherhood. Amble Drekan holds the current seat for the Glittering Brotherhood. When the Glittering Brotherhood purchased their titles, they also managed to include a provision, which granted one of their houses a seat. Since most of the Glittering Brotherhood tends to act of one accord (in contrast to the fractitious Merchant’s Council), they usually choose one of their nobles to represent them in all Council meetings. This is elected from the craftsmen of the guild, but only the nobles may stand for election.

4. Noble of the Gentry. Lord Bentley Harrowdale holds this seat. One of the oldest familes of Mor’s End, House Harrowdale was founded by the leader of the shepherder clans. He was given a seat on the council, and the Harrowdales continue to hold it due to this ancestral claim.

5. Noble of the Gentry. See above, save with a different noble.

6. Unsure.

7. Noble with ties to the Glazers. The Glazer’s hold a seat which they managed to take from one of the original founding families of Mor’s End. Similarly to the Merchant’s Council.

8. Noble of the silk-fishers. Rich elven watersilkers managed to strong-arm their way into the council under the weaker leadership of one of the earlier rulers of the city. Now held by Anton Palmora, the leadership will soon pass to Tomas. Many of the elves privately doubt that Tomas can lead the silkers as effectively as his predecessor – only time will tell.

9. Marcus Fleetfoot – Hold no vote.

10. Dwarven Ambassador – Hold no vote.

11. Alestra Silvyn. Under the original charter of the Mage’s Guild, the right to a council seat was granted. Though it has traditionally meant little to the running of the city, Alestra has taken a much more active role in the council. Due to this power amongst the rulers of the city, Alestra is much more able to hold on to her position – despite her unpopularity with the ‘old guard’ of the Mage’s Guild.

12. Sebastiano Palmora – Head of military.

Lady Kelvin serves as the head of the city’s main lawmaking body. She can tax (though these have traditionally been restricted to land taxes), make laws, and generally d as she pleases. The Castellan is appointed by each city ruler – and it pays to choose wisely.

The Castellan serves as the voice of the ruler on the council. They may hold any legislation up for the approval of the city ruler, but usually serve as a buffer to prevent the myriad of small day-to-day problems from bothering the ruler. The Council is empowered as a judicial body, may institute tariffs, duties, and customs fees, and can also pass laws – especially those that deal with mercantile matters. The Castellan may prevent any law from being enacted, and the city ruler may take a look at the legislation and discard it. For this reason, the Castellan needs be trusted to not have a vested interest in the guilds – which are usually trying to push through various legislation benefiting themselves.

The council works as a majority vote/ two thirds vote/ unanimous (I don’t know which is preferred.)

Anyway. Input?


First Post
GladiusNP said:

3. Sapphires. The principal nobility are old Gnome families who are respected jewellers. Interestingly enough, the Glittering Brotherhood actually bought the nobility for several of it’s leaders several hundred years ago – using funds contributed from all members. Most joined at the same time as the Merchant’s Circle nobility. Houses Drekan, Nitstar, and (more names) have close ties to the Glittering Brotherhood.

5. Pottery. As with the Merchant’s Council, the Glazer’s Guild managed to buy several key titles/assimilate some gentry in the early years of Mor’s End. Houses (more names) have all gained most of their wealth from pottery, and continue to do so.
I always figured the Glittering Brotherhood were mostly Dwarven. Dwarves are the second largest population group, and are not represented in your lineup of the guilds so far.

We still need to flesh out some of the lower guilds as well. For example, I figure the dwarves are heavily represented in the Builders Guild as well (lots of solid stone houses to be built for those nobles!)

On the other hand, the mysterious glazes of Mor's End probably require some knowledge of Alchemy, so it would be entirely appropriate to have a large number of gnomes involved there.

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