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Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


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Kerwyn watches a dozen armed hobgoblins and twenty or so unarmed hobgolins and goblins in the temple lose all semblence of order as they flee the 'ghost of the Temple' and run past Kerwyn out the doorway. (Bluff check 17+6=23).

The party outside the temple sees a bunch of hobgoblins flee from the temple in a disorganized fashion. They run past their dead or dying comrades and are running towards the exit from the compound.

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Kerwyn yells "YES, flee! FLEE the WRATH of the GHOST of the TEMPLE!" from the doorway after the running goblins, then he drops to his knees as he tries his best to hold the laughter in.
After a moment, he wipes his eyes and takes another look around to see if the ogre is still there.

If he doesn't see it, he heads outside to where the rest of the party is, walks behind Xaod, and whispers in his ear "Fear the Ghost of the Temple".
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A fully-healed 'Ogre' (and Lenya sees an old Shaman hiding behind the Ogre) are the last to flee past Kerwyn and exit the temple.


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"Oh, this is working out a lot better than I though it would.", Lylamwyn says while preparing to shoot at any (not-so-well armored) enemies that come within range and sight.

OOC: They're fleeing towards us? Oh yes! Mass battle time!
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The hobgoblins rout and are captured or slain by the party. No wounds are suffered by the party members.

Belaver thinks an Entangle or Plant Growth would have worked well for capturing large numbers of fleeing hobgoblins, but wasn't really necessary as it turned out.

Lylamwyn casts Web at the Dire Ape and the Shaman and some other hobgoblins in the area of effect. Lenya blasts the invisible Shaman, killing him before he can free himself from the web. The Ape avoided the web and swings away through the trees.

Craven and Xaod ride back and forth across the battlefield, cutting down any hobgoblins that still resist. Raner gets much use of his axe, cutting down the largest of the hobgoblins, a hobgoblin in full plate who wielded a double bladed sword.

The Dire Ape managed to escape, climbing through trees and swinging away. None of the other goblinoids manage to escape.

The party takes twenty hobgoblins and ten goblins prisoner. Another twenty-six hobgoblins lie dead on the field (including the ten that were fireballed earlier).

The party finds a man chained in the temple. He says his name is Tiadden and he is a carpenter from Verbobonc that was going to Hommlet to look for work when he was captured by the hobgoblins.

In addition to hobgoblin weapons and armor that are stacked in the wagons for resale in Verbobonc, the party finds after they search the temple grounds: a bag containing 845 cp, a bag containing 698 sp, a bag containing 572 gp, a bronze statue of a mounted elf warrior (worth 300 gp), a small iron box containing ten 50-gp bloodstone gems wrapped in silk padding, a suit of masterwork full plate armor, a large box wrapped in an iron chain and padlocked that contained a golden flagon with obsidian inlays (worth 200gp) and a silver platter (worth 75gp) and a painting of a green dragon (120gp), a flask of holy water, a bag with 110 gp, a box with 800 gp and 200sp, potions of water breathing and cure serious wounds, six suits of banded mail, six masterwork great swords, +1 chain shirt, +1 chainmail, amulet of natural armor +1, another magical brooch of shielding (47 points), wand of cure light wounds (30 charges), potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of glibness, bracers of armor +1, +1 Two Bladed Sword, masterwork light crossbow, potion of spider climb, potion of cure moderate wounds, 2 potions of bulls strength.

Great iron chains lie by the huge bronze doors to the temple. Powerful runes that once bound the temple can still be seen on the temple doors, although the runes long ago lost all power.

The inside of the temple still shows signs of the original architectural design. But the earthquake and habitation by hobgoblins have reduced some of the graphic evilness of the temple.

The floor of the vestibule is made of reddish-brown stone squares. Dim light filters through the barred windows. The walls are plastered and painted with scenes befitting the nature of this despicable-place-- torture, murder, enslavement, robbery, and far more unspeakable acts. The creed of the worshipers is evident from these descriptions: evil is supreme. Ahead, the floor stones are green, and the nave of the temple is filled with pillars of a pinkish material, shot through with worm-colored veins. Their arches lead to an unremarkable pair of lesser side aisles. The columns supporting the archways, as well as the archways themselves, are worked in relief scenes of vile activities conducted mostly by human men and women.

The central altar is surrounded by pillars of white marble, veined with ugly red. The altar block of pinkish white marble is roughly oval, a bit over 7 feet long by 5 feet wide. Its top has a hollowed-out portion resembling a humanoid form, with legs apart and arms away from the body. THis depression is stained a darker color than the rest. Just north of the altar is a circular marble pit --a well of sorts--twenty feet in diameter. Shards of broken crystal vessels and piles of feces and trash lie scattered about the bottom of the pit.

To the west of the central altar, the supporting pillars are sandstone, resting on a red slate floor. A stump of a granite monolith is all that remains of whatever sort of altar once stood here. Dozens of beds composed of cloth scraps, hay, and leaves fill this area. Many are covered with tattered blankets. Scattered amongst the beds are cooking pots, small barrels, bags, tools, weapons, food, and other gear.

To the east of the central altar, the thick stone columns here are dark green, with blood-red striations. The paving blocks are mossy green, and in the center of the wing is a circular dias about twenty feet in diameter. On or around the dias are piled barrels, crates, and bags, as well as sundry other items: large coils of rope, bolts of cloth, pots, large slabs of meat, tools, and more. The dias is two-tiered; each rises about eighteen inches the inner being 14 feet in diameter, forming a 3 foot wide step along the rim of the inner tier. The lower disc is greenish black, the upper greener. The center of this altar is a depression about 8 feet across, filled with scum-covered black liquid.

North of the central altar, a grand staircase goes down. A flight of steps twenty feet wide, each step broad and tall, delves down to the north. The stone is dull gray, but flecks of color--black, blue, green, red, and white--dot its surface. To the north of the staircase is a stone railing, with supports of brown, green, and white stone. The upper portion is cinnabar. The floor beyond the railing is paved with three foot stones of highly polished red granite. Square columns of some type of yellow stone are carved with painted reliefs showing scenes of fire and suffering with demonic creatures looking on. A pair of smashed and fallen down bronze doors are at the bottom of the stairs. The area beyond the stairs is full of collapsed rubble-- the earthquake smashed the below ground levels and made this area impassable.

North of the grand staircase is the high altar, a huge bronze and copper altar, shaped like a huge basin and blackened from fire, rests on six legs 1 foot above the floor. It is eight feet in diameter, filled with charcoal, bits of blackened bone. This vessel is dented and cut. A single chain dangles over the altar from the ceiling. This altar bears signs of recent use.

North of the High Altar, is the Throne of Elemental Evil. A massive Throne that the Old One Iuz and the Demoness Zuggtmoy once ruled from. Extending out of a half-circle alcove, a dais completes a circle thirty feet across. The floor, steps, and walls are black basalt, highly polished and gleaming. Four steps lead to the upper platform, and upon it is a great throne of purplish basalt, covered in leering demon faces and carved skulls with evil grins.
The flagstones upon which the throne sets are 10-foot squares of granite, set in a mosaic pattern of brown, green, red, and white.

Above the throne, the following words are chiseled into the curved wall:
The power of elemental death
Brings mortals low
But raises the Nameless One High


Unless somebody objects, Kerwyn takes the mw light crossbow, and one of the two cure serious potions.

Once they're inside inspecting the Temple, Kerwyn's thoughts on the decoration are clear on his face - Yuck! There's a gleam in his eyes once they come in view of the throne, however. He starts sneaking towards it before one of his boring compatriots has a chance to stop him. Just before stepping on the dais he spots the text, however, and stops dead on his tracks.
He takes a few steps back and turns to Lylamwyn.
"You think that means if I rest my buttocks on the throne," he says, pointing at the text, "it'll be used as a floor-mop by some elemental death-thingies?"


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Lylamwyn takes a regal, thinking look. "Possibly.", he answers to Kerwyn's question.

OOC: I think the more badass healing potions are more useful for Raner and Craven.


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Walking through the temple Raner can't help but be impressed by the stonework, even while being repulsed by it's design and purpose. "Shame to let all this go to waste, wonder if I could convince the other masons to quarry it?" he ponders.

Then, as Kerwyn steps toward the throne "Aye, I imagine there're quite a few things here that wouldn't be safe to touch."


First Post

“Wow, that did work out pretty well! Good job, guys! They were pretty impressed by that raging ball of fire, it seems,” Lenya cheers, as the battle is over. “But that must have been the most nimble ogre in existance... it wasn't really an ogre, or was it?” she asks carefully, not sure about it, but there certainly is some doubt.

From the treasure, Lenya will try the chain shirt, if noone else needs it, putting the buckler back into the party treasury, which she never used and only really carried, anyways. She will also give the studded leather armor to Kerwyn, who seems to like it well enough for some reason, even though he did not want it earlier in the Moathouse. With her new backpack, Lenya can easily carry quite a bit and so the additional weight of the metal armor is not much of a problem.

OOC: Yup, Cure Serious should go to the front liners... Kerwyn should take a Cure Moderate instead, I think.
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If it could, Kerwyn's jaw would hit the floor.
"Impressed by the raging... ball... of fire...?"


"Oh, right, you weren't here. And since you're pretty, I'll forgive your foolishness. It was I who scared the heck out of the hobbos with my magnificent ghost act. You should've seen me, well, heard me, but still."

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