• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"If you can hear me, Kendrick, next time you're in control of your faculties, move behind that pillar, hopefully out of it's sight."

Martelai moves away from dominated Kendrick, around the stalagmite and toward the mage, brandishing his dagger.

Coming close, he curses the mage and blasts him with arcane energy from point blank range. Energy seems somehow subdued, weak...until it hits the mage and suddenly blazes as it touches his cursed flesh.

Minor: Curse The Mage
Move: to L7 via I9, gain concealment
Standard: Eldritch Blast
Attack; Damage; Curse (1d20+5=18, 1d10+4=5, 1d6=5)

OOC: Yes, I know, I provoke. But so does he if he doesn't shift. And only free location will be J5.

OOC2: since Kendrick has fairly weak basic attack maybe he could continue being target of domination, so we don't have to deal with Catein or Atlas? Of course, for that, Martelai is much better suited (I mean for weak basic attacks)

AC: 15 Fort: 13 Reflex: 13 Will: 15
HP: 17/28 Surges: 4/9 Surge Value: 7

Level 1: Sacrifice to Caiphon

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance

Dilettante: Cutting Words
Chains of Levistus

Decree of Khirad
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The air was heady with the smell of fresh herbs, and shadar-kai women danced ritualistic arcane rhythms to heavy drum play. *Oh this is much better* Thought Veruzak as he laid out in the Shadowy perpetual night of his home plane.

A loud rapping at the door disturbed his mental retreat, *Who could that be, wanting my attention just as I was getting comfortable...* When Veruzak opened the door again the static washed over him anew, but a clear sound could be heard vibrating over the white noise, Atlas shouting out to get closer to him.

The wizard stumbled forward clumsily, attempting to fight the static. Then hearing Atlas and feeling the invigorating power of his words, Veruzak had a sudden moment of clairty.

*I bet you put up all this static so I won't invade YOUR mind. Well here I come larva!*

Veruzak feels the magic building as he mounts his attempt on the nasty wrigglers mind.


Move to I9

Save vs dazed with a nat 20...



First Post
[sblock=I'm an idiot...]Kendrick is no longer dominated. The domination only lasts for one turn, so every time the Broodlord uses it, it gets to make one attack with Kendrick.

*Kicks self*

Sorry, I've just been terrible at correcting the statuses in this battle. At least I got the map right though.

Also, when someone is dominated, they are also dazed, which means they can't take AoOs.[/sblock]


First Post
ooc: Sorry about the delay. Busy weekend.

The mage collapses under Kendrick's brutal swings.

The foul creature, now bruised and bloody, unleashes more waves of feedback. Atlas and Martelai take the brunt of it, staggered and weakened by the psychic intrusion.

Bell (15/25)
Kendrick (27/31)
Veruzak (16/20)
Catein (6/27, bloodied)
Broodlord (-52, bloodied, effective -4 to all defenses)
Atlas (3/26, bloodied, -2 to Will (save ends))
Martelai (3/28, bloodied, -2 to Will (save ends), Concealed)

The Mage dies, triggering Martelai's Pact Boon.

The Broodlord uses Mind Stab, a close burst 3 attack, hitting Atlas's Will with a 21 and Martelai's with an 18 for 8 psychic damage. In addition, they both take a -2 penalty to Will, save ends. Then it uses an action point to so again, this time missing Atlas and barely hitting Martelai for 6 psychic damage (concealment doesn't protect against area of effect attacks).

Atlas is the only target for Virtue of Cunning. Veruzak and Kendrick will probably be attacked by the walls at the start of their turns.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]Broodlord:
AC 18 | Fort 16 | Reflex 14 | Will 17
HP: 76. Resist 5 Psychic
MBA: None.
Mental Feedback: Any adjacent creature who hits the Broodlord with an attack takes 3 psychic damage.
Immobile: The Broodlord cannot move or be moved. Ever.[/sblock]

[sblock=Map Info]The disgusting ponds of goo have no effect. They are too shallow and not sticky enough to hinder you in any way.

However, whenever you start your turn adjacent to a red wall (corners don't count) it makes an attack at +4 vs Will. On a hit, you are slowed and grant combat advantage until the end of your next turn.[/sblock]


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Veruzak feels the wall sludge him, Slime! It's always slime! Eladrin features scrunch together, as his face contorts in rage. Closing his eyes, the wizard throws a ball of fire at the ceiling in wild frustration, and falls flat on his back in doing so! AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! :rant::rant::rant::rant:ing :rant::rant::rant::rant:, KILL IT, I DON'T GIVE A GORGON'S :rant::rant::rant::rant: ABOUT STUDYING IT! fumes the out of control eladrin, before falling eerily silent. Red foam covers the wizards mouth, and flecks of red spot his face accenting the trails from his eyes, nose, and ears. However Veruzak's face, has lost all emotion.

The door slammed, a full length mirror reflected the ragged, and haggard wizard, *CONSTABLE! I might die this time... On the bright side, if I live, this has been the most successful IAC venture yet. We'll really be on the up and up after the pay, and reinforcements, and land/property ownership gained from Martelai, Bell, and my hardwork... * the reflection took on a stern face, while Veruzak continued to smile about the organizations growth, *Enjoy it now, because you might be dead in a moment.*


OA from wall, 15 vs will, hits Veruzak slowed and grants CA TENT

Move shift to H9

Standard Scorching Burst centered on O11 miss...

minor drop prone



First Post
"I am trying to kill it, if you would just calm-" Bell turned her head to view the screaming wizard and saw him flailing on the ground and covered in some kind of red foam, she immediately turned back around.

"Kill it! Kill it!" She focused her words at the beast trying to drive at it's mind. She then turned her mind to the hero Atlas, who even in his rocky form was showing clear sign of injury.

"Be strong Atlas, and be quick. Let you're feet guide you swiftly around that you're allies may strike true!"

[sblock=actions] Virtue of Cunning, Shift Atlas to N9.

Cutting Words. 16 vs Will. 6 psychic damage.

Majestic Word on Atlas. He spends a healing surge and gets its value +3. Shift Altas to 10.

This way it is easier for Kendrick to move into a flanking position.

Bell Jabson: Shadar-Kai Bard 1 (Insubstantial, +2 to all defenses, Possibly Slowed)
Initiative: +2; Speed: 6; Passive Perception: 14; Passive Insight: 10
AC: 18; FRW:13/17/15
HP: 15/25; Surges: 1/8; Surge Value: 6; AP: 0
Languages: Common (Allarian), Imperia
Skills: Arcana +9, Streetwise +8, Perception +4, History +9, Bluff +8, Thievery +6
Str:10 Dex:15 Wis:9 Con:13 Int:18 Cha:16

Misdirecting Mark, Cutting Word
Focused Sound, Shadow Jaunt, Words of Friendship, Second Wind, Majestic Word, Sneak Attack
Malevolent Mischief

Full Sheet[/sblock]


formerly roadtoad
The focused light of vengeance streams forth from Catein's hand at the broodlord, burning the foul thing where it hangs. "Almost there..."

Standard: Avenging Light on Broodlord
...1d20+4+4=22; hit vs. Fort for 14 radiant damage

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