English-Elvish-English Language Translations: Requests Welcome

I'm kind of interested in seeing the process involved, so if you post things in sections, I'll gladly read and possibly give suggestions for alternate translations if you hit a snag. Languages are always rather cool, but I lack the personal proficiency in picking them up. Two and a half years of Japanese and I can't read a newspaper (though I can order plane tickets and complain about people smoking in my presence).

I've got a friend who's rather interested in Sindarin, though she claims it's a bit lacking in the verbs department. I don't know much of the language, so whenever I make up names for Elvish (or other race's) stuff in my world, I wing it. For me, Elvish is vaguely Latin in the way it sounds with lots of syllables, though I've never translated sentences, so I don't worry about grammar.

I had Orcish be simple German one time, when the party traveled into a dungeon that announced the different 'dooms' they would encounter, such as Das Boese des Ashe (The Doom of Ash, horribly mangled through years of misremembering).

If you do this, you get incredible amounts of cool points from me.

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Nifelhein said:
You are gonna write it in tolkien's elvish? Damn... hope Viggo Mortensen and Liv Tyler will translate it for us!

You know what I mean, dammit. :p

And by the way, Liv and Viggo (as far as I know), while they are fluent in the pronounciation of the language, (which would make them could for narrators for a book-on tape, were I to write it in elvish), are not fluent in the language in and of itself.


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I know I know!

But I could not hope but make this small joke, you know... after all it has been a damn long while since I first read the thread you made on this translations...

And a bad thing, how could they not learn to read and write! In the proper symbols, of course! ;)

Anyway, that one is gonna be a good oneto read translated, let us see how this fares.


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Ok, RW, here's what I'll do. I'll post up by section as I go, and then do a post with the poem/song alternating english and elvish (i.e. english 1 elvish 1 english 2, elvish 2, etc.), and then the whole elvish peice.

Here's what I've got so far.

I dae entula a' ta eskandor,
ar' I anor aa'duna ten' ta luume'.

Im coiar re elea
Fear, halyar ohta, ar'
Lempe duinea sira, er mor,
Ndu a' anarn'ner eario.


If you want me to re-post a guide to pronounciation so you can get a feel for how it sounds, I can do so easily.
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Part 3:

Nyare i men ed' raama en'rutha,
Vee' falmar en'aha dagora,
I tilie en'i ilmenaara,
Beleg ed'matena ar wethrina,
Matena I wethrinicamar en'i anor.


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Part 5:

I malkirya varna, nan'
Yassene i kirya nurta
I Uuvee'elea Amadalakwena
Ar'i wencam en Amadalakwena,
Seler'en'nwalma Ruukina.


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Part 6:

Vee i ilmen rosa naur,
Ar' arauka pusta i kinta sulie
Nuin i hoon en' marderondo
Manke bara, kaima,
I Atara en Kaimelor,
He 'kshkaimelor uu-bauga.
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Part 7:

I hyandaelean'nerien soora i duinor,
Dagorien thar sul ar'collanta ar'ruukina.
Me'a lanta i rathsapsa en' anor, ar'
I dae vasa ta tura,
En'er ya en' agarpalpe
Nan' ranya tuulo' i nosse.

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