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EPIC M&M: Issue 2 (IC)


One of Johans (the unarmed one) opens his radio. "Medical personnel has arrived outside, I am going to tell the policemen outside the situation and then escort any medics in. Where are they needed, in addition to the foyer?" As the duplicate speaks, he is heading outside to do exactly as he said.

The rest of the Johans continue with the aforementioned plan.
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The G-Spot
"If we did that, we'd be no better than them. What next?" Mendez asks, looking at Raisa with a faint smile. "Shaking down people over protection money?"

You search, but don't find the blood. You find the testing unit, but it's empty.

Tommy G steps out of the hallway into the club. "That mind witch really did a number on my head. What's goin' on?"

"You saying you had nothing to do with all this, Ginuci?" Mendez growls.

"Not a chance," Tommy says. "I don't remember nothin' since I took came to work to find her and her thugs here two weeks ago. I'd never do nutting to risk the life of my patrons."

Car Park
"We got the bad guy and are heading back to the Foyer from the Car Park," Cosmo says, activating his comm unit. "I think Straightjacket needs some medical help."

He shoulders the axe and heads up the stairs.

"I gotta go check on Raisa," Carl says, heading up as well.

"We need help, lots of help!" Anna exclaims into her comm unit in her helmet. "Michelle and Anna are hurt bad, and Mrs. Raynes isn't breathing!"

Anna starts CPR on Mrs. Raynes.

Sanjay opens the door where the bloody footprints came from. What he finds is a horrible scene. The room is a modern age torture chamber, simply put. A stream of blood stretches from the door back to a body on the floor. It's Kevin. He's been run through in a way far worse than Michelle, causing your stomach to lurch at the sight. As you rush up, you are stunned to see his chest move weakly. Somehow, despite the immense blood loss, he's alive!

There is a large monitor built in the wall. It is static until you reach Kevin's body, when it turns on. Kevin's face flashes across the screen, a hastily patched together video of screams and babblings, but at the short 20 second end...
I have no friends. If you're talking about that bunch of losers at EPIC, well, they may come, but why should I care?

They don't even see the potential of being EPIC.

Those stupid EPIC fools will fall into a trap to save me. They are do-gooders after all. They are too predictible.
The video is obviously this Kevin, as he bears a few of the similar wounds on him now. These last three statements repeat at the end, over and over.
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"What the hell...?" Sanjay says, stunned by the sight. Kneeling down beside his downed teammate, he activates his comm. "I found Kevin. He's in extremely bad shape. There's blood...everywhere," he says into it, his voice shaking somewhat. "Hurry up with that medical team up here."

As the video starts to play, he stares at it, dumbly at first, but as it reaches its end he completely loses his temper as stands and blasts the monitor. He looks away from the smoking remains down to Kevin and says, "Exactly what did we do to intice all of these sadistic bastards?"


First Post
"You didn't have the bitch inside your head," Raisa hisses venomously. Revulsion wells up inside her, but not from the pain pounding inside her head. The sensation of being trapped inside her own body, unable to resist the intrusions and comands of the telepath - the loss of control! - all to fresh in her memory. Her fists shake as she clenches them at her side and she turns away from the pair.

Attempting to calm her breathing, and ignore the blinding migrain she had, Raisa leans against the wall next to the doorway and glances briefly up at Tommy. "Be grateful you don't remember," she mutters as she closes her eyes.


First Post
As Johan is directing the police and med-techs into their needed places, a pair of red and black hover-tanks roar towards the front of the Crystal Palace, sirens blaring. They come to a rapid halt, and the rear panel of the tanks extend down. A dozen men in high-tech battle armor exit in formation. The armor appears to be some sort of semi reflective metal, dyed black and red with full face helmets, M-Tac emblazoned across their chest and backs.

M-Tac has arrived.

They quickly take their directions from Johan and head into the G-Spot and the Crystal Palace.

The G-Spot
Following Johan's direction, police officers and med-techs make their way into the strip club. They place the Red Rose thugs under arrest, as well as Tommy Ginuci, and take them either directly to hospital or to jail. The med-techs treat those of you with physical wounds, leaving you feeling much more comfortable. They give Raisa some headache medication, though it certainly doesn't relieve all the pain.

Six armored individuals enter in formation. They move with precision, putting you all under the sights of their arm mounted cannons. Their squad leader steps forward. "Who's in charge here?" Spotting Johan, he says, "Just how many of you are there?"

A brief scare ensues as Carl phases through the ceiling and into the room. But Mendez has a brief conversation, and M-Tac stands down. They escort the med-techs treating the mutants to awaiting ambulances.

"Ok everyone," Mendez says. "Let's get to the rest of our team. You two better not vanish this time. You have a lot to answer to," he says warningly to Carl and Raisa as he heads for the entrance. "And bring her along would you," he adds with a smile, pointing at Dara.

"Glad to see you're alright," Carl says to Raisa. "Heh, someone's tuckered out," he says, and you notice Dara has fallen asleep. Carl picks the small girl up easily enough and offers Raisa his hand to pull her up.

The Crystal Palace
Following Johan's instructions, police officers and med-techs make their way into the Crystal Palace. They enter the main foyer of the apartment just as X-12 is waking up and Straightjacket comes up from the car park bearing Headsman's unconscious form.

Six M-Tac members burst through the front door. Taking stock of the situation, they quickly stand down. "He's no mutant," the squad leader says, pointing at Headsman. "The police can handle him.

"Are we needed in the Penthouse as well?" the squad leader asks, removing his helm. Surprisingly it's a woman. She has short brown hair and has an eye implant in her right eye socket. A nasty scar runs through that eye. "And what about him," she asks, pointing at the desk clerk.

Several med-techs move among the injured, and several more are entering the elevator to head to the penthouse.

Rebound has Michelle keep pressure on her own wounds and makes her comfortable on the floor as Anna continues CPR. He then goes to do the same for Tara and you hear him exclaim, "Crap! She's gone!"

Sure enough, Sanjay's cage he created for Dazzler is empty.


First Post
Raisa accepts carls offered hand and reluctantly gets to her feet. She slowly follows the others out of the club. "Why do I get the feeling he knows more than he's letting on to?" She mutters to Carl as she walks next to him. The night breeze sends a chill over her bare shoulders and with a faint blush she crosses her arms over her chest. "Um, you wouldn't by any chance still happen to have my jacket, would you?"


First Post
"Nope, sorry," Carl says. "Besides, you look fine. How'd the dancing go," he adds with a smirk. "I know a few other clubs that have amateur night."
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"The current total is nine, but since the need has subsided, I will be reducing myselves in number."
Johans will hand over their guns to the police officers and then disappear, leaving Johan with just one duplicate. The original will also hand over the blaster, knowing quite well that it isn't his to take.


First Post
X12 props himself up to a knee, taking stock of his surroundings, especially his two patients. He starts by checking the guard that is still unconcious."I could use a medic over here, and a few bodies to help dig through this rubble for possible mundane victims," he says in the direction of the M-Tac and medical personnel, hoping to draw some assistance beyond Loki and the other guard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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