Equivalent Exchange--Episode 1: Shattered Love

Dire Lemming

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"Yeah, let's go back, maybe we can find some people to talk to about this at the Inn. I wish I'd asked Claus where that is too."

Al takes one more quick look around before he starts heading towards the village, keeping an eye out for a sign indicating an inn.

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Rystil Arden

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*The pair heads back towards the town, looking around for any signs. Though they don't see a sign, they surmise that of the two big buildings, the one that looks better-kept and is in the centre of town is more likely the inn.*

Rystil Arden

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*They enter the inn, where a cozy fire is blazing in the hearth. There is a tiny common room, where a few locals are sipping a few pints.*

"Oh, ho there--we haven't had travelers in a little while, that we haven't," the innkeeper greets them, "Say, aren't you--no, that couldn't be. Anyway, we have plenty of rooms. How many nights will you be staying?"

Dire Lemming

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Al feels a bit guilty, disapointing the friendly innkeeper like this as he shakes his head and replies. "Oh no no, see, we've already got somewhere to stay, we heard about the strange things going on here and thought that maybe we could help. Um, Claus told us that people were seeing ghosts, or something like that, and something about people disapearing. Could you tell us more about it?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Claus," the innkeeper harumphs, "That young woman, always filling their head with her stories."

"C'mon pa, don't be so hard on her," a young man turns from his mug of ale, "She's a good teacher and she loves the children. She's just trying to help."

"Loves the children, does she? Bah, a girl like that should be married and mothering them herself if she wants 'em, I say. Anyway, besides she's an alchemist. I heard our last alchemist had his own way to 'love the children'."

"Pa, don't say that. It's ghosts this time, it is. Maybe the spirit of old Majihal seeking revenge on this place after he died unfulfilled."

"Bah, she ain't normal, that's all. What normal person would spend time in that place?"

"Where else was she gonna learn alchemy pa?"

"Francis, I want you staying away from that girl, understand?"

"I know, pa...but you didn't seem to mind when she was leading us to set off fireworks or dig traps or hunts."

"That was children's games and the wild imagination of youth. Girls change when they become women, lad. They become different people. Your mother...but we'll speak of this another time. Travelers, if you're staying with that woman and you don't want an ale, then I see no reason for you to linger here, yes?"

Dire Lemming

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Alphonse is taken aback by the man's sudden change in mood. "Please sir, I just want to help. Is there anything you can tell me? Anyone whose seen these things?"

Rystil Arden

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"Hmmph," he harumphs, "All sorts of excitable folks will say crazy things, but they're just chasing shadows. There aren't no such things as ghosts."

"I've seen the ghost!" a drunken man stutters, "A sheet around it like a cloak...or a cloak like a sheet...or..." he hiccups, "The ghost took my Dorothea. She disappeared the same night the ghost appeared!" he guzzles more ale.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Al finds himself torn between the absurdity of the man's description and the serisousness of this supposed ghost's actions.

"A ghost in a white sheet? .... Uh, where did you see it?"

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