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Erik designed the Century Worm?


Joshua Dyal said:
There's an awful lot of double-entendres in that thar paragraph. Maybe it got cut on purpose when they saw the artwork that came back? All those references to "doing what comes" and "erupting" looks really bad next to a picture of a giant leaky penis.

It's a cautionary tale for young gamers... :D

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Darrin Drader

Erik Mona said:
Sometimes freelance writing is a bit of a crapshoot.

Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. Anyone remember the discrepancy in the text of the sanctify the wicked spell from the Book of Exalted Deeds? In one paragraph it says that it can work on fiends and in the next it says the opposite. And then the template that goes with it says that the creature loses all SU abilities, yet the dragon still has its breath weapon. The developers really are the unsing heroes of the whole process, but there are times when I wish they would go over the final results with the original designer before sending it off to print. In this case they took the one thing about that book that I was the most excited about having written and completely undermined the entire concept upon which it had been based.

My original intention behind that spell and template was to allow characters to do the impossible - turn a force of evil - a fiend - into a good aligned creature. My secondary motivation behind it was to make it possible for players to play god aligned versions of lesser devils or demons that had been sanctified. I'd been watching a bit of Buffy and Angel at the time it had been designed and it seemed only logical that there should be some good aligned demons in existence. Aside from that, I originally applied the template to a bearded devil, not a red dragon.

Oh well, as a freelancer, you put your head down and keep grinding forward.

Psion said:
You know, Josh, for a member of our faith, you sure have a dirty mind... ;)
It is difficult when there's a picture that looks like a big ole penis in the first post.

Plus my wife's been out of town for a few days... :uhoh:


I've heard that some people really like the century worm. Oh well, you know what they say: "Different strokes for different folks...." :)



First Post
For what it's worth I thought it was intentional. :D
I do think that the "lives for reproduction alone" theme was well matched.
Hey we have floating eyeballs in D&D why not giant spitting ...
The follow up should defintely be based around feet.

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