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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=82643]CaBaNa[/MENTION], we never implemented that island farm for Igor replacements. Martelai is right now in another hive (kruthik) in remote location. Should I try again? :p

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*Off in the distance, you can hear a muffled "thunk, thunk" that seems to go on for some time. If one were to glance outside, they would see a massive Goliath covered in bear skins chopping down trees with a huge axe. A growing pile of firewood sits nearby.*


First Post
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION], the experience posted before I was done writing, it sounds like a great idea! Remember to update the wiki if you claim a new site. I've still got the original claim form Martelai made up on the wiki. Mostly thanks to r1.


First Post
A few moments ago...

Yes YES! I'd love to learn astronomy! You mean the stars actually have influence on us?! What a theory! Do they just affect us naturally, or is there an intent behind their machinations? Oh the possibilities, show me where to start please.

7 Rabbit smiles broadly. "Of COURSE the stars have influence on us! Think of how MANY there are! There are only 12 gods - maybe a few more, but not too many. But there are THOUSANDS of stars in the sky! So it's not surprising that the will of the stars is greater than the will of the gods! And the gods hide themselves away, only speaking through priests and prophets, while the stars are right there in the night sky, where anyone can see and comprehend them..." He is interrupted as Lilli arrives.

Cheers Lilli, I'm Gil, a member of the institute and arcanist. I've just arrived to the islands recently as well, and let me tell you, every moment is a learning experience! 7 Rabbit is teaching me Astro-no-me right now, and earlier we learned about the consequences of extortion on the Hanged Man, one of the examples is still hanging outside!

7 Rabbit looks startled to hear this and cranes his neck towards the door. Apparently he was too wrapped up in his own troubles when he entered to notice.

If you came to learn about things the IAC is the magnet school for you, I'm so happy to have come to IAC Daunton, everyone is friendly, and the diversity is unmatched. I'm sure IAC Bacarte is just as exciting, if you were just passing via portal.

"Yes, hello, Lilli," says the dwarf. "I haven't been around for a while and I don't know what the Arcane Ciphers have been doing while I was gone, but I'll answer whatever questions I can." He takes a deep breath and shuffles his charts to a new page. "But first, do the two of you happen to know what stars were overhead when you were born?"

Meanwhile, outside...

Listen, crystal-man. I don't care if you are waiting for croutons or not, but I don't like waiting around. I'm going to go find some wood to chop or something. And I'm NOT a good little boy!

*He starts to walk out of the tavern, and says to no one in particular:*

I'll be right back...

Zardi steps out the door and finds himself face to... trunk... with a gnarled oak tree whose limbs grasp a longaxe even bigger than his own. A cruel light flickers in the creature's eyes, matched by the glowing runes on an iron bar driven into its chest.

"WOOD to CHOP?" rumbles Ironheart.


Meanwhile, outside...

Zardi steps out the door and finds himself face to... trunk... with a gnarled oak tree whose limbs grasp a longaxe even bigger than his own. A cruel light flickers in the creature's eyes, matched by the glowing runes on an iron bar driven into its chest.

"WOOD to CHOP?" rumbles Ironheart.

*Zardi looks up in surprise at the tree in front of him, and takes a moment to look him over. His face then breaks into a huge grin.*

Greetings, tree-man! I have heard tales of creatures like yourself, and I'm happy to finally meet one of you in person. Have no fear! My axe and I mean you no harm! When I return from my errand, I'll buy you a drink...in a LARGE glass!

*Zardi nods to the tree and walks off still smiling - he thinks to himself how wonderous the rest of the world must be, and can't wait to see more of it.*


First Post
*Hunzu looks down upon at the small lady beside himself. His telepathy continues.*

Yes, my telepathy comes naturally to my kind as we have no mouth nor organs in which to speak with. Instead we reach out with pieces of our consciousness, As for my suit, I believe it has made by a small flesh thing by the name of Gen. Or so it's sign had said so.

*He nods to her. Then looks to 7 Rabbit.*

I do not know which stars were over head when I was brought to consciousness. It is only recently that I have come to learn of these so called stars. For I have spent me entire consciousness Deep underground and only recently surfaced to find work and further my studies in the arts of the Arcane.


First Post
Ironheart hesitates, torn between his wish to protect nearby trees from the strange man with the axe and his growing curiosity about the strange structure. He settles for lapsing into immobility near the door again.

Just trying to cut down on having my two chars both RP in the same place at the same time.

7 Rabbit jumps as he hears the voice directed at him, and his interest sharpens. "You have been to Xibalba? In fact, you're FROM there? That's fascinating! You would be a great asset. And you study the Arcane arts... perhaps you are the Sage I'm seeking?

Tell me about Xibalba, and I will tell you about the stars!"


First Post
"But first, do the two of you happen to know what stars were overhead when you were born?"

“Ah, well, now here’s a problem here too. For most of my life I’ve lived in what was a backwoods part of Arcadia. I really am new to this place. You’ll have to forgive me, but your request…it is rather a taboo subject, what with individual birth stars being considered to be linked to our very essences. I can tell you that some of the constellations you can see here are sometimes inverted in the Arcadian skies I knew, if they could be seen at all.”


First Post
A few moments ago...

7 Rabbit smiles broadly. "Of COURSE the stars have influence on us! Think of how MANY there are! There are only 12 gods - maybe a few more, but not too many. But there are THOUSANDS of stars in the sky! So it's not surprising that the will of the stars is greater than the will of the gods! And the gods hide themselves away, only speaking through priests and prophets, while the stars are right there in the night sky, where anyone can see and comprehend them..." He is interrupted as Lilli arrives.

Gil stops taking notes for a moment, mouth and jaw hang slack, tilting his head to a 45 degree angle, his eyes glaze over.

His hand begins taking notes involuntarily, as Gil stays in the semi-trance, his world-view shattered. The rush of possibilities and questions had overloaded Gil's fragile mind. This happened enough, that the young human had developed a defense against the problem. The trance state allowed Gil's body to continue working at a rudimentary level, while his mind went to work reorganizing itself around the new possibility.


"Of COURSE the stars have influence on us! Think of how MANY there are! There are only 12 gods - maybe a few more, but not too many. But there are THOUSANDS of stars in the sky! So it's not surprising that the will of the stars is greater than the will of the gods! And the gods hide themselves away, only speaking through priests and prophets, while the stars are right there in the night sky, where anyone can see and comprehend them..."
Mikara, who has actually been listening, despite appearing aloof, hears 7 Rabbit talking about things about which he knows nothing.

Perhaps I should educate the fellow

She begins to sing to herself again, softly, but this time, a little more cheerfully:

A star is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees

Yo ho, it's hot, a star is not
A place where we could live
But here on earth there'd be no life
Without the light they give

We need their light
We need their heat
We need their energy
Without a star, without a doubt
There'd be no you and me

A star is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees

A star is hot

It is so hot that everything on it is a gas: iron, copper, aluminum, and many others.

A star is large

If the sun were hollow, a million earths could fit inside. and yet, the sun is only a middle-sized star.

The sun is far away

About 93 million miles away, and that's why it looks so small.

And even when it's out of sight
The sun shines night and day

The sun gives heat
The sun gives light
The sunlight that we see
The sunlight comes from our own sun's
Atomic energy

Scientists have found that stars are huge atom-smashing machines. The heat and light of stars come from the nuclear reactions of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and helium.

A star is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees

[sblock=Reference Citation]This is from the song "Why Does the Sun Shine?" by They Might Be Giants. The word "sun" was replaced by "star" in places to fit the context of the story.[/sblock]

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