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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Gil hears the responding hello, and approaches the patrons at the table the kobolds hide under, launching into conversation with them. The scholar is almost immediately stopped by the patrons facial expressions, one of them rudely gestures under the table.

Gil takes a knee and peers underneath, speaking in draconic Greetings?

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Having only heard them speak in a language she didn't know, Vyrna was relieved when one of the kobolds began speaking in the common tongue.

"Hello there. Not sure if you've been around for a while, but have you seen a black ship, captained by someone named Blood Lung?"



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Ignus peers at Gil and replies in common for the halfling, "What, you never seen a couple of kobolds under a table before? These nice gents," he taps at the exasperated patron, "didn't seem to mind us jumping under here with all the commotion." He peers past Gil, "Things seems a bit less frantic now, 'spose we could sit at a table all civilianized."

Ignus then turns back to the halfling and scratches at the nasty looking brand on his forehead, "Last boat I were on didn't really approve of sight seein', they preferred us on the oars or chained below deck so can't say 'dat I have."


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"A black ship? I haven't seen any sort of ship, not recently, because I just got back from another dimension--at least, I think it was another dimension. How do you know when you're in another dimension? I mean for sure? Do you just assume it's another dimension when a lot of very strange things start happening, like caterpillars telling you about mushrooms? Because there are a lot of places in the real world--I mean this world; I don't mean to suggest that the other world isn't real, if it is another world...." Papolstaanas trails off, suddenly aware that people are getting a slightly glazed look and that he has utterly lost his original train of thought. "Something about ships?" he mumbles.


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Ignus seems completely lost by Papolstaanas' ramblings until the comment about mushrooms, "Now, mushrooms I know. Though usually the caterpillars only tell me about mushrooms after I already ate the mushrooms. And just some advice, eating mushrooms ain't near as good as getting blackout drunk when trying to avoid prophetic visions."


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"Oh, well, I've never had a problem with prophetic visions," says Papolstaanas happily. "Just voices in my head. But, if you've heard the caterpillars as well, then maybe I wasn't in another dimension after all. Were your caterpillars big? Because the one I saw was kind of enormous. Or ... maybe I was a lot smaller than usual. But actually it started talking about the mushroom before I ate it--I mean before I ate the mushroom, not the caterpillar--and, well, eating the mushroom was not such a good decision in retrospect."


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"Did you ever hear if Graval recovered fully?"
"I have not heard recently," Mallaby says, "but he was well on the mend when last I saw him."

"But now to business."

The nobleman turns towards Sound of Stone.

"Master Sound of Stone, I would be honored if you would join this expedition. As any of my friends can tell you. . ." he trails off, realizing he's gesturing at Tyris, then quickly switches so he is pointing at Zardi instead. "As my friends and prior traveling companions can tell you, we have recently returned from the northern part of the Allarian continent, where we went for what I thought was to be my wedding. The wedding did not take place, and while disappointed, it is for the best, as my former intended was revealed to be not worth my attentions.

"However, on the journey, I encountered a band of--well, bandits is the word most often used--and their leader, a strong and forceful woman named Ismene. My friends and I eventually rescued her when she was captured by Hobgoblins. I say 'my friends and I', although I did very little of the work, dispatching only a single Hobgoblin, while my companions routed the rest of the band.

"It was after this rescue, that I spoke with Ismene. While she values her independence and that of her companions, a continued life of foraging in the woods and occasional raids on nearby villages is no way to age gracefully. Indeed, her capture had underlined her vulnerability. I suggested to her that she, with her knowledge of the woods, is in a position to become more. Indeed, her position on the border of the New Allarian lands with those of the emprire of Hzaka means that she and her people have an opportunity to be not bandits that prey on the villages, but stalwart defenders of those villages. To this end, I have offered to send supplies, and so it is that I turn to my erstwhile companions, and other brave souls such as Master Sound of Stone here, to escort those supplies, and see that they reach the valiant Ismene, and upon arrival, perform such tasks as she may need."

He unrolls a map upon the table.[sblock=map]
[/sblock]"Here is a map of the region in which Ismene operates. The four villages closest are marked on the map, including Achirem, through which we passed on our recent journey. I have also marked in Ismene's foot bridge across the Bramble Scar, and the site of Crovale which was our objective then.
"Ismene's camp is not marked on the map, as she did not wish it marked in case the map fell into the hands of those who would do her harm. It is located in the hills north of the Scar, in the area of the center of the map. Due to the difficulty of getting wagons across the Scar, the caravan will take the more northerly road from Ristaren. Ismene, or some of her people are to keep a watch on the Capedecol Bridge across the Skarling River as it flows northward from Glass Lake."

He looks up from the map.

"Feel free to ask questions," he says "and I shall answer them to the best of my ability."


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"I have not heard recently," Mallaby says, "but he was well on the mend when last I saw him."

"But now to business."

The nobleman turns towards Sound of Stone.

"Master Sound of Stone, I would be honored if you would join this expedition. As any of my friends can tell you. . ." he trails off, realizing he's gesturing at Tyris, then quickly switches so he is pointing at Zardi instead.

Tyris narrows his eyes at Lord Mallaby just for good measure, but knows the nobleman didn't mean anything by it and is actually amused at his discomfort.

Voidrunner's Codex

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