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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


A pair of muffled voices can be heard coming from just outside the tavern door, speaking in a foreign tongue.

[sblock=Draconic]"It's stuck!"

"Are you stupid? Just push on it!"

"You're stupid! And I am pushing!" At that moment, a faint thunk can be heard against the door. "See?"

"I don't believe it. Move over and let me try!" After that, an even weaker thunk than the first can be heard. "OW!"

"What... what should we do? Zak DIED to get us here! And now we can't even get inside!"

"We can... um... uh......... ARGG! How much Common do you know?"[/sblock]
After the initial conversation, one of the voices says in Allarian, "Help!"
The second voice immediately follows with, "Yes! Uh... door!"

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Lilli looks up at the door and realises that if it is stuck she's not likely to be of much help. She's sure that the tavern's owner won't want to miss out on any potential customers, though.

"Ah, pardon me Blagarm, the door appears to be stuck and you have customers that want to come in that can't."

Blagarm frowns, throws down the wet rag he was wielding, crosses the tavern floor to the door and gives it a good hard yank.


The door opens surprisingly easily. Before Lilli stands two kobolds with light black scales, one male and one female. The speak briefly to each other.

[sblock=Draconic]The female cheers, "Hooray! It's open!... Wait, AHH! It's a GNOME! Kill it!"

The male raises an arm toward his companion. "No, wait! We're supposed to be hiring people here. And Zak had the dagger anyway." This kobold turns to Lilli. He observes her face for a few moments and then suddenly looks fearful. "You... you speak Draconic, don't you?" He glances toward his companion. "Tak, you moron!" He looks back to Lilli. "Please, she didn't mean anything! We're not here to fight!" The male kobold is literally shaking in fear of Lilli.[/sblock]


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Lilli's a bit shocked at the reaction, never particularly having had anything against the kobolds that she'd seen hanging around the tavern. The ghostly green spider clinging to Lilli chitters angrily, but stops when Lilli speaks up as she also steps backwards to open the range.

[sblock=Draconic] "I'm not here to fight either! I just came here for a beer!" [/sblock]


[sblock=Draconic]"Let's, ah, start over, okay?" says the male.

"Uh-huh!" Tak chimes in. "I, um, spoke too quickly. And thanks for opening the door!"[/sblock]
The kobolds bow in unison to Lilli and then step into the tavern. They seem eager to break eye contact with her as they circle around her to get to a free table. Once there, they whisper to each other for a short time. The male kobold then hops onto the table and turns to face as many of the tavern patrons as possible. He speaks in exceptionally poor Allarian with a thick accent.

"We want bug killers! Come at tribe, kill bugs. Give gold! Who is good?"

OOC: I'm opening recruiting for a low level adventure for players around levels 1 to 5.

Malakai's face transforms momentarily, showing a sneer of dissatisfaction that was directed at Flervin for just a split second. "I am no warlock! I am a sorcerer who wields the power of the elemental chaos. I burn with the power of magma, hotter than flowing rivers of molten lava. I am Malakai, son of ---" he suddenly realizes that he was getting angry. Blagram certainly would not appreciate him getting mad...especially once It took over.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Malakai calms himself. Wanting to avoid the question of who his father was, the Tiefling moved to change the subject. Turning to Sheng, Malakai held Dein's tome out to the more experienced arcanist. "The knowledge I seek is in here. I need to find a way to decipher this mess of scribble, rune, and incoherent nonsense..."

Although he had only been in the Hanged Man for a short while, he wasn't anywhere near done to venting his frustration with the bandits who had got in his way over at the d'Argent manor, and blasting some bugs might not be a bad thing.

"Just gold?" he queried the two kobolds. "I prefer items of a magical nature as rewards for my services, but I suppose gold will do. What kind of bugs are we talking about here, and how many of them are there? Also, I need this guy here to read my tome for a few minutes before I come along with you...but so help me if you don't make this worth my while...I'll let It take over...and believe me when I say that there won't be much village left for saving if that happens..."

As Malakai says It, his eyes flare molten red and slowly fade back to their normal color.

OOC: Malakai, level 6 fire elementalist sorcerer is ready for adventure!

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
The bug-armored warlock raises his head and speaks resonant language of dragons languidly.
"My, my, scary aren't he."

Changing to common:
"I would like to come and see if that's some new kind of bug. If not, I'm not really interested in money. But on the other hand, I don't have a habit of threatening hapless folk who came to me for help, eh, sorcerer? You say you're not a warlock, but you are bound to something. Chaos maybe. Something unknowable, but you still fear it. I'd say you're rationalizing to avoid the truth you don't want known. That is, you are a warlock. Heed the words of a seer, truth is always better then lies even to your self as it leaves you less open to manipulations of others. Including demons."

OOC: Level 9 starpact warlock, more controller then striker...I realize this is too high. I also have chaos sorcerer 6 in dead adventure, but I think there are enough people to fill the party of lower levels...let me know if you need another striker


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Lilli shot back to the work she doing for Flervin and pointedly set to it.

[sblock=Eladrin]"A-ha-ha, he really is a nutcase," [/sblock] she softly muttered in Eladrin.

OOC: Lilli's level 7, but I could generate a level 1 character.

"Many people speak the language. You should be careful of what you're saying especially in this colorful place." speaks the Voice of the Sky Lord

OOC: deva invoker 9, it seems there are more 5+ level characters around then lower. Is there a possibility to change the adventure level range upward?

Son of Meepo

First Post
Dina looks at kobolds, but somehow wasn't sure if bug killing was the best use of her talents.

The deva replies in Draconic that is technically perfect, but lacks the natural fluidity of a native or even a practiced speaker.

[sblock=Draconic]Tell me. What sort of bugs is it that has you scared?[/sblock]

OOC: Dina, level 8 deva artificer|warlord needs one more approval from a senior reviewer before she can go adventuring again.
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