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Experience II

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Happy that the fire-spirit is behind them, though certain he's left his stomach behind on numerous occasions when the boat has shifted direction, Granite nevertheless welcomes the sight of dry land.*

"'Tis th' finest place I been seein' in a dog's age..." Granite says with reverence.

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Paxus Asclepius

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For the time being, only birds, trees, and swamp can be seen. Though fish likely lurk beneath the water, it is too overgrown with plants to see.

Jonath notes grumpily that you'll have to leave the ship sooner or later; there's only about a week's worth of water left aboard, and he's hesitant to drink the fetid stuff that you're currently floating in.


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Silvermoon asks Skreg to fly upwards some and take a look around, maybe he can see more interesting details from above.

Meanwhile she makes herself ready for departure. It seems obvious, that the ship won't get them any further, and that means they have to go by foot or whatever other means of travel are available.

Her clothing has changed to something more suitable for the upcoming exploration. Her gracile body is now dressed in comfortable black cloth, long pants and a tunic-like shirt, above which she is wearing her grey-green cloak. Apart from some silver jewelry and her small backpack, she does not carry much.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Granite is rather pleased that they're finally going to make landfall, and gets Louella ready to move out. She, of course, would be delighted to have her hooves back on solid land. Granite dresses as he usually does, taking fairly modest sips of ale as he watches the approaching land.*


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Waiting for Skreg to return, hopefully with a better overview than she could gather herself, Silvermoon can't help but let her thoughts wander about the whole situation she got herself into here.

“I wonder what's awaiting us in this desolate swamp.”

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Skreg returns, with the news that nothing but swamp, swamp, and more swamp is visible; there are tracks that indicate large creatures move through on a regular basis, but no sign of the creatures themselves.

The Sea-Gallop is remaining anchored, as Tarkson does not wish to expose it to whatever may lurk in the swamp; he asks if you, being "daring adventurers," wish to go looking for a source of fresh water.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Granite would protest the need for fresh water, for who needs that when you have ale, but then Louella gives a whinney of protest, and he realizes that she wants fresh water as well.*

"'Twill be a sacrifice, but I'll em'ty m' barrels of ale, an' bring Louella wi' me t' 'elp bring back wa'er, 'f we find it," Granite says with great reluctance. "No use in lettin' it go t' waste though, cap'n. Yer men or t' other passengers want to 'elp empty the barrels?"

*Once the barrels are emptied, or if someone points out he can just take the empty water barrels from the ship, Granite will invengle some method to get Louella down to the water, where she can swim to shore, Granite guiding her from the rowboat.*


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“There is only swamp as far as the dragon's eye can see. Let's have a walk around the area, maybe we can find some water for the crew. I have my own supply, but it won't suffice for the whole lot, I'm afraid.”

Silvermoon will then join Granite on a small expedition into the swamp.

Since she doesn't really feel like walking through the muddy waters, the elf casts a spell of summoning prior to emerging from the ship and calls a phantomlike horse into existance, which she then mounts and rides.

OOC: Casting Phantom Steed.
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Paxus Asclepius

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You enter into the swamp, and the buzz of insects and calls of birds soon engulf you. After half an hour, Skreg informs you that there's a small party of something speaking ahead and to your left; he was unable to actually see them, pinpointing them by the soft gurgle and hiss of their speech.


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Putting one finger across her lips, Silvermoon motions Granite to be silent.

“There are creatures ahead, a small band, probably of reptilian origin.”

Dismounting, the elf then tries to get closer to the spot so she can at least hear them, carefully hiding and sneaking while she does.

Voidrunner's Codex

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