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Faerunian Warforged?


Staff member
A little real world Chinese history helped me envision this:

A powerful mage's (or demigod's?)' huge burial mound is opened up, and inside is an army of inert Warforged, all different kinds, guarding their master's crypt. Then one or 2 at a time, they begin to awaken...

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Von Ether said:
... and perhaps some of the PC's "brothers" haven't lost their memories and have an agenda for the modern world. ...

I had not thought of "brothers" for the PC... that sparks my imagination a bit.

Some bits of my thoughts so far. There is a halfling mage who studied with Triobrand managed to activate the PC.

Assumming the PC wants to find out more about his origins will find clues to Triobrand's other endeavors.. leading to probably to Waterdeep and parts of Undermountain, where other Forged creations are found. From there the PC will find more ancient clues that lead to a complex located under Anauroch, where hundreds or possibly thousands of inert Forged can be found as well as some possibly repairable construction/replication implements.

All the while, in the background are Red Wizards, who have also found some Forged that they have activated, and the Red Wizards are looking for more to activate. The Red Wizards, not knowing the old methods of activation, have begun infusing 'souls' into their creations (using an idea from this thread). They have not refined the process as of yet, but are moving closer to a more managable production method.

As an odd twist, I may try to introduce the Yuan-ti into this equation, with some reptile-inspired Warforged warriors, but this will likely need more creative thought.

Does anyone have any thoughts on refining this set of ideas further?? Love all the input so far :D:D:D

I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said, but I'm having lots of fun reading this thread. It's almost enough to convince me to run a slightly modified (mostly in terms of tone) version of FR.


a couple of things to consider.

if you build it they will come.... meaning. you have to figure out or insert ways to repair, rebuild, or heal the warforged. much like the artificer was added to eberron. so to must a way to make playing a warforged a viable option in the campaign. otherwise... they died with their boots on and the technology went with them.

edit: and make sure you make things in the campaign fun or important for the warforged player to find.


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They are a new creation by Gond himself, sent to his clerics along with their other divine magic.

They indeed have souls, and these are the souls of followers of gond.

Gond has finally revealed a way he can have constructs that live. He had something along those lines once before: He had build enforcers for Cyric the Mad before Kelemvor took the title of Lord of the Dead, and after showing that technology can stand up to magic, he had taken them back. These enforcers were powered by the souls of some faithless.

After he took them back, Gond improved on the design. He did away with the complete magic immunity (due to an agreement with Mystra), and in 1374, the design was finished.

You see, You can let someone stay dead, you can raise/resurrect him, you can reincarnate him. Or you can Incarnate them: The mechanical bodies are first constructed by Gond's Techsmiths (often a long time in advance), and when a follower dies, they cast the Incarnate spell (Disciple of Gond 4). The soul returns to the realm of the living (just like with raise/resurrect or reincarnate), but instead of returning to the old body (or a magically created copy of that body, with true res) or into a new, random body, they return to the constructed body. They have their old ability scores (minus the old racial mods and plus the new ones), since the bodies will be created more or less in the image of the person intended to use it.

The whole thing isn't cheap, but the church of Gond sponsors the creation of artificial bodies for Gondsmen who cannot afford it (since Gond wants his technology to be more prominent).


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Kae'Yoss said:
They are a new creation by Gond himself, sent to his clerics along with their other divine magic.
They indeed have souls, and these are the souls of followers of gond.

That gives me ideas on another faction interested in the Forged and the processes that create them....

IMO no one really knows which way is the correct way to create these golem-like Forged. I am going to treat the discovery of the Forged as something of interest to many different factions.

Ideas so far for the factions:
-Red Wizards who activate through Arcane means (binding souls - often evil/insane)
-Lantanese who activate through Arcane but different means. The Lantan versions will be the smaller Scout model seen in the MM3.
-Halruan models (undeveloped idea so far)
-Triobrands experiments (Waterdavian - standard types most like Eberron's)
-Yuan-ti - rare reptile-inspired (based on ancient methods that predate most of Faerun's other races)
-and now the Gond divine activated faction.


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Be careful about giving them tails... or, at least if you do, be careful about giving them an additional natural "tailslap" attack.

A race with two natural attacks that would stack with claw/claw/bite of a dragon disciple could get pretty nasty.

Slam/Bite/Tailslap/claw/claw.... Or use those all as secondary attacks and start off with martial BAB based progression. Say use armor spikes for the weapon, so that you can get ALL those attacks. ^_^


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ARandomGod said:
Be careful about giving them tails... or, at least if you do, be careful about giving them an additional natural "tailslap" attack.

A race with two natural attacks that would stack with claw/claw/bite of a dragon disciple could get pretty nasty.

Dragon Disciple implies that they have dragon ancestors.... Half-dragon warforged? I guess so, with all their riches, dragons could afford really elaborate..... toys. :eek:


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I'd ask the player that wants to play the warforged.

"warforged hunh...where are you from, what's your story?"


You want Warforged with your Realms Flakes....

If thats what you want, have WOTC bring out SPELLJAMMER v3.5.
Very simple method then.
And you don't have to populate Toril with them everywhere to qualify as a race.

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