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Fallen Angel Ch2 [IC] - Calling Sherlock, Acid_Crash, Thels, Greegan

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
"I'll tell ye straight, lass, that if you lot had come to me sayin' that normally I'd tell ye to get back to the city where ye belong. None of you look like you've got any business being in th' wood, and I'm not apt to believe children's stories about ancient evils. More likely ancient ruins you hope t' loot." He runs his hand over the wooden token again. "But Mary says ye're all right, so I'll take ye as far as you'll go. When can we leave?"

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Nalya the NPC

"As far as I am concerned, I am ready now. Michael? Syfis?" Nalya says, eager to prove to all these people, and herself to some extent, that the No-god really does exist. Looting, eh? You'll see what lies at those ruins, no loot I am sure. If the elders predictions have already come true as the stars reveal then ancient bastions like this one will have been opened by those in service of the No-god. She thinks to herself.


~~~~~~ After a brief interlude ~~~~~~

While Michael and Nalya were speaking with Mahe a number of other people entered the small trading post. 3 humans and a halfling all seem to have gathered in this out of the way location. After a short aside between the three already there, Nalya turns to the new comers,

"Our mission is dire and we need help. Prophesies handed down through my tribe for centuries speak of the return of ancient evil. We three are on our way to an ancient stronghold of that forgotten power. We need some help to explore the depths of the bastion, because if the portents are correct it has already been re-opened."

Folco recognizes Mahe, a druid of the Glimmerwood whom he has met after crossing the mountains. Folco has come to the trading post to gather a few supplies from its proprietor. The other three Korton, Brother Provoni, and Erenor Argentis have been travelling together heading north towards the capital to hear of the Shriah speak. Brother Provoni led the three to this out of the way trading post after receiving some disturbing visions from the Phoenix.


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One of the humans, a tall thin young man in his mid twenties with green eyes and very short cut red hair turns to the young woman.

"Well met young lady." he says with a bow. "I am Brother Provoni, a humble acolyte of The Phoenix. I have traveled to this place with two companions, Korton and Erenor Argentis, because of a vision that I recieved from The Phoenix. It told me of a great danger to the land and that I was needed here. I feel in my soul that your tribe's prophesies and my vision must be connected in some way. I will gladly aid you in any way that I can." With that he extends his hand to the young lady.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Mahe grunts skeptically at the mention of a "vision." He doesn't put much like the religion of the land- civilized trinket worship, as far as he's concerned, and all this talk of crusades hasn't improved his opinion much. When Provoni addresses only Nalya, he snorts. "What am I, chopped liver?"


First Post
Eyeballing the new arrivals, Michael wonders what to think of them. Mmh, seems we're up to something big, but this time, I'm not with my trusted group of friends, but what seeems to be a ragtag group of wanderers. Let's just hope they hold out okay.

"Welcome, gentlemen! It seems like we might want to get each other introduced properly," Michael starts his introduction, cheerfull as ever, "I'm Michael Swordsbane, a sword for hire, slayer of vile evil, charmer in the taverns or looter of dungeons, depending on how I feel in the morning. Today I feel like taking it up for the world!" He grins, before continuing on a more serious tone: "Since some of our original group left, it seems like Nalya and I could use some help. Though no coins are set as reward, the chance that we'll be phraised by bards years after we're 6 foot under is something few should decline, feel they strong enough to take up the task!"


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Korton pulls his hood back from above his head and starts to look around at everyone, eyeballing both the females a bit. "Well young lady, tell us more of this quest of yours and perhaps we can come to some kind of agreement. Unlike Provoni here I just don't go by blind visions of grandeur but offer me something substantial and you'll have my services."

towards Michael:
After speaking to the elf, he turns his attention to the guy who spoke to them, "Well Michael, I'm Korton. You sure sound excited about going to your death."

After he speaks he lowers his backpack to the floor and leans against the counter. Turning to the lady behind the counter, "Where's the nearest place to get something to drink?"

Then he focus's his attention to the brute who felt ignored, "Hey chopped liver, what can you tell us about this place we are at?"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Mahe narrows his eyes. He's tall, dressed in a simple green robe, and brawny. "They call me Mahe, stranger, and if ye dinnae wan tae coom then I'll shed nae tears," he growls, his accent becoming thicker as his temper rises. "Yeer free tae go an' geet killed on some some damnfool religious crusade, that seemin' tae be the current draw for fools and mercenaries alike."

Wee! :D


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"Ahh so ya do have a name do ya, ehh Mahe. Sure sounds better than chopped liver, doncha think. I've been hired by Provoni here to escort him on his holy quest, and if he does decide on going on this so called fools quest, then as long as I get what's owed to me I'll make sure he survives to pay me what is promised. What can ya tell me about this forest we are about to enter, ehh Mahe?"


First Post
Folco has been waiting for Mahe to notice him for about a minute now, feeling a bit ignored by the guy who feels a bit ignored. (The irony!)

No matter. He understands. It's that whole "eye level" thing.

So, he steps into Mahe's line of sight as best as he can, stands on his tip-toes, waves a hand in the air a bit, and, first addressing Korton, announces:

"There's nothing Mahe can't tell you about the forest"--now turning to Mahe--"isn't that right, Mahe? Well, good day to you, sir, and fancy meeting you here. Who are your friends, if friends they be? And what's this about a crusade, I can't imagine you getting caught up in something like that."

He steps closer, hand out-(&up-)stretched, offering a shake and a warm smile.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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