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Fallen Angel Ch2 [IC] - Calling Sherlock, Acid_Crash, Thels, Greegan


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Seeing that things are not going so well, Brother Provoni clears his throat. "I think we have some things to discuss and the middle of the road is not the place for conversation. Is there a inn or tavern near by? My friends and I have traveled a long way and a cold ale and a bit of food would hit the spot while we talk, my treat of coarse."

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Sherlock said:
Seeing that things are not going so well, Brother Provoni clears his throat. "I think we have some things to discuss and the middle of the road is not the place for conversation. Is there a inn or tavern near by? My friends and I have traveled a long way and a cold ale and a bit of food would hit the spot while we talk, my treat of coarse."

"Best idea I've heard all day."

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Mahe ignores Korton and does a downward double-take and looks appropriately shamefaced, extending his hand for a shake. "Oh, a good day to ye," he says, his voice back to normal. "Sorry I dinnae notice ye before, but us tall folk can be right foolish and distractin' sometime." Obvious who that's directed to.

"As fer the crusade," he continues, "yer Shriah," he nods to Provoni, "'s callin' a holy war down on som 'un. Ye no me- I'm not comin' within miles o' no holy man's crusade."

At the suggestion of heading elsewhere, he nods and says "A wise choice. We can stop arguin' in this poor woman's trading post. And the young woman here," he gesticulates toward Nalya, "kin explain what's going on a mite better."


To the bar!

Following the meeting at the Trading Post, you all decide to find a drink. Being heroes, decisions like these can hardly be made without a pint in hand. With that in mind, you all exit the poor woman's trading post having crowded it for a while. You are in luck because across the small square there just happens to be a tavern, and its open even! Piling in, you find yourselves in a small room with only just enough chairs for all of you. The bartender, who had been cleaning one of the glasses, is rather astonished at the number of people who have just piled into his establishment in the middle of the afternoon. He busies himself with the drinks that you order as you get down to business (but not without that pint firmly in hand).

Nalya lays out the entire story up till now, covering even the events that Michael and his companions accomplished prior to when she met them. Her story begins with a tale of an Angel-child delivered to a small town a few weeks to the south. When Michael and his companions had arrived, the child had been kidnapped by unknown forces. Tracking them to the woods, Michael and company fought hard against bug-like ogres and a blue ogre who wielded magic. Victorious in their rescue they returned to town with the small boy named Arithel.

Nalya met them there having been led to that village and indeed those heroes, by prophesies laid down by her ancestors. Her village lies on the far side of the mountains to the west. Its traditions are very ancient and as such remember times that most have forgotten.

About 1000 years ago, the legends tell of an apocalypse that decended upon the world. Led by the No-god, vicious and foul armies devastated the kingdoms of the Three Seas. In the end the tide was turned back by valiant angels fighting with the Thousand Temples and the Schoolmen. Now most have forgotten those ancient times even the churchmen and sorcerors.

The prophesies tell of nine signs that will herald the return of the No-God and the coming of the Second Apocalypse. She begins to list them and the first few sound more like astrological mumbo-jumbo than anything else, such as the constellation Celebra will be in the houses of both Gon and Malvor during the first equinox, etc. Things start to get more interesting when she tells of the Holy War. While there have been holy wars before, to have one coinside with all of the events outlined presages dire consequences. The fifth sign speaks of angels being granted a life on within the kingdoms of the Three Seas. She points out that Arithel is only one of many such angels which now live among us.

The final four events have not yet come to pass. The first details several bastions of evil being re-opened by the unsuspecting. That is the sign that the current party is going to investigate, at an ancient temple located in the forest. The second says that a nation will fall, the third that war will open again in heaven and the last speaks of the air turning to poison.

"We must move quickly, for not only do we need to find out if the sixth sign has revealed itself yet, but we must also do so quickly. For we need to alert those in power of the threat. People will not believe us, thus the need for tanglible proof."

"Well there you have it, our quest laid bare. Now that you know what this will entail will you join us?"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Mahe rubs his bearded chin thoughtfully.

"I'll tell ye straight, lass- almost anyone come to me with that story and I'd send them straight back tae the city. But this... makes me feel a right chill, it does." Mary's vote of confidence did much to put Nalya in his good graces. That, combined with her talk of her elders (Mahe places much trust in tribal elders, who have entirely the right idea about nature), lent credence to his gut feeling. "I'll lead ye where ye want to go."


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"You have my aid in anything you wish to do, Nalya. Now I know for sure what path The Phoenix wishes me to walk." says Brother Provoni.


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"Ahh, this hits the spot," Korton says as he takes a swallow of ale.

After a moment of pause, he continues, "Well, I don't know about all of this about prophecies, signs, or what the Phoenix or your elder's in your elf village has to say. All I know is that as long as Provoni continues to pay me as he agreed when he hired me to protect him on his quest, I'm in."


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Folco spends a while brooding over his pint-sized pint, looking like he's doing some sombre, heavy duty pondering. Then, suddenly, his face brightens and he looks up, looking pensive but relatively upbeat.

After first coughing loudly to get the attention of the Big People, he begins,

"Ahh. Hmm. Actually, you know, I'd only come into town looking for some supplies, as opposed to, say, a grand quest to save the world from this apothe... apos... aposcalith. But you say you're heading to, what was it, an ancient bas-chun of evil, and if it's somewhere in yonder forest I should certainly like to see it with my own eyes, at least."
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Happy that all who have gathered will join the quest, Nalya suggests that they depart once they have finished their drinks. It is still early afternoon, so there is plenty of daylight to travel under.

Is there any last minute supplies that you wanted to pick up before heading into the forest?

ooc - i will call for Greegan to post, but for now we will assume that he has accepted the quest.


First Post
Brother Provoni will get some fresh food to last a couple of days from the tavern. Other than that he is ready to go. At least after he finishes his pint that is. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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